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How I Can Get Visa?(i Want Marry With Thai Lady)

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To be honest I am not sure you will find a legal job in Thailand.

For someone to employ you, they must be able to show that there is

no suitable Thai person available. To meet this requirement you will generally

need a University degree and a good level of experience in the job.

I have to agree with Abdulrahman,

Marriage to a Thai is in no way a right to live in LoS.

Try to speak with your partner about the problems before you commit yourself.

Good luck, Mohammad

i have bachelor's degree (B.S) in food science & technology from one of iran's university & i have 3-4 years ligal experience work in 2 good factory that one of them is very famous in iran in field of food technology (I.D.I iran dairy industry).but i dont know with this condition can i find a ligal job in thailand that i can have minimum requirment

income ? :o

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Finding a job will be hard, but not impossible. As Iranian you need a minmum income of 35,000 baht.

To realy find a job you need to be in Thailand, as they would like to meet you for a job interview if someone is interested in you.

But you could start by looking at some websites of Thai companies. Also have a look here:


Be sure to take Abdulrahman's advise at heart. Your wife doesn't feel at home in Iran, but will you feel at home in Thailand?

Good luck with finding a job.

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