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If you like a good (and cheap) cup of coffee, I recommend a place called "PERFECT BLEND". It's on Changkhlan Rd, in the Soi opposite the Kasikorn Bank.

The guy selects and roasts his own coffee beans.

Enjoy :D

That would be the same soi where you find Dr Nook's Animal Hospital, where there is now a donation box in support of the kitties at Wat Pa Pao :o

/ Priceless

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If you like a good (and cheap) cup of coffee, I recommend a place called "PERFECT BLEND". It's on Changkhlan Rd, in the Soi opposite the Kasikorn Bank.

The guy selects and roasts his own coffee beans.

Enjoy :D

Despite your being a mere newbie with only three posts, you take the trouble to promote yourself or a friend -- I mean, to provide us with such helpful information for our benefit -- that's just soooo sweet of you! :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I ain't a newbie and I don't have any vested interest in promoting Perfect Blend but I will agree entirely with the OP's plug. I gave the place the thumbs up in a previous coffee thread and I'll do it again now. The owner makes a top-notch cup of the old black stuff (not Guinness :o) and get this, it's only B25 a cup. No air-con, Wi-Fi or trendy ambience just dam_n good coffee. Unquestionably the best cup I've tasted in the city, for what my opinion is worth.

Edited by Bananaman
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If you like a good (and cheap) cup of coffee, I recommend a place called "PERFECT BLEND". It's on Changkhlan Rd, in the Soi opposite the Kasikorn Bank.

The guy selects and roasts his own coffee beans.

Enjoy :D

Despite your being a mere newbie with only three posts, you take the trouble to promote yourself or a friend -- I mean, to provide us with such helpful information for our benefit -- that's just soooo sweet of you! :o

What is your problem, Rasseru? Everyone of us started off as newbies at some time, hopefully without receiving your condescending sneers (though you are by no means the only TVer who enjoys putting down any new member who dares to post!)

My thanks to Sathip2008, who at least has given us all some useful information (quite valid information as well, it would seem from Bananaman's reply). Better to have 3 good posts, than a thousand dollops of drivel :D

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If you like a good (and cheap) cup of coffee, I recommend a place called "PERFECT BLEND". It's on Changkhlan Rd, in the Soi opposite the Kasikorn Bank.

The guy selects and roasts his own coffee beans.

Enjoy :D

Thank's Sathip, will look them up when next in town. Take no notice of the P-taker, it has nothing better to do. :o

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In Rasseru's defence, I think the point of his post was to wonder whether the OP was a "genuine" comment from a "genuine" member reporting on something he/she found. By no means unknown for first-time posters to appear on here singing the praises of something that is, in fact, their business (i.e. vested interest).

Looking at Sathip2008's other posts, let's give him/her the benefit of the doubt.

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If you like a good (and cheap) cup of coffee, I recommend a place called "PERFECT BLEND". It's on Changkhlan Rd, in the Soi opposite the Kasikorn Bank.

The guy selects and roasts his own coffee beans.

Enjoy :D

Thank's Sathip, will look them up when next in town. Take no notice of the P-taker, it has nothing better to do. :o

Do they sell beans there to take home?

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In Rasseru's defence, I think the point of his post was to wonder whether the OP was a "genuine" comment from a "genuine" member reporting on something he/she found. By no means unknown for first-time posters to appear on here singing the praises of something that is, in fact, their business (i.e. vested interest).

Looking at Sathip2008's other posts, let's give him/her the benefit of the doubt.

I'm sorry Steve, Rasseru's snide comments were quite undefendable. If he had bothered to look up Sathip's other posts before he posted, he might have kept his trap shut, or does he believe that Sathip also owns 3 restaurants, a major hotel and a rival airline to Thai Airways as well as a coffee shop?

IMHO, this forum could do with a few more informative posters like Sathip, and a few less holier-than-thou nit pickers like Rasseru!

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If you like a good (and cheap) cup of coffee, I recommend a place called "PERFECT BLEND". It's on Changkhlan Rd, in the Soi opposite the Kasikorn Bank.

The guy selects and roasts his own coffee beans.

Enjoy :D

Thank's Sathip, will look them up when next in town. Take no notice of the P-taker, it has nothing better to do. :o

Do they sell beans there to take home?

I can confirm that they do and heartily recommend the Espresso roast - it's rich dark and chocolatey. I recently heard that the owner of the place just got the contract to supply the Shangri-La with coffee so he must be doing something right.

Edited by Bananaman
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Well, well, well, I sure got a few good talkings to! By nature I am not one who buys easily into the consensus view of things, but in this case I think that the consensus view has a lot to be said for it, and that an apology is due from me.

I would like to apologise for the offence and upset caused caused to many by my undefendable, holier-than-thou, nitpicking, dismal, rude, condescending and sneering post. I did not mean it to be all of those things, but that is the way it came across, and in this case, at least, I think the proof is in the pudding. I apologise.

I would also like to say I that I am grateful to Steve2UK for his understanding.

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In Rasseru's defence, I think the point of his post was to wonder whether the OP was a "genuine" comment from a "genuine" member reporting on something he/she found. By no means unknown for first-time posters to appear on here singing the praises of something that is, in fact, their business (i.e. vested interest).

Looking at Sathip2008's other posts, let's give him/her the benefit of the doubt.

I'm sorry Steve, Rasseru's snide comments were quite undefendable. If he had bothered to look up Sathip's other posts before he posted, he might have kept his trap shut, or does he believe that Sathip also owns 3 restaurants, a major hotel and a rival airline to Thai Airways as well as a coffee shop?

IMHO, this forum could do with a few more informative posters like Sathip, and a few less holier-than-thou nit pickers like Rasseru!

I quite agree with UG's opinion about Rasseru, though the latter may have jumped a bit too early at his conclusion this time. Asking him to look up the OP's other posts may however be a bit much, the post in question is only the OP's second, his first one being made eight minutes earlier :o

/ Priceless

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Well, well, well, I sure got a few good talkings to! By nature I am not one who buys easily into the consensus view of things, but in this case I think that the consensus view has a lot to be said for it, and that an apology is due from me.

I would like to apologise for the offence and upset caused caused to many by my undefendable, holier-than-thou, nitpicking, dismal, rude, condescending and sneering post. I did not mean it to be all of those things, but that is the way it came across, and in this case, at least, I think the proof is in the pudding. I apologise.

I would also like to say I that I am grateful to Steve2UK for his understanding.

Good effort Rass. Great to know that you did not mean it to be ALL those things. But gee, that does leave the door open for some of them or a lot of other negatives not mentioned.

Frankly I do not care if you read the OP's other posts or not, your post was hostile if not sick.

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The assumption that an OP or other poster's information is below standard and/or worthy of ridicule just because they have not made a lot of posts is absurd. He/she may have lived in and studied all about Chiang Mai for 30 years and/or had 30 years experience as a professional coffee taster earning big money or have some other meaningful expertise.

It is ignorant to make such assumptions about others and impolite to state them.

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So please save your comment untill you can say you know who the person is.

I really think that that advice should be directed at Rasseru, and not at those who took umbrage at his appalling post!

My final comment on this sorry saga will be to thank Rasseru for at least having the decency to apologise for jumping to a conclusion that would seem to be without foundation.

Thank you.

Edited by catmac
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That is Not how life works.

If you would do this in "normal life" I think you would be sacked. You know why? Because you put all in writing which is, in my opinion, Bad Talk.

If you do not agree with a poster, simply say so without calling names, adresses, specifications of character and whatever you named it. (undefendable, holier-than-thou, nitpicking, dismal, rude, condescending and sneering).

Please have a little bit of respect and treat eachother with the respect you deserve.

Again, and for the somaniest time: There are thousands ways to tell somebody the truth, finding That one way, Not to offend the other is a gift.

And That is how life works.

Well, not everybody recognizes their unkind speech and apologizes. See:


Perhaps I should have said that's how life Ought to work.

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Someone made a thoughtless mistake, recognized it, and made a sincere apology for doing so. Probably learned something from it as well. That's how life works. Next!

Very well said! It takes a big man to make a sincere apology like that. It was required, but it was also excellent.

Next? How about getting back to the theme of this thread?

I like coffee now and then, maybe one mid morning twice a week when I'm working away quietly. Maybe every 2 weeks or so an iced one in the late afternoon to keep me away from beer Just a Little Bit Longer. But that is IT!

There is NO nutrition in coffee, unlike (some) beer. It is less healthy than tea. When purchased around here at ONE SATANG more than 30b a cup it is a TOTAL RIP OFF!

I see the idiots spending a fortune on this flavoured water in Bigbucks and wonder - what IS this coffee thing all about?

Are you all trying to emulate Adam from that (I admit) fairly good American cartoon strip in the B. Post? Is coffee addiction like his the ONLY legal addiction left around which a writer can build a family-friendly-politically-neutered comic strip?

Really, I am really curious rather than attempting to be sarcastic. What IS it about coffee?

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What IS it about coffee?

Caffene upper



Status - the specialties




In the first 5 it could be viewed as similar to beer/alcohol except that it is an upper rather than a downer.

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Really, I am really curious rather than attempting to be sarcastic. What IS it about coffee?

I prefer tea, but the stimulant effect is so mild that I can hardly feel it. Coffee gives me a jolt that often wakes me right up if I am not too tired. The speedy feeling is what makes me drink it a lot more often than tea. :o

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Well... :D

I just wanted to promote that very good place because I live in the neighborhood and I go there at least twice a week with my gf. The owners are nice people and also because I prefer to advertise a place where I don't need to pay a coffee or f.... "macchiato double cream with vanilla and other sh... "50 up to 150 THB at Starshit or Coffee puke...

She recommended the place I think 2 years ago; it was just a small and ugly coffee shop, and the guy was preparing his coffee with the oldest piece of s... I had ever seen, but the coffee was and still is delicious and cheap. Since that time, the place got more and more popular, especially with people from the Kasikorn Bank and now with the Shangri La... well, nice success story.

Those people are not members of my family nor friends, just nice thai people who started with nothing, who worked hard and who deserve to be known if you are coffee lovers.

That's it. For those who think otherwise, well just go :o yourself

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Well, first of all I think coffee, tea in all it's many varieties, as many other beverages are not much more

RIP OFFS then say beer, spirits, wine or Mineral Water, say "Perrier", "San Bernadetto", "Evian"....

Ever anyone seriously calculated the cost of living, regarding to the cost of what is really, really necessary to survive?

All the bucks, one spends too many could be saved, or fairer: share your job with someone else... who would?

So please let Starcups and who ever sell, what and for how much are they selling, as long as they have a market and people are happily spending that, where the have spend their irretrievable life-time hours for... let 'em, it's up to them, if you don't, don't!

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That is Not how life works.

If you would do this in "normal life" I think you would be sacked. You know why? Because you put all in writing which is, in my opinion, Bad Talk.

If you do not agree with a poster, simply say so without calling names, adresses, specifications of character and whatever you named it. (undefendable, holier-than-thou, nitpicking, dismal, rude, condescending and sneering).

Please have a little bit of respect and treat eachother with the respect you deserve.

Again, and for the somaniest time: There are thousands ways to tell somebody the truth, finding That one way, Not to offend the other is a gift.

And That is how life works.

Well, not everybody recognizes their unkind speech and apologizes. See:


Perhaps I should have said that's how life Ought to work.

Lanarebirth: Thanks for that interesting connection. Be great if more members read carefully and remembered.

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How about we call it quits on the point-scoring and get back to where to get good coffee - if there's anything more to say on that subject? Most of us who have posted more than a bit are likely at some time or other to have said/phrased something in a way that we later wish we hadn't....... there's plenty of mud to go around but we don't have to keep picking it up.

And no - that's not a claim to any status because I have notched up more than x number of posts in four years......... just a matter of statistical probability.


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I sampled the Perfect Coffee "SuperEspresso" today - definitely a winner (as are their cashew cookies). Dad speaks good English and his son even better - and it's the son who really knows coffee inside out. Interesting chat with him that resulted in my also buying a bag each of medium and dark roast to try 50/50, 70/30 blends for espresso at home. If I remember right, 85 baht per 250/200g bag (confusingly, medium roast is 250g and dark roast is 200g). Good find :o - thanks Sathip2008.

BTW, the soi is west off the south part of Chang Klan [i.e. not the Night Bazaar bit] not far from the Shangri La Hotel. As mentioned, big Kasikorn bank opposite the soi entrance.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Thinking of Turkish coffee, there is a great place just at the top of the wide steps diagonally opposite Central Kad Suan Kaew. Owned by a real Turk - his coffee is the real thing.......... a serious caffeine fix and he'll make it just the way you want it. Highly recommended and a great place to watch the world go by on the street below.

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