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American Election Results 2004


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I don't understand why you care anyway??  Your in Thailand!!!  :o

What's wrong with you? Are you too thick to understand that the person sitting in the Oval Office matters not only to people sitting on US soil?

I'd be worrying about the muslims that are pissed in the south of thailand, than our president who is thousands of miles away from you. :D

Then congratulations (again) on being the thickest person on TVB.

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I don't understand why you care anyway??   Your in Thailand!!!  :o

What's wrong with you? Are you too thick to understand that the person sitting in the Oval Office matters not only to people sitting on US soil?

I'd be worrying about the muslims that are pissed in the south of thailand, than our president who is thousands of miles away from you. :D

Then congratulations (again) on being the thickest person on TVB.

whatever DICK You complain about taksin If you don't like how Thailand is run then you can alway's leave like i tell the people that didn't like the fact bush got re-elected you can alway's leave and live someplace else, like some celebrities after 9/11 said they would do but funny thing is there still here :D

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I was having lunch yesterday with a friend, we were in a restaurant and the election was on the tv, there were the usual spattering of nationalities around the room all watching for the fabled Ohio result to come in, one of the American guys watching, who'd been laughing and joking with all of us for the duration of my luncheon suddenly shouted out "That'll teach you F####g Europeans! F##k you all you buncha f##king whinney pansies, we saved your f###ing asssses in WWII.... he went on and on in quite a jaw dropping display.

One English guy got up and left calling him a 'tubby wan#er' whilst I was trying not to choke on my lettuce  Anyway, not sure what this means but it was a disturbing and unprovoked scene that just highlighted the fact that people are strange and politics should be best kept to oneself.

I would have called him more than a "Tubby Tommy Tanker"! No excuse for that kind of behavior.

Suppose it's no worse though than the soccer hooligans who come over from the UK to Belgium/France etc. and shout that same <deleted>... :o

Those boys have an excuse though as most of 'em are pissed out of their skulls.

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Hmm i want to weep, but then all the coffe stains on my keyboard will run. I sometimes feel that an Ostrich has the best idea (Head in sand, it isn't happening) but then with all the gatois(-ladyboys- can't spell it, corrections on a post card) about, sticking your head below feet level with your arse pointing skywards is asking for trouble. Sometimes i think that American foreign policy is lower than whale shit.(bottom of ocean is prety low). Occasionaly i think that the people in power do know what they are doing, then of course i wake up. But one thing i do think all the time is that GWB is not a safe person to be sitting on all that power, the mans a lunatic. I dont care where he comes from, i do care that he can cause so much damage. As for the we saved your ass in ww2 comments (snore) i believe a country that had full industrial strength, large stocks of undamaged war equipment, money should be able to put up a good show, but lets not forget that that war would have been over long before you decided to step in at end so you could have the oppotunity to say we won, and that if the Russians hadnt have fought so bloody well with 1 gun between 2 men. with little or no supplies, If thoes brave men fighting for there home towns on there own soils hadnt layed down huge numbers of lives to stop Germany taking Russian resources, If the brave pilots of the RAF hadn't against over whelming odds defeated the German airforce in defence of its own shores, the amercan late comers wouldnt have had any where to come to to say they won it...!

Ok that was off topic and wasnt ment to come out but ###### it I dont want to hate, i dont want to american bash but you guys make me so frustrated. A country full of crime and corruption standing on a high preching the good way Jesus forget i want to weep i want to PUKE!

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iamiac you're very smallminded. This reelection of the dumbest president in history is mindboggling. Even when you live in another country you WILL be affected by world war 3. He IS that dumb.

Hope you happy when your precious US invades thailand to get rid of the extremist muslims there :o

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iamiac you're very smallminded. This reelection of the dumbest president in history is mindboggling. Even when you live in another country you WILL be affected by world war 3. He IS that dumb.

Hope you happy when your precious US invades thailand to get rid of the extremist muslims there  :o

Fine by me i'll be joining those soldiers like i did in iraq :D

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I am a fiscally conservative Democrat, and I voted for Kerry, and was appalled at the turn of events yesterday, as I sat watching CNN all day. Someone else mentioned the blue-state/red-state differences, and I come from Illinois - which is a blue state.

Although I knew the issues and facts (Kerry), and was not fooled by the faith-based initiatives of the Bush campaign which was based on so many lies, distortions and misrepresentations, I felt the tragedy of the situation that I share with the other 49% of Americans who voted with me.

This morning I picked up the latest issue of the Time magazine, and felt consoled after reading a letter from a reader in England.

Here goes:

" I am not sure if it is in the Democrats' best interests to win the November election. The U.S. economy is running an unsustainable deficit, making tax increases inevitable. The U.S may have won the war, but it is losing the peace. The conflict in Iraq is not going away. It cannot be long before withdrawal of U.S. forces becomes the only option. If Kerry comes to preside over these events, the Democrats will have a very unhappy four years."

Ah, I feel better now.

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I am a fiscally conservative Democrat, and I voted for Kerry, and was appalled at the turn of events yesterday, as I sat watching CNN all day.  Someone else mentioned the blue-state/red-state differences, and I come from Illinois - which is a blue state.

Although I knew the issues and facts (Kerry), and was not fooled by the faith-based initiatives of the Bush campaign which was based on so many lies, distortions and misrepresentations, I felt the tragedy of the situation that I share with the other 49% of Americans who voted with me.

This morning I picked up the latest issue of the Time magazine, and felt consoled after reading a letter from a reader in England. 

Here goes:

" I am not sure if it is in the Democrats' best interests to win the November election.  The U.S. economy is running an unsustainable deficit, making tax increases inevitable.  The U.S may have won the war, but it is losing the peace.  The conflict in Iraq is not going away.  It cannot be long before withdrawal of U.S. forces becomes the only option.  If Kerry comes to preside over these events, the Democrats will have a very unhappy four years."

Ah, I feel better now.

Ohh I guess kerry couldn't handle being in the white house then Like the draftdodger that was in before bush and had sent american troops to war more than any other president in US history, and even lied under oath but i'm happy he's making 1,000 dollars an hour on the lecture circuit and writing books for millions. :o

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I am a fiscally conservative Democrat, and I voted for Kerry, and was appalled at the turn of events yesterday, as I sat watching CNN all day.  Someone else mentioned the blue-state/red-state differences, and I come from Illinois - which is a blue state.

Although I knew the issues and facts (Kerry), and was not fooled by the faith-based initiatives of the Bush campaign which was based on so many lies, distortions and misrepresentations, I felt the tragedy of the situation that I share with the other 49% of Americans who voted with me.

This morning I picked up the latest issue of the Time magazine, and felt consoled after reading a letter from a reader in England. 

Here goes:

" I am not sure if it is in the Democrats' best interests to win the November election.  The U.S. economy is running an unsustainable deficit, making tax increases inevitable.  The U.S may have won the war, but it is losing the peace.  The conflict in Iraq is not going away.  It cannot be long before withdrawal of U.S. forces becomes the only option.  If Kerry comes to preside over these events, the Democrats will have a very unhappy four years."

Ah, I feel better now.

Ohh I guess kerry couldn't handle being in the white house then Like the draftdodger that was in before bush and had sent american troops to war more than any other president in US history, and even lied under oath but i'm happy he's making 1,000 dollars an hour on the lecture circuit and writing books for millions. :o

How about the draft dodger that was reelected yesterday?

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As an American I am appaled at the foolishness of my fellow Americans at voting bush back in... I think i'm going to pretend i'm Canadian!


As an American...I'm happy to know you want to be a wimp and hide your passport. But I actually think you would be received more readily and with open arms by my drunk Australian friends :D

Leadership isn't for the weak of heart...you can move to any one of the Anglo-geek countries for that :o

Oh crap...banning by George is now at hand...

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I am a fiscally conservative Democrat, and I voted for Kerry, and was appalled at the turn of events yesterday, as I sat watching CNN all day.  Someone else mentioned the blue-state/red-state differences, and I come from Illinois - which is a blue state.

Although I knew the issues and facts (Kerry), and was not fooled by the faith-based initiatives of the Bush campaign which was based on so many lies, distortions and misrepresentations, I felt the tragedy of the situation that I share with the other 49% of Americans who voted with me.

This morning I picked up the latest issue of the Time magazine, and felt consoled after reading a letter from a reader in England. 

Here goes:

" I am not sure if it is in the Democrats' best interests to win the November election.  The U.S. economy is running an unsustainable deficit, making tax increases inevitable.  The U.S may have won the war, but it is losing the peace.  The conflict in Iraq is not going away.  It cannot be long before withdrawal of U.S. forces becomes the only option.  If Kerry comes to preside over these events, the Democrats will have a very unhappy four years."

Ah, I feel better now.

Ohh I guess kerry couldn't handle being in the white house then Like the draftdodger that was in before bush and had sent american troops to war more than any other president in US history, and even lied under oath but i'm happy he's making 1,000 dollars an hour on the lecture circuit and writing books for millions. :o



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Heard Kerry's Concession Speech earlier and this is what he really meant:

"My fellow Americans. I am a loser. I can not believe how many of you actually fell for the bullsh1t (or was it cow sh1t? I don’t know. Some call it a flop, I call it a flip) I spewed over the past several months.

I am a lying sack of sh1t unworthy to be the janitor at a small 5 person office.

I have no experience at anything but with a “pretty boy” running mate and lots of talk I guess I fooled a sh1tload of ya!

Anyway, I am gonna go slink back to Taxachusetts (or Massatwoshits) and hope I can continue to baffle those morons over there a few more years so I can collect a nice retirement check from you gullible &*^%$

Gotta go! I see a goose that needs shootin’ (y’all didn’t know I could talk like this did ya?)

Well, I am leaving you in the very capable hands of George W. Bush. I’m not worthy to lick his a** much less be in a race with him.

Hey, did I tell you I served in Vietnam? Yep, I worked for the Cong! Um hmmm. Danmed proud of it too!

(hey, don’t tell anyone but soon as I can I am going to ditch this witch, Teresa. What a ball and chain she’s been on the campaign trail, talking trash, saying stupid crap, making me look silly.)

And my ugly-assed daughter Vanessa? I hear she’s gonna elope with Chelsea Clinton. Gotta love those activist judges!!" :o

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Heard Kerry's Concession Speech earlier and this is what he really  meant:

"My fellow Americans.  I am a loser.  I can not believe how many of you actually fell for the bullsh1t (or was it cow sh1t? I don’t know.  Some call it a flop, I call it a flip) I spewed over the past several months.

I am a lying sack of sh1t unworthy to be the janitor at a small 5 person office.

I have no experience at anything but with a “pretty boy” running mate and lots of talk I guess I fooled a sh1tload of ya!

Anyway, I am gonna go slink back to Taxachusetts (or Massatwoshits) and hope I can continue to baffle those morons over there a few more years so I can collect a nice retirement check from you gullible &*^%$

Gotta go!  I see a goose that needs shootin’ (y’all didn’t know I could talk like this did ya?)

Well, I am leaving you in the very capable hands of George W. Bush.  I’m not worthy to lick his a** much less be in a race with him.

Hey, did I tell you I served in Vietnam?  Yep, I worked for the Cong!  Um hmmm.  Danmed proud of it too!

(hey, don’t tell anyone but soon as I can I am going to ditch this witch, Teresa.  What a ball and chain she’s been on the campaign trail, talking trash, saying stupid crap, making me look silly.)

And my ugly-assed daughter Vanessa?  I hear she’s gonna elope with Chelsea Clinton.  Gotta love those activist judges!!" :o

:D:D:D:D Well his wife is worth alot in ketchup I wonder if kerry get's free ketchup

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iamiac you're very smallminded. This reelection of the dumbest president in history is mindboggling. Even when you live in another country you WILL be affected by world war 3. He IS that dumb.

Hope you happy when your precious US invades thailand to get rid of the extremist muslims there  :o

Dangerous calling somebody smallminded. See what happens if because Thailand made the mistake of killing 80+ Moslems in south Thailand the extremists fly a plane, or two into the heart of Bangkok... What would or could, Thailand do about that? Who is Thailand going to call on then for help, Etheopia?

If WWIII comes and it might sooner than later... we live with it, as we did with WW1 and WW11 and all the wars that went before... and all those that come after.

The world belongs to the strong! It has always been that way, it will always be that way. It is the same in the Animal Kingdom that we are a part of. The strongest survive. It is THAT simple.

Welcome to Life.

Oh My God Someone with a brain :D

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And my ugly-assed daughter Vanessa?  I hear she’s gonna elope with Chelsea Clinton.  Gotta love those activist judges!!" :o

But she and Mary Cheney would make the perfect couple!

Hey DICK don't repeat that Kerry said something bad about cheney's daughter and look where it got him!!!!


He didn't say anything bad about Mary Cheney...he said she was a lesbian -- which is not in and of itself a bad thing (at least not to us non-born-again, non-fundamentalist people with brains in our head).

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And my ugly-assed daughter Vanessa?  I hear she’s gonna elope with Chelsea Clinton.  Gotta love those activist judges!!" :o

But she and Mary Cheney would make the perfect couple!

Hey DICK don't repeat that Kerry said something bad about cheney's daughter and look where it got him!!!!



He didn't say anything bad about Mary Cheney...he said she was a lesbian -- which is not in and of itself a bad thing (at least not to us non-born-again, non-fundamentalist people with brains in our head).

KERRY: We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as

Yes your correct but some people thought it was a low blow :D

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