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Master Degree In Bangkok...?


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I can tell English is not your native language because you cannot follow nuance, and you know what Dakhar, that's okay. I'm tired of arguing senselessly, when in most cases it has more to do with misunderstanding than any actual disagreement.

Case in point- You said you made six figures, I said that for me well over 6, but you take to mean languages.  :o

Are you in Otay, or further east?

Really Dakhar, have a nice day.

Look at you crawfish!

I would assume you are speaking of 6 languages, because you begin your post in reference to langauge.

Now because you have been boxed in, you want to contend you meant well over 6 figures.... but your post says 6 not well over HMMMM so were you refering to languages or money? See the delima you stick yourself in? Either way, you have Spewed bull corn all over yourself.

Even if you are speaking about money, million Baht.... Whew that is a chunk of cash, in Thailand. If you want me to beleive a Tom Cruise wantabe Bar Tender makes a million USD.... Well that is a different thing. Heck I pay out a million (baht) in taxes here in the states.

The only reason you want this all dropped is because each post you have written has only dug you in deeper.

Oh by the way, Highering and Fireing lady boys really does not count. Your boy friends would be considered "contract labor" not really employees.

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Dakhar, you are a moron. Good day.  :o

I may be a moron.... But at least I don't contend to be a millioniare bar tender!

By the way, if you are so extremely loaded, why do you have the aspirations of becomming a great lawyer?

I thought I would share with the group the PM I just recieved from our millionaire hecto-lingual bar tending friend.

Unless you want to get together and compare bank accts, why don't you just ###### off.

You don't address me, and I won't address you.

Socal, you drew first blood, by assuming I did not know what is spoken down in Mexico, and you spoke down to me as if I was an ignorant skin head... You messed with a cajun my friend, and now you are starting to understand what the ramification for doing so are.

In response to comparing bank accounts.... Net worth is more revealing. Besides, what is in my bank account I earned. I paid for my education, I built my own company, it wasn't handed to me from mommy or daddy.

So if you want to call a truce, fine with me.... Just be more careful in the future, when you think all people out there are ignorant you just may be wrong.

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