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1. They wanted 6 suspected gun thieves released from prison.

2. They incited a riot to try and get their own way

3. Now they asking HM King to throw out the elected government of the country.

Now I do not condone the deaths of the people in custody.

That was awful,


Come on!!

1. They wanted 6 suspected gun thieves released from prison.
Those arrested claimed they were forced under threat of death to give up their weapons, was what I saw reported...Is there more to this story that shows that they were the thieves?
2. They incited a riot to try and get their own way

All the reports I saw said it was a non-violent demonstration before the military fired on them...


Your avatar says it all!

Come and live in Indonesia like I did for the last 6 years.

I can tell you some stories. :o


Hey Astral, no need to jump on the Anti-Muslim bandwagon, after all they are in thh majority in the Southern provinces.

And who wants to see the Army as they were back 20 years or so......The government have completely IF******UP this time!


When large numbers of people decide to protest outside a police station then usually there is a suggestion that those held may have a case. The authorities adopt an attitude that your views have no value and this antagonises the situation and then to respond by mass arrests and use of firearms well it is no wonder the Muslim community feels they have been brutalised. The government response is typically authoritarian and the result a huge long term problem. The only response now by the southern elements who feel oppressed is violence. So watch out suicide bomvers, bombs in Bangkok and tourist areas will follow.

Like Bush Thaksin is making the same mistakes

I dread to think what will happen next

Muslims feel that others - Protestants,Jews,Christians and now Buddhists consider their religious group as uneducated and barbaric. The truth is that if you tell anyone that they are bad.violent and fanatically day in dayy out they eventually respond that way. Note childrens behaviour when you physically punish them they follow the same behaviour pattern as they see no other choice to be heard.

Dialogue is the answer not the stick or gun.

Now I do not condone the deaths of the people in custody.

That was awful,


But what? Should they shut up and stop criticising? Is it unreasonable to demand consequences for those responsible? Initial demands often reflect the gravity aportioned to an incident, not always an appropriate measure.

Hey Astral, no need to jump on the Anti-Muslim bandwagon, after all they are in thh majority in the Southern provinces.

And who wants to see the Army as they were back 20 years or so......The government have completely IF******UP this time!

You're not serious are you? Wow!!!

Try this, "all radical Muslin terrorists must die."

I've been dealing with these bastards since my first trip tp India in 1974.

Everywhere I've been they have allways been at the center violence. My unncle was in the French Foriegn Legion. He is 73 now, was wounded three times by them in Tangiers and Algeria.

Even though we have quite a generation gap we have the same opinion on these radical Muslims... :o

......The government have completely IF******UP this time!

Not the first time. Didn't something similar happen in 1992?

Try this, "all radical Muslin terrorists must die."

I've been dealing with these bastards since my first trip tp India in 1974.

Everywhere I've been they have allways been at the center violence.  My unncle was in the French Foriegn Legion.  He is 73 now, was wounded three times by them in Tangiers and Algeria.

Statistically, as a US citizen, you are more likely to be gunned down by a fellow American, than to become a victim of a terrorist attack.

Your often posted quote makes as little sense as me saying "all gunslinging Americans must die".

So watch out suicide bomvers, bombs in Bangkok and tourist areas will follow.

and the blame ,should that happen , must lie with the suicide bombers and those who sent them, not thaksin,bush or blair.

any problem in the world that involves muslims will , sooner or later be hijacked by extreme elements of islam , who will do their very best to turn it into a jihad.

they are backed by terrorists from countries other than the country that has the initial problem , and the moderate muslims who would rather sort it out by negotiation , are not allowed to do so .

until radical islam and the people who promote , finance and carry out the bombings and murders are wiped of the face of this earth then the problem will always remain.

the moderates must be allowed to have their say and not be silenced by the radicals.

apologists for radical islam , blaming it on a reaction to persecution by the west or by thaksin should take off their blinkers and try to understand exactly what radical islam stands for and how , if it is not stopped could bring the world to war , whatever the west chooses to do. they will not negotiate and will not stop their unrealistic demands.

muslims are denied education as we know it, instead they are brainwashed at religious schools financed and set up by radical sympathisers.

[Everywhere I've been they have allways been at the center violence.  My unncle was in the French Foriegn Legion.  He is 73 now, was wounded three times by them in Tangiers and Algeria.

Yeah , you are right , those ###### muslims had no right at all to try to kick the french out of their countries.

They should ofcourse have remained contented with being ruled by foreigners. :o

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