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What Most, If Not All, Farang Cannot Give A Thai Girl


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oh come on..some of you guys make me depressed..

if you want to meet a university girl / educated, then why dont you go to that university.. join a language course, could even be THAI! be yourself, show some respect for her culture AND your own and do as "back home".. the female gender didnt magically change just cause you moved to thailand.. or figure out where these strange creatures go shopping, clubbing, eating etc.. perfectly possible

me, you, everybody has to bring somethin to the table, you cant just sit around waiting for the perfect girl to fall in your lap ( i know some will disagree :o )..

and i dont care at all, about the disgruntled, racist thais that like to creep onto the internet and try to convince themselves that THEIR kind of girl isnt interested in farangs.. being different is always interesting, but if all you can bring is a different skin color and a bit more money then off course not.

but to answer the op, would you really want to be with someone who only has thai friends? im looking for some interest in other cultures in a girl, same here same there..

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i had a deep chat with a bargurl the other night as to why they choose to marry older farang as opposed to regular middle claas girls who have a choice of who they want to wed.

the answer was they the only ones who will take them and that the bgs preferred old as their expecteded life spans werent too long.

blizzard? is that you?

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oh come on..some of you guys make me depressed..

if you want to meet a university girl / educated, then why dont you go to that university.. join a language course, could even be THAI! be yourself, show some respect for her culture AND your own and do as "back home".. the female gender didnt magically change just cause you moved to thailand.. or figure out where these strange creatures go shopping, clubbing, eating etc.. perfectly possible

and i dont care at all, about the disgruntled, racist thais that like to creep onto the internet and try to convince themselves that THEIR kind of girl isnt interested in farangs.. being different is always interesting, but if all you can bring is a different skin color and a bit more money then off course not.

I studied at a Thai university with quite a few farangs, Indians and Middle Easterners as well as Thais; english program; reality is most of the women and men preferred to mix with their own ethnicity; exactly the same as what I've seen in NZ, Australia, USA and everywhere else.

It is not exactly hard to find plenty of women and men who are quite happy to date a foreigner or would be willing to date one guy/girl irrespective of skin colour. My GF (Thai) and my mum (also Thai) both seem happy enough to have dated someone not the same ethnicity.

Ditto for countless other couples out there.

I can't see too many 'disgruntled racist Thais' in this thread, but I guess maybe you can?

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That's because the distance between Pole area and seating area is so much shorter in Thailand. Something to do with the Thai Building Code.

Fire safety I think it is called..... because there are a lot of flaming queens here especially in Nana Plaza and Patpong. Practice on fireman's pole helps.

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If your daughter was disgusted by expats she met, you have to ask what she is doing meeting disgusting expats, and why you and her find yourself among them...easily avoided...and if not why are you there...what does it tell you? :D

Yes you are pre-judging, but many of your problems seem of your own making... :D They say more about yourself than anything. BTW I wouldn't want to live n

Because the "disgusting" expats easily find her, and eagerly seek her out in Thailand wherever she goes, regardless of who or what she is. The fact that you ignore this and then attempt to place blame on her simply for being there says a lot about YOU. :o

Oh dear, someone else with a chip on her shoulder that needs to feel that all western men in Thailand are bad and you can't escape them.

No doubt you have been in Thailand for a full 2-3 years, done the back-packing thing, then did a mediocre low level job for a while here, so know it all from your limited experiences. No doubt wondering why foreign guys avoided you, and blaming it solely on their shallowness and stereotypes that suit you.

Come back again, when you're measuring your Thai time, experience, working and personal relationships in decades, and from all walks of life here. There are plenty of places in Thailand with decent foreign males. That yourself and the guy with his daughter couldn't/ can't find them speaks volumes about you. The places you talk about are the minority. You need to be asking yourselves why you put yourselves in these positions if you don't like it.

My life has plenty of decent people and places in it. Thais/ foreigners; male/female. That's the majority. If you think the decent people are in the minority in Thailand... Take a look at yourselves before blaming the rest of the world... :D Ask yourselves why you're not readily asked to be part of decent people's circles... :D

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If your daughter was disgusted by expats she met, you have to ask what she is doing meeting disgusting expats, and why you and her find yourself among them...easily avoided...and if not why are you there...what does it tell you? :D

Yes you are pre-judging, but many of your problems seem of your own making... :D They say more about yourself than anything. BTW I wouldn't want to live n

Because the "disgusting" expats easily find her, and eagerly seek her out in Thailand wherever she goes, regardless of who or what she is. The fact that you ignore this and then attempt to place blame on her simply for being there says a lot about YOU. :o

Oh dear, someone else with a chip on her shoulder that needs to feel that all western men in Thailand are bad and you can't escape them.

No doubt you have been in Thailand for a full 2-3 years, done the back-packing thing, then did a mediocre low level job for a while here, so know it all from your limited experiences. No doubt wondering why foreign guys avoided you, and blaming it solely on their shallowness and stereotypes that suit you.

Come back again, when you're measuring your Thai time, experience, working and personal relationships in decades, and from all walks of life here. There are plenty of places in Thailand with decent foreign males. That yourself and the guy with his daughter couldn't/ can't find them speaks volumes about you. The places you talk about are the minority. You need to be asking yourselves why you put yourselves in these positions if you don't like it.

My life has plenty of decent people and places in it. Thais/ foreigners; male/female. That's the majority. If you think the decent people are in the minority in Thailand... Take a look at yourselves before blaming the rest of the world... :D Ask yourselves why you're not readily asked to be part of decent people's circles... :D

I would like to know the definition of decent circle?

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I would like to know the definition of decent circle?

And I'd like to go to the moon one day... your point being...? :o

To help you find your own definition though Sherlock: "Eliminate all other factors and the one which remains must be the truth..." :D

The point being, if someone keeps complaining about not being among "decent people", and there being too many people who are "disgusting" around them; the answer is pretty simple: eliminate these situations and being around these people, and you're left with the "decent people" you're looking for... Not exactly rocket science... :D

"ellipse in which the two axes are of equal length" Spose if it was fully clothed it would help too?

Actually a much better answer to the question... Though I guess it would depend on the clothes... :D

Edited by AFKAFSinLOS
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I would like to know the definition of decent circle?

And I'd like to go to the moon one day... your point being...? :D

To help you find your own definition though Sherlock: "Eliminate all other factors and the one which remains must be the truth..." :D

The point being, if someone keeps complaining about not being among "decent people", and there being too many people who are "disgusting" around them; the answer is pretty simple: eliminate these situations and being around these people, and you're left with the "decent people" you're looking for... Not exactly rocket science... :D

Well Einstein, I posed the question only to point out that one person's decent circle is in fact anothers decent square. To make it easier for you to understand, calculate the following

A (decent circle) - B (indecent circle) = C (no circle)

and if C = D (indecent triangle) - E (decent triangle)

and if B + D = F then F must also = A-B+C - D + E chai mai?

Personally, given a choice, I would rather hang around with A+E but in doing so I risk being called a G (decent square) :o

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I would like to know the definition of decent circle?

And I'd like to go to the moon one day... your point being...? :D

To help you find your own definition though Sherlock: "Eliminate all other factors and the one which remains must be the truth..." :D

The point being, if someone keeps complaining about not being among "decent people", and there being too many people who are "disgusting" around them; the answer is pretty simple: eliminate these situations and being around these people, and you're left with the "decent people" you're looking for... Not exactly rocket science... :D

Well Einstein, I posed the question only to point out that one person's decent circle is in fact anothers decent square. To make it easier for you to understand, calculate the following

A (decent circle) - B (indecent circle) = C (no circle)

and if C = D (indecent triangle) - E (decent triangle)

and if B + D = F then F must also = A-B+C - D + E chai mai?

Personally, given a choice, I would rather hang around with A+E but in doing so I risk being called a G (decent square) :o

...And if A and B were cocentric, you'd end up with a "half decent donut"... :D

BTW Your grandmother was asking if she can have the eggs back. She says it's her turn to suck them now the lesson is over... :D

Edited by AFKAFSinLOS
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I guess I was on the wrong track. I thought the one thing that a farang man can't give a Thai woman is a 100% Thai baby.

But to be serious, I noticed some posters saying that a Thai person will never really accept a farang as a true and good friend. I have heard this many times, and I tend to believe it's correct

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I would like to know the definition of decent circle?

And I'd like to go to the moon one day... your point being...? :D

To help you find your own definition though Sherlock: "Eliminate all other factors and the one which remains must be the truth..." :D

The point being, if someone keeps complaining about not being among "decent people", and there being too many people who are "disgusting" around them; the answer is pretty simple: eliminate these situations and being around these people, and you're left with the "decent people" you're looking for... Not exactly rocket science... :D

Well Einstein, I posed the question only to point out that one person's decent circle is in fact anothers decent square. To make it easier for you to understand, calculate the following

A (decent circle) - B (indecent circle) = C (no circle)

and if C = D (indecent triangle) - E (decent triangle)

and if B + D = F then F must also = A-B+C - D + E chai mai?

Personally, given a choice, I would rather hang around with A+E but in doing so I risk being called a G (decent square) :o

...And if A and B were cocentric, you'd end up with a "half decent donut"... :D

BTW Your grandmother was asking if she can have the eggs back. She says it's her turn to suck them now the lesson is over... :D

I think you are talking about my wife's grandma as she doesn't have any teeth. :D

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"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." :o

This's from the Einstein himself - in theory of mathematics

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"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." :o

This's from the Einstein himself - in theory of mathematics

And as one of his pre-cursors from his neck of the woods said...

"Mathematics would certainly have not come into existence if one had known from the beginning that there was in nature no exactly straight line, no actual circle, no absolute magnitude." :D

Not to mention Decartes lesser known brother..

"I didn't think therefore I wasn't..." :D

Or bringing us back on topic... to Ms.Kat and the guy with his daughter complaining about western males in Thailand:

"(S)he who points, should remember that in reality there is one finger pointing outwards, but another three pointing back at yourself..."

(BTW Before someone applies that to me I'm using a mouse... :D )

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and i know you are fluent in Thai, you are Thai in your heart, you have many Thai friends who are like your brothers, you give your life to the King but despite all of that, you arent Thai, and your deciding to live here is in itself sort of a statement of "I don't want to be bothered," yeah yeah yeah you were born in the wrong country, its expensive and competitive over there, the girls have options, its a living hel_l - your being in Thailand, outside of your home country, for many, is a statement of unreliability and indifference - again, not that these are nessecary bad things. Of course if you have enough money you can do almost anything you want (Thank God).

I'm 1/2 Thai; yes born abroad but what do you want me to do about that?!!

I live here because there are far more opportunities than the country I was born in (New Zealand); I would consider living and working in USA, Singapore or Japan - but I don't have a USP for those markets, I do here.

Incidentally, I earn local wages, but something like 1.5X (comparing post tax) more than what i would earn doing a similar main job in NZ PLUS there is a bonus structure and I can also run a business on the side; well 2 actually; one of which is based on using NZ knowhow and intellectual property combined with Thai craftsmanship in an industry where it would be simply impossible to build in NZ (marine industry, specialist product).

My brother given the same choices works here 2 months a year, and is emmigrating to USA with his fiance.(who is an American).

I have no idea why 'i don't want to be bothered'??? Quite the reverse! A lot easier to sit around in NZ smoking pot with my sailing and snowboarding mates then hammering the Lion Rouge!

Sorry, very confused with what you are trying to say here!

i thought it was obvious i was not speaking about you. your situation is clearly different from the majority of farang choosing to live outside of their country, and you aren't even doing that as far as I can tell unless you consider NZ 'your country'.

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It has happened more than once that after not being able to stand incessant trolling threads, I've come in with a 'lay down the law' post and shortly thereafter a mod closes the thread. I attribute the event as probably more of a coincidence that the threads get tiresome to me at about the same time a mod feels the need to close it than the fact that I've actually said something of significance.

I really don't feel like having to write such a post right now, so can we just skip that part and move right to a mod closing this thread (1. It was trolling from the start, 2. It has deteriorated into nonsense).

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^ there was a cheerleader at my hs named Cindy. She was very cute. Then one day she slept with the School's quarterback. After that got out, for whatever reason, probably bioligical, she made her way through the rest of the football team, the basketball team, the baseball team, even the swim team.

I am very skeptical of Thai girls who are serial farang daters. All the others wished they were doing the same? Why is that exactly? Malays, Japanese, Farang are all better than Thais, huh? Thai men no good same same you. Right?

Well this strays a bit into another TV general topic, but in a point yes. You see, while it may be cool for a Thai guy to be a butterfly in the eyes of his peers, the gals (in my office) were obviously fed up with this behavior or have no time / patience in dealing with that kind of general 20-30 year old Thai male machismo. You ever wonder why there are so many single Thai females in Bangkok? Surely it can't be from shortage of Thai males?

BTW, I hope it is clear to you that of the examples i wrote about, 3/4 are in serious long term relationships with someone other than a Thai guy. The other one dates (non Thais).

The other five I believe wish they had a serious relationship of some form.

Cool! Is this Malay guy dark skinned or what?

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^ there was a cheerleader at my hs named Cindy. She was very cute. Then one day she slept with the School's quarterback. After that got out, for whatever reason, probably bioligical, she made her way through the rest of the football team, the basketball team, the baseball team, even the swim team.

I am very skeptical of Thai girls who are serial farang daters. All the others wished they were doing the same? Why is that exactly? Malays, Japanese, Farang are all better than Thais, huh? Thai men no good same same you. Right?

Well this strays a bit into another TV general topic, but in a point yes. You see, while it may be cool for a Thai guy to be a butterfly in the eyes of his peers, the gals (in my office) were obviously fed up with this behavior or have no time / patience in dealing with that kind of general 20-30 year old Thai male machismo. You ever wonder why there are so many single Thai females in Bangkok? Surely it can't be from shortage of Thai males?

BTW, I hope it is clear to you that of the examples i wrote about, 3/4 are in serious long term relationships with someone other than a Thai guy. The other one dates (non Thais).

The other five I believe wish they had a serious relationship of some form.

Cool! Is this Malay guy dark skinned or what?

Hard to tell from here as he is in KL. Will advise once I see the wedding photos.

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A few thoughts - shared interests help develop friendships and clearly Thais have different interests than farangs. There are exceptions I know. TV - what Thais like I find generally boring and limited and find it superficial. I know language understanding is also important but I have noticed that when mor complex plot movies dubbed in Thai are generally not of interest to Thais but when an action flick or comedy is on they are engaged. Also there is the sex thing - men have different interests than women. So as farang men marry Thai women this is again going to minimize shared interests. Having Thai friends is also a problem with social pressure. I started playing snooker with a That guy - initially it was great and then all of a sudden it stopped for no apparent reason - I now am ignored by this guy and I believe his own peer group got at him for mixing with farang. Strange!

Finally another example to ponder - my ex wife once told me that all I wanted to see ot listen to was English. So one day I put on music in the car from Africa,Cuba, Brazil all in another language. She still wasn't interested in listening preferring her Luk Thung - I feel due to a very nationalistic education system that many Thais are very parochial and not willing to open their experience to things that aren't Thai. Many farang are the same I know but both need to cross the aisle so to speak. My problem with Thai arts is that the standards are not good generally.


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oh come on..some of you guys make me depressed..

if you want to meet a university girl / educated, then why dont you go to that university.. join a language course, could even be THAI! be yourself, show some respect for her culture AND your own and do as "back home".. the female gender didnt magically change just cause you moved to thailand.. or figure out where these strange creatures go shopping, clubbing, eating etc.. perfectly possible

me, you, everybody has to bring somethin to the table, you cant just sit around waiting for the perfect girl to fall in your lap ( i know some will disagree :o )..

and i dont care at all, about the disgruntled, racist thais that like to creep onto the internet and try to convince themselves that THEIR kind of girl isnt interested in farangs.. being different is always interesting, but if all you can bring is a different skin color and a bit more money then off course not.

but to answer the op, would you really want to be with someone who only has thai friends? im looking for some interest in other cultures in a girl, same here same there..

hmmm, not to be a prick but when i said educated, i did not mean any girl with a degree. yeah, picking out one of the many girls walking around in the black skirt and white tshirt (obviously the old guys have a low chance of even doing that) is not that hard. i was thinking more along the lines of doctor/lawyer/judge/dentist ... not typist/beer model/teacher/recpetionist ... not that there are anything wrong with those jobs.

and i have seen many farang women with Thai males but they mostly have that jungle persona to them, like they just got back from slaying john rambo in burma (both of them).

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I think Halle is of mixed origin, but not knocking her.... she is a babe no matter what color.

and as far as the question, what a falang can not offer a Thai woman:

1) a shared interest in comic books

that is not an all inclusive list

Edited by Dakhar
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