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Is a colonic (when they clean this out..is it colonic irrigation maybe?) a good idea? How do you feel after? Where should I get it done? What ae the benefits? What is the likely cost?

Is a colonic (when they clean this out..is it colonic irrigation maybe?) a good idea? How do you feel after? Where should I get it done? What ae the benefits? What is the likely cost?

ask weekendwarrier as he knows all about these things.


There have been " some" discussions about this before, please use the searchfunction, and i am sure you will find what you are looking for.


Never have. Never will. I doubt you'd find a legit doctor anywhere who would recommend it.

If someone has talked you into it, let this link talk you out of it.

Never have. Never will. I doubt you'd find a legit doctor anywhere who would recommend it.

If someone has talked you into it, let this link talk you out of it.

Good article and I hope 'colonickers' pay heed.

I have a feeling that folks who like colonics get a sexual thrill out of it.

I know of a lady who sustained a perforated bowel during colonoscopy - so if a doctor can perforate the bowel its probably more likely that a non-doctor can.


I have done it for health reasons and don't enjoy it at all - I certainly don't get a sexual "thrill". On the other hand, it is not uncomfortable and there is very little chance of damage because, unlike a colonoscopy, no hard instrument enters the bowel - only water.

I have never heard of ANYBODY who has had problems from a colonic since I first tried it 30 years ago, although I'm sure that one can find obscure cases on the Internet if one wants to badly enough.

I have done it for health reasons and don't enjoy it at all - I certainly don't get a sexual "thrill". On the other hand, it is not uncomfortable and there is very little chance of damage because, unlike a colonoscopy, no hard instrument enters the bowel - only water.

I have never heard of ANYBODY who has had problems from a colonic since I first tried it 30 years ago, although I'm sure that one can find obscure cases on the Internet if one wants to badly enough.

Agreed Ulysses G. I certainly don't get a sexual "thrill" - the notion is frankly ridculous if you have ever tried this! :o As UG says, it is only water going into you, no instruments etc!

Funnily enough, we went to Yanhee Hospital this afternoon for ..... Drumroll CI!!!! 880bt - clean, hygienic and far better priced IMO than the HydroHealth place on the top floor of the Hyatt Erawan shopping complex!

Many posts on this already - check out the search function.

Enjoy??????? :D


Where is the Yanhee hospital? Is the treatment uncomfortable? Is the feeling afterwards good? Are there benefits to yr health?



I have had a Colonic, and it was quite an amazing experience (afterwards). There was absolutely nothing sexual about it, and it was conducted in a well furbished, sterile environment. A little embarrassing at first, but I was treated with a lot of respect, and wasn't in a situation where i was exposing myself!! Afterwards I felt as if i was walking 'on air' and generally over the next few weeks i felt much healthier. The therapist who gave me the treatment was completely professional, and despite this being her own business/practice, she would not shorten the intervals when she had recommended treatment take place (even if that would have meant more money for her). Do not confuse colonic irrigation with enemas (which can be used for sexual purpose), which can be, i am told addictive and that causes problems. The problems are that the body has a very fine balance of electrolytes in its system and if that balance was changed significantly, it can indeed kill you (a fact which few people are aware of). This can happen with frequent use of enemas (I have read of addicts using this process, 5-10 times a day, and no surprise there have been deaths).

Read the following links concerning the therapy, to add balance to the article provided above. The figure in that article of 30 Gallons of water being used is incorrect. During the procedure a piece of equipment is used that limits the amount of water to a maximum of 15 Gallons, which operates on a cycle of water constantly in and constantly out (along with waste material), the pressure of water is less than that of any bowel movement. Incidents of perforated bowels, may occur, with untrained people, and not using the correct equipment. Cross infection should never occur as the sterallisation procedures for the equipment are the same as in any hospital.

The key thing is, find a trained practitioner with modern facilities and equipment. After your initial 'program', this is something that should be done as an annual or bi-annual maintenance program.

UK Colonic Association

Also look at the FAQs in the site.

Also as another example


There are a lot of magazine articles under the press and media bar.

I do not know of the quality of facilities in Bangkok. The chinese and Taoists have used it for thousands of years and they swear by the fact that a healthy colon will lead to longevity and a healthy life. Our modern lifestyles, junk food and affluency (allowing the purchase and consumption of lots of red meat), are not that good for the colon, and therefore, the body.

Good luck.

Edited to say i agree with Ulysses G's posting. Colonic Irrigation has nothing to do with colonoscopys. There is absolutely no deep penetration with equipment during Colonic irrigation. I felt very little discomfort (if any as far as i can remember) throughout the whole process


I've tried some of those "colon flushes" you can buy in the pharmacy, some kind of a fiber drink thats tastes disgusting.

If you take it before you sleep you probably will wake up about 5-6 am and need to 'go' pretty rapidly. Seems to work as the "deposit" is quite substantional, this a happens a couple times over the morning so I wouldn't suggest taking it prior to bus journey ..

I think it was a 2 week course but I gave up after 3 days as I found the daily experience rather draining ...


For those gathered here (yet again) to enjoy stories about bodily functions and extreme flushing, if you've never read Blu-tone's hilarious but epic adventures with Agent Picolax and the Rabbit from Donnie Darko, you've missed one of the best threads ever.

The original thread was on a bike forum but has expired unfortunately along with other user comments which helped build the suspense. It has been cut and paste all over the web though.


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