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Quirks, Foibles And Ocd's


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We all have our odditie's, 2 of mine are:

1) I can't share any crockery, cutlery or glass with anybody, not even with my wife. And even somebody knicking a chip from my plate or intefering with my food in anyway will mean that I can't finish the meal.

2) The notes in my wallet (As few as there may be) MUST be arranged in order of denomination, with 20 BHT notes at the front through to 1,000 Baht notes at the back, the Kings head must also be facing forwards.

The same stands for coins which MUST be stacked by denomination and in multiples of 10.

I am sure that I am not the weirdest chap/chapess in the LOS, and so spill the beans, what odditie's do you have?

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Did you watch Monk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monk_(TV_series))?

So your oddities are not that odd...

We all have our odditie's, 2 of mine are:

1) I can't share any crockery, cutlery or glass with anybody, not even with my wife. And even somebody knicking a chip from my plate or intefering with my food in anyway will mean that I can't finish the meal.

2) The notes in my wallet (As few as there may be) MUST be arranged in order of denomination, with 20 BHT notes at the front through to 1,000 Baht notes at the back, the Kings head must also be facing forwards.

The same stands for coins which MUST be stacked by denomination and in multiples of 10.

I am sure that I am not the weirdest chap/chapess in the LOS, and so spill the beans, what odditie's do you have?

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I'm hyper careful with books, it was remarked on in one of my school reports. I have paperbacks that I have read two or three times that hardly look to have been opened. Added to which have quite an extensive library that I have built up over the years, something to share perhaps, except I really don't like lending books out.

The odd thing is, in all other respects I don't tend to look after things, I treat clothes, household goods, cars and almost all other things with non of the care I save for books.

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I also have to have my bills in order in my wallet.

But my weirdest one has to be my need for symetry in many things. If I touch a wall with my right hand while walking, I have to touch the opposite wall with my left hand. If I touch my Adams' ApPple with my left hand, then I have to do it with my right hand.

it gets so weird that if I touch something with my right hand with four fingers, then when I go to even it out with my left hand but only manage to touch with three fingers, then I want to touch again with my right with three fingers, then touch with my left with four to even everything out.

If I am kept from doing this for some reason, I don't freak out. If I go beyound 10 or 15 seconds without acting on it, the compulsion disappears.

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I do the money thing, but that’s more out of habit from not wanting to give a taxi driver a 1000 B note instead of 20 when drunk.

When I get into bed and get comfortable… I have a little disagreement with myself… Did I lock the door, of course I did, I always do..

But I can’t remember locking the door…

But its something I always do out of habit..

Well don’t get up I am comfortable…

No one will come in anyway…

But what if they do?

If I know the door is locked then I can sleep more peacefully…

But I am comfortable, I will sleep more peacefully anyway…..

Ok, if it makes me happy, get up and check the door is locked…

> It always is… Unless I am too drunk to have this mental discussion with myself.. That’s when I always find the key in the lock !

Another one – Straightening up my beer mat so that they are square with the table, I much prefer the round ones !

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...2) The notes in my wallet (As few as there may be) MUST be arranged in order of denomination, with 20 BHT notes at the front through to 1,000 Baht notes at the back, the Kings head must also be facing forwards...

I think that's normal, not a foible. I also put the dirtiest ones at the front of each denomination so I get rid of them first. :o

...I like sleeping in a 64F room at nightime, can’t sleep too well if temp is above that

Same problem for me, except it's 78º F, not 64!

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When in the tropics I cannot go to bed; whether as drunk as a skunk, or as sober as a judge; without plugging my phone in to recharge and without putting a new tablet into the mosquito machine.

Just can't do it.

Edited by tolsti
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When reading signs or posters, maybe on trains or driving and even on TV I very quickly count the number of words and divide by four. Done it all my life and whilst it doesn't make me fed up if it is not divisible by four, I just have to do so.

Same as the others with money. I always put it down to my Myers Briggs ESTJ personality (apparently 8.7% of the worlds population) where such people tend to live their lives by logical sequence. Not really what I would call an obsession but maybe a character trait that borders on it.

I guess the GOM was ESTJ :o anyone had the balls to ask him?


By the way, this post was not divisible by four unless you choose to uinclude smileys :D

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After having parked and locked the car, I always have to doublecheck and lock it again.....Also, when leaving for the airport or some border..I always have to check 3-4 times, to see if I have my passport and ticket....Lastly, I always pack my bag twice....crazy stuff!

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I do the money thing and I don't really like sharing glasses etc. I like to have the same color and kind of hangers in my wardrobe. I am obsessive about keeping notes of things to do. I recycle every bit I can if possible down to paper price tags on clothes and store receipts; that goes way back to when I heard acid rain was killing trout in the late 70s or 80s I guess. When I am sitting with the remote control watching TV I will unconciously start making some pattern on the keys with my index finger. I might have some type of compulsive disorder for cleaning and getting rid of unnecessary stuff. I have a habit of giving things away as soon as I don't think I will need it or giving something away if I think someone else would benefit more from that item than me.

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I have to dust my bed off every night before I get into it. Drives my husband crazy. I also cannot sleep in an unmade bed so if it is messy, I will totally make the bed and then get into it.

My other wierd thing is that I hate my doorbell. If it rings I feel instantly angry even if I am expecting the person and if it rings twice, I go nuts! If I wasn't leaving soon and selling the house I would have it disconnected.

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I have all of my clothes hanging on special hangers that have to be all the same colour, I can't use any hangers from shops at all & all my clothes have to be placed on the hangers facing the same way & the hangers all have to face the same direction when hung up too.

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Yes, the note thing is pretty common, especially among people who handle or have handled money for a living. Just makes things easier.

I have the same issues as Richard Smith--got to check if I have my keys, my phone and my wallet before I go out. Always double check the door is locked when I leave, but I have always put that down to forgetfulness, not OCD . :o

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I have all of my clothes hanging on special hangers that have to be all the same colour, I can't use any hangers from shops at all & all my clothes have to be placed on the hangers facing the same way & the hangers all have to face the same direction when hung up too.

How funny, I do the samething. When my clothes are dry, just hang them up and no need to fold them.

It just eaiser for me to see, don't have to go through the drawer dresser.

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Yes, the note thing is pretty common, especially among people who handle or have handled money for a living. Just makes things easier.

I have the same issues as Richard Smith--got to check if I have my keys, my phone and my wallet before I go out. Always double check the door is locked when I leave, but I have always put that down to forgetfulness, not OCD . :o

I have serious issues leaving the house for work each morning. Keys, wallet, ciggies, passport, phone, have I missed anything?

Keys, wallet, ciggies, passport, phone, have I missed anything?

Keys, wallet, ciggies, passport, phone, have I missed anything?

Keys, wallet, ciggies, passport, phone, have I missed anything?

The one thing I cannot live without though is my sausage pillow, bolster, whatever you call it. If I do not have it to cuddle and put one leg over there is no way I can sleep.

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I also have to have my bills in order in my wallet.

But my weirdest one has to be my need for symetry in many things. If I touch a wall with my right hand while walking, I have to touch the opposite wall with my left hand. If I touch my Adams' ApPple with my left hand, then I have to do it with my right hand.

it gets so weird that if I touch something with my right hand with four fingers, then when I go to even it out with my left hand but only manage to touch with three fingers, then I want to touch again with my right with three fingers, then touch with my left with four to even everything out.

If I am kept from doing this for some reason, I don't freak out. If I go beyound 10 or 15 seconds without acting on it, the compulsion disappears.

I used to have a very similar compulsion when I was a boy. I had to touch objects lighter than the previous time I touched them. And I had a pattern of touching things with my fingers that had to be repeated. The compulsions faded over time - I think by the time I hit puberty I'd forgotten about them.

They say that falling in causes very similar actions in the brain as being compulsive. I've been forever obsesses with romances through life, but even that is evening out as I age.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have quite a few quirks but the most obvious one is that I have this compulsion to keep my 5 vehicles in absolutely perfect showroom condition. I will go to extreme measures such a walking great distances just so I can park parallel rather than angle park because of the possibility of getting a door ding. If I am forced to angle park, I have special foam sidepanels that I have to put on the sides of my doors that protect me from other people opening their doors into me. My quirks do not go unnoticed by my family as they always laughingly tell me that I am lucky that I am very well off because people that have my quirks and have a lot of money are called eccentric but if they are not very well off then they are called crazy ! :D Even if people did consider me crazy, I would still continue with my quirks but it would sure make for a long day for me if I lived in a big city like Bangkok and had to park everyday. :o

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The notes in my wallet (As few as there may be) MUST be arranged in order of denomination, with 20 BHT notes at the front through to 1,000 Baht notes at the back, the Kings head must also be facing forwards.

I'm the same, I also have categories for my film and audio collection, and have sub categories within the main categories, pritty stupid I guess, but it works for me. My son has been told off for putting an action film back within the action film section, because it was not back in place within my stupid selection :D Think I need therapy :o

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