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Percentage Of Farangs In Thailand Who Are Here For Sex?


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Your avatar IS in poor taste for such an educated(Political History no less!!) man.

Along with Hitler(and someone here is using a banjo-playing Hitler as an avatar!!), those two men are responsible for the death of millions of people. Some historians rank Stalin ahead of Hitler on the Top 10 Dictator list.

Since you have now been "called" on your use of this avatar, now might be a good time to retire it.

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To suggest I'm a Stalinist based on my avatar is akin to me suggesting you have a penchant for small Asian boys, based on yours.

Are you suggesting that people's avatars are not actually representative of their characters? I'm shocked.

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I have been reading ad naseum all the other threads of a "worse" nature such as cheating on wives and infidelity, and there were many thoughtful posts on them amongst the pablum. And from reading other postings here in TV, I was beginning to wonder if more men than I had previously thought were here in Thailand for that one thing. Simple curiousity without meaning to judge anyone.

But so many have taken offense to this thread and have completey missed my points that it was obviously a bad idea. I thought there would be a less emotional response and more revealing thoughts and opinions. I was wrong.

So sorry.

(For the record, I am here because my work is here. Most of my friends are Thai (I got my doctorate with them), and I like Thai culture, but without my business being here, I would live back home.)

Nothing wrong with the thread. The OP was a little wordy and too many are too focussed on flaming and not answering the uncomfortable question.

The first time I came to Thailand was when I was 30. The previous year I spent travelling in Latin America and Europe. Thailand was my last stop. My parents lived in Thailand when I was very young and it seemed like an interesting place.

Planned on touring the country on my bicycle for six months. I stayed for 4 years - the beautiful and available women was what probably kept me from leaving. Thailand almost ruined me financially and it took me a couple years to recover my senses. At one point, down to my last 400,000 bt, I almost decided to stay and work in Thailand. I ultimately realized my reasons for staying weren't the right ones and returned to America.

As for how many come for the sex, I don't have a clue.

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If you took a pole in Nana


One factor, I think, is -- precisely -- that Thailand is a *known* sex tourist destination. Being surrounded by others on the same mission must serve to "normalize" the process of paying poor country girls/boys for sex; an activity which might, in one's home country, with people one regards as more "like" oneself than different, seem somewhat abhorrent.

I doubt that's so much the case in other countries, is it ?

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"As shotime has said... Sex alone would not be sufficient to keep me here. You can procure sex for peanuts in Cambodia but how many men wish to live there?"

I never said that, and I'm only here 30% for the sex.

Please don't ever quote me. You understand copy and paste?

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If you took a pole in Nana


One factor, I think, is -- precisely -- that Thailand is a *known* sex tourist destination. Being surrounded by others on the same mission must serve to "normalize" the process of paying poor country girls/boys for sex; an activity which might, in one's home country, with people one regards as more "like" oneself than different, seem somewhat abhorrent.

I doubt that's so much the case in other countries, is it ?

That is actually a rather astute observation.

WHile other countries have their share of prostitution, (I read somewhere that Indonesia actually has more prostitutes than Thailand), Thailand has more of a reputation for it, and while here, the pack mentality may serve to make it easier for the occasional customer to partake of it. Costa Rica, Columbia, and the Dominican Republic in the Western Hemisphere are also known as sex tourist destinations, and I have heard the same about the Czech Republic (although I never saw it during the two days I was there in May). Ghana and Kenya are also mentioned in this light, as is the Philippines.

So with your observations, the "well everyone is doing it so it is OK" arguement would make it easier for a man who would otherwise never partake of this at home to do it here.

That is a quality idea, and if nothing else, this thread has given me that to ponder.

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You obviously don't know steveromagnino, UG.

I've been with him when people have literally stopped him in the street and asked to take his photo. True story. dam_n prettyboys . .

I just wanted to make sure that Joey, here, understands who he has chosen to, more or less, identify with.

Stalin derogatorily referred to farmers as "kulaks"; millions were killed, exiled to Siberia, or died of starvation after their land, homes, meager possessions, and ability to earn an existence from the land were taken to fulfill Stalin's vision of massive "factory farms". While the Soviet Union transformed from an agrarian economy to a major industrial powerhouse in a short span of time, millions of people died from hardships and famine that occurred as a result of the severe economic upheaval and party policies. At the end of 1930s, Stalin launched the Great Purge, a major campaign of political repression. During his continued repressions, millions of people who were a threat to the Soviet politics or suspected of being such a threat were executed or exiled to Gulag labor camps in remote areas of Siberia or Central Asia, where many more died of disease, malnutrition and exposure. A number of ethnic groups in Russia were forcibly resettled for political reasons.

I'm not sure how old he is, but I have come to realize most people under the age of 35, are totally ignorant of many things, including any sense of history. So, I'll chalk up his insensitivity to ignorance. After reading his posts, I am convinced of it. I'm going to change my picture to Ted Bundy as soon as I can find a suitable short movie.

To get back on topic, there are many tourists who come to Thailand for sex. If you took a pole in Nana, Pattaya, Patong, and the like, I'd say 95% are here for sex. Mostly because they couldn't get laid in their home countries. Other places wouldn't be anywhere near that. If you look at all of Thailand, I'm sure the % would be much, much lower. If sex was all Thailand had to offer, it would be in more trouble than it is presently. Troll or no troll, I wonder what Joey's here for? Prettyboys? Maybe Stalin was gay, too. I couldn't find a reference, but, I'm sure he had some pretty off-the-wall sexual tastes.


Let me try to explain in words you might understand, my obsessive compulsive friend.

To suggest I'm a Stalinist based on my avatar is akin to me suggesting you have a penchant for small Asian boys, based on yours.

There . .does that help?

PS . . I'm 43, have a Masters in Political History (but thanks for the history lesson although) and I'm married. And to supplement your history lesson, Stalin referred to kulaks as kulaks because, well, that's the established Russian word for peasants wealthy enough to own land and hire serfs. It has been in use in Russia for centuries. It's a slang Russian phrase for someone 'tightfisted' and derives from the Turkish word for hand, kol.

It's actually a girl. She grew up to be a she-devil. If it wasn't lunch time, I would help you figure out where to put your picture. Sometimes I do wish I was a Thai girl. A sexy, pretty one. Here in Bangkok. I would retire to wherever I wanted when I was 25. Do you mostly tend to disregard 40% of the posts?

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"As shotime has said... Sex alone would not be sufficient to keep me here. You can procure sex for peanuts in Cambodia but how many men wish to live there?"

I never said that, and I'm only here 30% for the sex.

Please don't ever quote me. You understand copy and paste?

Ouch. There is no need for the 'ever' and yes, thanks. I understand copy and paste. Do you understand 'over-reaction' and 'too touchy by far'?

I was not "quoting" you otherwise I would have put the sentence in "quotes". I also did not copy and paste because writing it as I did read a little easier.

You said 'If sex was all Thailand had to offer'. Isn't this the same as saying... there is more to Thailand than sex? Am I not agreeing with you and simply trying to give you due credit?

As to the Cambodia statement, since the first part of the sentence is NOT a quote it is reasonable to put it in the sentence. Anyone following the thread would know you never said that.

How about I tell you never to talk to me like that again? There was no need for the word 'ever' which denotes anger and I don't care for it when people get angry for no appreciable reason.

Go out and get laid. 30% clearly isn't enough to let the high and mightiness out of you.

Edited by awakened
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It's actually a girl. She grew up to be a she-devil. If it wasn't lunch time, I would help you figure out where to put your picture. Sometimes I do wish I was a Thai girl. A sexy, pretty one. Here in Bangkok. I would retire to wherever I wanted when I was 25. Do you mostly tend to disregard 40% of the posts?

In that case, let me rephrase it and try to get a proper reply this time:

To suggest that I admire or have a thing for Stalin because I have a rather 'chaplinesque' avator of ole Joe puffing on his pipe, is akin to me suggesting you have a thing for little girls who grow up to be she-devils.

There . . is that better?

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Your avatar IS in poor taste for such an educated(Political History no less!!) man.

Along with Hitler(and someone here is using a banjo-playing Hitler as an avatar!!), those two men are responsible for the death of millions of people. Some historians rank Stalin ahead of Hitler on the Top 10 Dictator list.

Since you have now been "called" on your use of this avatar, now might be a good time to retire it.

Thanks for the advice. Please consider it duly ignored.

As an aside, another member PM-d me and pointed out that OED definition of 'bobbin' is a small wooden device, used to wind up threads.

(thanks roy gsd . . . . i wish I'd thought of that)

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So with your observations, the "well everyone is doing it so it is OK" arguement would make it easier for a man who would otherwise never partake of this at home to do it here.

bonobo, I think the principle extends to other relationships between foreigners and Thais. The point was made in the thread about "being faithful to your Thai wife", that there are an assortment of possible reasons why a Thai woman would not complain about her husband's infidelity. Some people undoubtedly rationalise their behaviour in the same way ("everyone does it", and -- even better -- "the Thai men are worse"). Tied in with this is the rationalisation of Thai women having a "more natural view of male sexuality" which supposedly allows them to tolerate this treatment, just as the "happy-go-lucky, fun-loving" sex workers supposedly aren't much affected physically or psychologically by what they do. Note that in both cases there's a financial component which "permits" the customer/husband's behaviour.

Edited by sylviex
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I came to Thailand for the diving,fishing, and off roading, when i saw how many available women there were i thought <deleted> the diving,and fishing and did some serious womenising ! :D

My brother, his Fiance and about what must be another 50 other mostly single blokes and girls i know come here to race yachts, sometimes once a year sometimes more often.

Obviously, they don't really exist, after all why would any of them want to come here to sail? Kings cup and Samui you say? Rubbish, utter crap places to come for one of the richest men in Hong Kong, he comes here to escape his wife and tap hos. Obviously.

The masses of Scandanavian couples coming here are clearly also going out and shagging blokes/girls in their spare time, they don't come for, as they tell me, the warm weather and nice food and cheap cost, they must be here for the sex.

The bicycle tourists.

The families on vacation.

The golfers.

The Singaporeans plenty of them come up in groups to buy clothes and eat seafood :o

Lots of single blokes in all the groups above, and i can guarantee not all have a desire to come here just to shag hos. Especially some of the skanks that some guys choose to spend time with, for goodness sake, if you are a sex tourist, at least get some taste and sample some of the soapies, not just the single mums with stretch marks in Nana.

Only a sex tourist could think that is all Thailand has to offer. And I would put that number at something like 10-20% of the total tourism numbers. And at the end of the day, the Singaporeans who are dropping 50m baht for a condo here, I suspect they are not doing so just to tap 1500b shorttimes in Soi Cowboy.

Oi! Sex Tourist! No!

Sex Tourists, know thy limits.

There is a Harry Enfield sketch in here I know.

Indeed I have no doubt that the sex industry is normalised here. Sad really, but another part of the mystery that is Thighland.

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So with your observations, the "well everyone is doing it so it is OK" arguement would make it easier for a man who would otherwise never partake of this at home to do it here.

bonobo, I think the principle extends to other relationships between foreigners and Thais. The point was made in the thread about "being faithful to your Thai wife", that there are an assortment of possible reasons why a Thai woman would not complain about her husband's infidelity. Some people undoubtedly rationalise their behaviour in the same way ("everyone does it", and -- even better -- "the Thai men are worse"). Tied in with this is the rationalisation of Thai women having a "more natural view of male sexuality" which supposedly allows them to tolerate this treatment, just as the "happy-go-lucky, fun-loving" sex workers supposedly aren't much affected physically or psychologically by what they do. Note that in both cases there's a financial component which "permits" the customer/husband's behaviour.

Noted, and that is a very valid point.

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Lots of single blokes in all the groups above, and i can guarantee not all have a desire to come here just to shag hos. Especially some of the skanks that some guys choose to spend time with, for goodness sake, if you are a sex tourist, at least get some taste and sample some of the soapies, not just the single mums with stretch marks in Nana.

Excuse my ignorance here, but what is a soapie?? I know a 'soapdodger' is a glaswegian, but never heard of a soapie...maybe a rebellious glaswegian??

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I like that line. You've used it before.

[/b]As an aside, another member PM-d me and pointed out that OED definition of 'bobbin' is a small wooden device, used to wind up threads.

(thanks roy gsd . . . . i wish I'd thought of that)


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Lots of single blokes in all the groups above, and i can guarantee not all have a desire to come here just to shag hos. Especially some of the skanks that some guys choose to spend time with, for goodness sake, if you are a sex tourist, at least get some taste and sample some of the soapies, not just the single mums with stretch marks in Nana.
Excuse my ignorance here, but what is a soapie?? I know a 'soapdodger' is a glaswegian, but never heard of a soapie...maybe a rebellious glaswegian??
Slang for those who work in the primarily Thai focused Massage Parlours, you know the huge multi-floor set-ups. Khun Chuwit was a renowned operator of several in the past.


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I think it's interesting to note that there is some agreement that 20 to 25% is a 'reasonable' figure for those who come here with at least an expectation of sensual pursuits. That looks about right, after all TAT itself spent, what almost 2 decades, pushing the 'single compliant wai'ing female' as a dare one say figurehead, for its campaigns. Further. despite many a commentator's best endeavours, the reputation of Siam as a 'sensual port' has been part of travellers tales in Asia for centuries, and not just by Occidentals. In other words the reputation didn't just start during the Vietnam war era.


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It's actually a girl. She grew up to be a she-devil. If it wasn't lunch time, I would help you figure out where to put your picture. Sometimes I do wish I was a Thai girl. A sexy, pretty one. Here in Bangkok. I would retire to wherever I wanted when I was 25. Do you mostly tend to disregard 40% of the posts?

In that case, let me rephrase it and try to get a proper reply this time:

To suggest that I admire or have a thing for Stalin because I have a rather 'chaplinesque' avator of ole Joe puffing on his pipe, is akin to me suggesting you have a thing for little girls who grow up to be she-devils.

There . . is that better?


I saw before that someone mentioned a lot of Asian, South American, poorer countries. Only the poor Czech Republic. What about Amsterdam? There's no prostitutes in Paris? London? New York.... I don't really mean it NYC. I only said it so we included the USA and they can't start screaming on the good old.

A Chaplinish avator of Stalin is, I believe, what they call an oxymoron. I think. It seems to fit. I was terrible in English classes. If you really think that a comical avator of Joey is politically and scientifically correct, who am I to say, but he is considered, by some, to be #1. As far as death, doom, and despair. There were a few, too.

And you're still misquoting me, but I think you're doing it on purpose.

Edited by Shotime
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I think it's interesting to note that there is some agreement that 20 to 25% is a 'reasonable' figure for those who come here with at least an expectation of sensual pursuits. That looks about right, after all TAT itself spent, what almost 2 decades, pushing the 'single compliant wai'ing female' as a dare one say figurehead, for its campaigns. Further. despite many a commentator's best endeavours, the reputation of Siam as a 'sensual port' has been part of travellers tales in Asia for centuries, and not just by Occidentals. In other words the reputation didn't just start during the Vietnam war era.


When I was a kid in the 70's serving an exchange tour with the Japanese Navy, the Japanese cadets and sailors were regailing me about Thailand and its "ladies with beautiful skin." And certainly Soi Taniya is not a haunt for farangs. So yes, this aspect of Thailand is not a post-Vietnam Western invention.

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It's actually a girl. She grew up to be a she-devil. If it wasn't lunch time, I would help you figure out where to put your picture. Sometimes I do wish I was a Thai girl. A sexy, pretty one. Here in Bangkok. I would retire to wherever I wanted when I was 25. Do you mostly tend to disregard 40% of the posts?

In that case, let me rephrase it and try to get a proper reply this time:

To suggest that I admire or have a thing for Stalin because I have a rather 'chaplinesque' avator of ole Joe puffing on his pipe, is akin to me suggesting you have a thing for little girls who grow up to be she-devils.

There . . is that better?


I saw before that someone mentioned a lot of Asian, South American, poorer countries. Only the poor Czech Republic. What about Amsterdam? There's no prostitutes in Paris? London? New York.... I don't really mean it NYC. I only said it so we included the USA and they can't start screaming on the good old.

A Chaplinish avator of Stalin is, I believe, what they call an oxymoron. I think. It seems to fit. I was terrible in English classes. If you really think that a comical avator of Joey is politically and scientifically correct, who am I to say, but he is considered, by some, to be #1. As far as death, doom, and despair. There were a few, too.

And you're still misquoting me, but I think you're doing it on purpose.

Talking of Chaplinesque portrayals of dictators, might I refer the learned gentleman to Charlie's portrayal of another rogue in The Great Dictator (1940).

Is Charlie's movie also politically incorrect?

And if it is, who gives a shit?

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It's actually a girl. She grew up to be a she-devil. If it wasn't lunch time, I would help you figure out where to put your picture. Sometimes I do wish I was a Thai girl. A sexy, pretty one. Here in Bangkok. I would retire to wherever I wanted when I was 25. Do you mostly tend to disregard 40% of the posts?

In that case, let me rephrase it and try to get a proper reply this time:

To suggest that I admire or have a thing for Stalin because I have a rather 'chaplinesque' avator of ole Joe puffing on his pipe, is akin to me suggesting you have a thing for little girls who grow up to be she-devils.

There . . is that better?


I saw before that someone mentioned a lot of Asian, South American, poorer countries. Only the poor Czech Republic. What about Amsterdam? There's no prostitutes in Paris? London? New York.... I don't really mean it NYC. I only said it so we included the USA and they can't start screaming on the good old.

A Chaplinish avator of Stalin is, I believe, what they call an oxymoron. I think. It seems to fit. I was terrible in English classes. If you really think that a comical avator of Joey is politically and scientifically correct, who am I to say, but he is considered, by some, to be #1. As far as death, doom, and despair. There were a few, too.

And you're still misquoting me, but I think you're doing it on purpose.

Talking of Chaplinesque portrayals of dictators, might I refer the learned gentleman to Charlie's portrayal of another rogue in The Great Dictator (1940).

Is Charlie's movie also politically incorrect?

And if it is, who gives a shit?

Easy, homes.

So, and let me get this straight, you have a Stalin avator because it reminds you of Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator. That, actually, I wouldn't have a problem with. An avator of Chaplin, I mean. Or, should I take your avator to mean you use it as a derisive mockery of Joey. Chaplin was much better at it. They have just re-released his movie made right after the war. Which, at the time, was panned. For it's politics. Almost black-listed him. Totally irrelevant to the topic of sex and Thailand, but I would like to see it. The movie, I mean. I have to be careful with what I say to my son, also.

Enough about sex and Thailand. It's all smoke and mirrors.

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sex in las vegas is all smoke and mirrors.

sex in thailand is real!

sex in vegas is generally overpriced boring crap with plastic titties....at least in LOS, the chicks make an effort to squeal and kid you on that they are enjoying it.

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