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Why Has Phuket Got Malay Name?


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Suggest away, I am asking as a poster. I can't see any reason why sur burr would make such an issue out of only 1 persons reply, when several other posters have come up with their own, which are also, according to his answer, not correct? Just seems a bit stalky to me :o

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Suggest away, I am asking as a poster. I can't see any reason why sur burr would make such an issue out of only 1 persons reply, when several other posters have come up with their own, which are also, according to his answer, not correct? Just seems a bit stalky to me :o

I suggest you reread the thread. Three posters have replied with a meaning of the word. One poster doesn't acknowledge these answers.

Jeez....life's too short.........

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Yes, far to short to have to read posts from people with issues with another poster. You singled out her answer (amazingly NOT replying to the other replies that don't agree with your opinion) to make an issue over & then made more snotty comments when she replied to you. Jeez indeed.....

As she rightly said, this is a discussion forum, not a history competition.

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Just as a total 'couldnt give a hoot' poster..

I would say SB makes sense.. Theres only one user claiming its what its not and then trying to modify the answer repeatedly..

When a poster says something thats wrong its natural to correct it, when they insist on continuing to be wrong despite lots of clear evidence to the contrary its natural to try to correct them even more clearly and firmly..

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Theres only one user claiming its what its not and then trying to modify the answer repeatedly..

Where? She hasn't claimed anything, only what she understood it to mean from reading materials. It is an opinion. Also I see no answers being modified here. So please back up yor claims.

She gave an opinion (as did many others) sir burr took issue with hers alone & she responded to him. he then made yet more issue on her reply to him & she again, responded to his attack. She hasn't claimed to be right & her opinions, as is sir burrs, are just as valid. if she misunderstood the mean of a malay word then it is hardly a good enough reason to pick holes in her because of it.

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Why? She hasn't said it doesn't mean hill just as she never said that it was fact it meant peninsular.

But the word & it's meaning are not the issue here is it?

Khall misunderstood the meaning of the word but clarified in subsequent posts that she got it from historical text. If it is wrong, so what. It doesn't give you the right to be so nasty about it.

Here is her reply to your post correcting her, quite pleasant & clearly she admits to being misinformed. Nothing to warrant your next rplies for sure.

Thankyou for pointing that out Sir Burr - I was confused when recently in Bali that 'Bukit' referred to the hills - contrary to what I'd read in previous research into historical Phuket which referred to the theory of Phuket as peninsular several hundred years ago, before it was theoretically cut off from the mainland by a major tidal surge

And again, she never said it was fact that it meant peninsula & again, only expressed her opinion as to what she had understood from the text;

Perhaps it was meaning "hilly" peninsular.

Maybe you need to not be so nit picky, IMO I find it all this bullying a clear indication of what this forum really doesn't need.

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I notice that you couldn't fulfill my request.

Sorry, I don't see it as "bullying". I tried to inform with the correct meaning (as did others), but, this attempt wasn't taken very gracefully, but with sarcasm.

Don't believe me? Read the thread again.

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sir burr, I have been quite clear above, khall has not claimed it didnt mean hill so please explain why I would need to

point out any post other than khalls that claims the word Bukit doesn't mean hill
but with sarcasm.

There is nothing in the post I quoted above even remotely sarcastic but the mind sees what it wants I suppose or else you have the power to read minds. Hmm ok.!! (That was sarcasm :o )

This discussion is getting no where but lets use it as a reminder that no one is right 100% of the time & that there is a huge difference between pointing out someones mistake & being a pedant.

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Not to intrude on this sensitive issue, but 24 seconds spent googling:

FREELANG - Malay-English and English-Malay online dictionary

Searching for: bukit (1 result)


Indeed, I think it has been well established that the common translation of bukit is hill.

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well, as it was my topic, I don't know what all the bickering is about. Haven't you guys got anything better to do? I think most people who have lived in either Malaysia or Singapore will know that bukit means hill in Malay. Probably Khall has never lived in either of these countries - so what? I'm sure Khall knows a lot of things that I don't know.

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Thanks for mentioning that history. But that's from my old blog. It's also on my current blog at http://baanjochim.com/?page_id=15 -- I plan on adding to the history soon, as there is plenty of information I've since discovered...


Interesting - I never associated Phuket with Bukit - I will ask at work tomorrow as I bet the Singaporeans and others I work with do not either - I live in Bukit Timah

I also found some interesting stuff here


Wow that's really interesting. I've just read about half of it - it's very long isn't it? But confirms what Ade's GF also said about original permanent settlers being Malay. I've read a potted history of Thailand in a Thai book and nothing mentioned about Malay settlers (politically incorrect I suppose). Okay, puzzle solved - thanks very much everyone!

Prakanong, I haven't met you have I?? Was in a bar in Rawai about a month ago and met a couple who lived in Bukit Timah who were visiting - they had a holiday villa in Nai Harn. Just wondered. Though I guess a lot of Bukit Timah residents come to Phuket (or Bukit :o ).

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