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Thais Vote With Their Wallet


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IamMaiC - Last year in my home town of Gloucester (uk) a cell of muslim terrorists was uncovered and large amounts of bomb making equipment (including explosives) was found. This was all less than 3 miles from where I lived.

Now... I will not condemn the rest of the Muslims who live in that area ( which is predominantly Asian Muslim) just because of the actions of some fanaticals who have been brainwashed by radical fundamentalists.

I walk through that area every week and always get smiles, never anything else. I even buy phonecards from a shop there, he gives me discount and we sit and have a coffee sometimes.

We are an intergrated society and it would be a shame for a certain minority to ruin that .

All this said... I know that this is the case in my town, however I would not feel so secure in other areas of my country such as Bradford, Leeds etc, where there are large numbers of Muslims with no interest in intergrating into British society, many of these Muslims are trouble makers and could become a real problem in the future.

totster :o

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I lived on the border of Chapeltown/Harehills in Leeds and have not had the slightest problem with any of the Pakistanis there, except some verbal disagreements about my neighbour's 12 and 17 year old daughters being promised for marriage by the parents, but this was 20 years ago.

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I lived on the border of Chapeltown/Harehills in Leeds and have not had the slightest problem with any of the Pakistanis there, except some verbal disagreements about my neighbour's 12 and 17 year old daughters being promised for marriage by the parents, but this was 20 years ago.

There was a program on the TV a while back where a crew went into some of these Muslim areas and talked to the youngsters on the streets. They were openly militant and anti UK... It was an eye opener, and left me thinking...

I hope the UK doesn't find itself in the same kind of position as Thailand is, with parts of the country being a Muslim majority and the trouble that could bring. I think it's a real possibility. :o

totster :D

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i would rather protest thai shops. spend as little as you can. what is happening in the south is not about religion, its about being treated like shit by the thai government for decades. being treated like that for your whole life, with no sign of hope for the future, i think (i hope - if you have any self-respect) you would protest too. those people were calling for the police to release suspects. suspects who were being held without evidence for over two weeks. suspects who reported that their weapons - issued to them by the Thai government - were stolen. later on the police figured they found easy scapegoats because they couldn't find the real thieves. so they arrested the people who reported their guns stolen. the protestors had no weapons. just rocks on the road they picked up. they probably didn't even pick them up until the thai troops brandished their weapons.

i think any elementary policing course teaches about crowd control to defuse a situation, not incite it.

everyone gets treated like shit in thailand - why shouldn't we think that the people from those provinces don't have a point?

just go to suan plu and see how you are treated by the officers. they treat you like you are some subhuman animal. see if they will look at you. or listen to you your questions. or, god forbid, speak to you in ANY language. they just point like they are some kind of monkey for you to get your stamp signed by some other moron sitting there reading the paper.

anyone who has lived in thailand for any amount of time knows that thais deal with problems by pretending they don't exist. this is no exception. for two weeks the thai police knew about the community's objections to these people being arrested. the whole protest could have been avoided in the first place by open communication. by thai's cannot accept any viewpoint but their own.

have you ever said the worst word in thai - why? say this to a thai and its an invitation for a fight. any type of discussion is viewed as criticism and you're not allowed to do that. because

Thai person = sheep

Doesn't your girlfriend know THAT THIS IS THEIR COUNTRY???? WHAT COUNTRY DOES SHE WANT THEM TO GO TO???? just another example of how ###### ignorant the average thai person is to almost every issue imaginable - except for how many different types of som tam there are. they believe every stupid word that comes out of the mouths of the thai press.

i for one will cheer when bangkok starts to burn.

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it just deserves. and its the only way that something will happen. if you've lived in thailand for more than a month, you know thais don't do anything until there is a crisis. you can remind them to do something every day for weeks at a time, but not action will be taken until its almost too late.

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it just deserves.  and its the only way that something will happen.  if you've lived in thailand for more than a month, you know thais don't do anything until there is a crisis.  you can remind them to do something every day for weeks at a time, but not action will be taken until its almost too late.

Nothing you say will justify this remark.

i for one will cheer when bangkok starts to burn.

totster :o

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You are going over the top, Darth. You may have personal grievances, but this doesn't justify rants like this. I have only few complaints about immigation officers in Suan Plu, and I have witnessed them reacting with patience towards enraged applicants demanding to debate the stupidity of the regulations. For me they even reopened a counter so I didn't need to come back the next day, and kindly refused the tip I offered afterwards.

Also, personally I don't react very friendly to folks aking me aggressively WHY I have this attitude or do that sort of thing.

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it just deserves.  and its the only way that something will happen.  if you've lived in thailand for more than a month, you know thais don't do anything until there is a crisis.  you can remind them to do something every day for weeks at a time, but not action will be taken until its almost too late.

Nothing you say will justify this remark.

i for one will cheer when bangkok starts to burn.

totster :o

right, my remark was a lot worse than others who are saying that all muslims must die

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it just deserves.  and its the only way that something will happen.  if you've lived in thailand for more than a month, you know thais don't do anything until there is a crisis.  you can remind them to do something every day for weeks at a time, but not action will be taken until its almost too late.

Nothing you say will justify this remark.

i for one will cheer when bangkok starts to burn.

totster :o

right, my remark was a lot worse than others who are saying that all muslims must die

No better or no worse... but it puts you in the same catagory as those who made the remarks.


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burning buildings doesn't mean the wiping out of an entire race of people.

anyway, these people have more sense than that. they are not extremists. there was already talk about them approching the king to ask for a change of government. they are not the animals that everyone is making them out to be.

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You are going over the top, Darth. You may have personal grievances, but this doesn't justify rants like this. I have only few complaints about immigation officers in Suan Plu, and I have witnessed them reacting with patience towards enraged applicants demanding to debate the stupidity of the regulations. For me they even reopened a counter so I didn't need to come back the next day, and kindly refused the tip I offered afterwards.

Also, personally I don't react very friendly to folks aking me aggressively WHY I have this attitude or do that sort of thing.

I went there on thursday. this time to the office on the first floor. the have no respect for the people who come in there. the three people in front of me were all arguing with the agents. mostly because there is not one iota of sense in all of this nonsense. i was wearing a shirt and tie and determined to be nice and not say a word. i had gone two weeks earlier and they said to come back yesterday with these documents. so i did that. the guy was like what is this i don't understand. then i told him. he walked away and came back with that book. nothing about the case, what documents were missing, etc. he read the documents, then handed them back to me and said "only seven days" and stamped that the visa was refused and i have to leave. when i asked, in thai, what i'm supposed to do because my work permit isn't finished yet, he laughed and repeated the question to the woman next to him. no eye contact with me nothing. he then preceded to disrepect my passport as they all do. he stamped on a fresh page again instead of the half empty page next to the non-imm b visa, and then, in order to bookmark the page in his notebook for his superior to sign the stamp, he flattened out the passport and broke the spine and used it as a book mark. that's when i shut my mouth. i also looked down at the desk and saw where they printed out the law concerning insulting immigration officers and the commesurate jail time. i'm afraid i'm not the only one.

how is it physically possible to get things done after 3 months? if the work permit is not done, you are out of luck? you're not allowed to do it from outside thailand

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You are going over the top, Darth. You may have personal grievances, but this doesn't justify rants like this. I have only few complaints about immigation officers in Suan Plu, and I have witnessed them reacting with patience towards enraged applicants demanding to debate the stupidity of the regulations. For me they even reopened a counter so I didn't need to come back the next day, and kindly refused the tip I offered afterwards.

Also, personally I don't react very friendly to folks aking me aggressively WHY I have this attitude or do that sort of thing.

I went there on thursday. this time to the office on the first floor. the have no respect for the people who come in there. the three people in front of me were all arguing with the agents. mostly because there is not one iota of sense in all of this nonsense. i was wearing a shirt and tie and determined to be nice and not say a word. i had gone two weeks earlier and they said to come back yesterday with these documents. so i did that. the guy was like what is this i don't understand. then i told him. he walked away and came back with that book. nothing about the case, what documents were missing, etc. he read the documents, then handed them back to me and said "only seven days" and stamped that the visa was refused and i have to leave. when i asked, in thai, what i'm supposed to do because my work permit isn't finished yet, he laughed and repeated the question to the woman next to him. no eye contact with me nothing. he then preceded to disrepect my passport as they all do. he stamped on a fresh page again instead of the half empty page next to the non-imm b visa, and then, in order to bookmark the page in his notebook for his superior to sign the stamp, he flattened out the passport and broke the spine and used it as a book mark. that's when i shut my mouth. i also looked down at the desk and saw where they printed out the law concerning insulting immigration officers and the commesurate jail time. i'm afraid i'm not the only one.

how is it physically possible to get things done after 3 months? if the work permit is not done, you are out of luck? you're not allowed to do it from outside thailand

Well, well. Didn't take you as long as I thought!

In a Post in Thai Visas, Residenct and Work Permits on 19 October I wrote:


Good heavens man - with an attitude like yours I am truly amazed you have survived in Thailand for 4 years!

The poor woman was obviouly only trying to help you - with a pencil yet, hardly what any reasonable person would call "defacing" a passport.

You seem to have serious problems in self-control!

If these sort of things cause you to fly off the handle you are heading for ulcers ........ or a severe beating from some "<deleted>" who takes exception to your abusive personality.

Doubtless at some time in the not too distant future you will be Posting again; to complain that your latest application for a Visa Extension was rejected by the Immigration "<deleted>" for absolutely no valid reason.

The sad thing is that you - and many others like you - really do not understand why, or accept any personal responsibility, when bad things happen to you in Thailand.


And you obviously STILL do not understand that it was YOUR attitude that got you into trouble!


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