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Who Out There Doesn't Go To Thailand For Fun With The Girls (or Boys)

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Fun with the boys? If you mean lesbians, the Thai boys are great to hang with especially if they're young, cute, and work the beach cause they attract a lot of young girls. Most straight women that come to Thailand are not here for the sex. If you call what they have at home sex. Now that I think of it, I've never kissed a Thai on the face since I've been here.

I'm here because I'm here for the culture. At least what it has to offer. I can usually find all the Thai culture I need in my apartment, and avoid the long lines at the Temples and other sites. Plus there's the getting back and forth, being harassed and hustled (lamely) by most everybody, the heat, etc. ... and there is a certain timelessness to the place. So, me too.

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are you a boy or gurl showtime. har to follow what you post.

Can you add an aviator that flashes a red sign that says "Skip This" in caps?


DefinateIy didnt come for the opposite sex. Came because i wanted to experience something different after a 7/8yr reIationship broke up (I guess seems to be a norm to want to spread wings after a sad breakup). I have visited and Iived in quite a few countries, but never any in S.E.Asia. I heard the difference in cuIture wouId be big. Wanted to see for myseIf. So..without having ever visited ThaiIand (or Asia) I soId up, bought a ticket, and moved. I didnt know if i wouId stay 6 months or ongoing and I stiII dont know 100% for sure. So far its been just over a year and a haIf, and I am not ready to move on anywhere. Iast few months I finaIIy Iet someone into my Iife, a Thai man. But when I arrived and untiI I met that man, I activeIy avoided advances and any reIationship with the opposite sex unIess pIatonic.

What girls? I haven't noticed any spending every day lined up at the temples with all the other hoards of farangs.

Everyone is here for the world beating culture, the joy of visa runs, the heady intoxication of paying off various gov officials, the pristine unpolluted beaches, the uncontaminated Thai food that we all eat 3 times per day.

The fact that most congregate in areas rife with bars, a-go-gos, massage palours is just a coincidence, no one ever actually goes there. Who has time between riveting episodes of Thai soap operas every night or discussing chaos theory with their spouses?

Best place in the world to study chaos theory. :o


im puzzled when people say the like the weather. are they saying they like the accompanying pollution.

bkk does smell like a sewer!

im assuming most live in greater bkk.

im puzzled when people say the like the weather. are they saying they like the accompanying pollution.

bkk does smell like a sewer!

im assuming most live in greater bkk.

Yes it stinks!

are you a boy or gurl showtime. har to follow what you post.

Can you add an aviator that flashes a red sign that says "Skip This" in caps?

Uhmmm thats clearly saying that is a boy I think... [taking the hint]

in anyways is quite much what I said before...boys=fun.... Naaaaaaaaaah

but if he's gay you should be able to recognize that there alot more chances "to play" for a gay guy than a straight woman...you know?

everyone can play but straig gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal soooo unfaiiiiiiiiiiir HAHAHA jk! :D



Its probably a better question to ask who came here ORIGINALLY for the women. Many guys like myself, came here for the girls, played around for awhile, then found a good one settled down and stay because they like the place and it feels like home.

I was sent here for a work contract originally and ended up getting hired on permanently. I'm no saint but the nightlife here is pretty unappealing to me and sort of dingy. I like Thailand because it offers a much lower cost of living and pretty high value if you earn a western salary. It's still a lot cheaper than many other cities in the developed world and Asia for that matter. I can save quite a bit here just living normally because I use the MRT/BTS so it cuts down on vehicle costs, my rent is about the same as in the U.S. but the place is much bigger, and I don't have to pay for a mortage. I rarely drink and my "excitement" is through weekend flights out to the beach areas or going out to eat.

Except for the part about vehicle costs (it's my one indulgence) wintermute's comments and circumstances mirror mine precisely. The nightlife is dingy and unappealing; it's fun to sit in a bar and watch the freakshow (usually the farang, not the girls), but as for indulging. No thanks. Thailand gives me a chance to save for the future in a way that would be impossible in Sydney, London, NYC etc, without compromising my quality of life.

So you're not here for the girls then eh? Is that what you're trying to tell us? Granted you're able to live here in a style you could never afford in the cities you've listed above, but that's hardly the only reason a chap such as yourself chooses to live in Thailand.

Let's be honest... didn't you recently marry a Thai woman? Giving you the benefit of the doubt, we'll assume she's a very attractive young lady.

Are you over 40? Is she under 30? No offense meant, but given your age and physiognomy would you have a snowball's chance in h3ll of hooking up with a bird like her back home, where men are men and the sheep are scared?

You've got a posh BKK apartment, are relatively flush with cash by local standards, have bought the little lady a new car, but we all understand she's with you strictly for your movie star looks and charming personality.

Sure the nightlife at Nana and soi 7 beergarden are dingy and unappealing, but as most of us are well aware, the extracurricular options for a cashed-up fella in Thailand extend way beyond lower Sukhumvit. What you choose to avail yourself of is up to you, but we all know what's out there if we want it. I daresay there is no country in the world that compares to Thailand in this respect, which is what makes the OP's question a legitimate one.

Me? I'm just here for the pleasantly cool climate, lack of humidity, clean environment, and safe roadways. :o


i think shotime is a girl as he is going :D to go to dressmaking university. thus makeing the comment about not kissing boys face more clear. :D though there are other places to kiss boys, dont know if she covered those or not! :D


BUT COOL CLIMATE? lack of hunidity? cleanliness? safe roadways? ahhhh... you making fun of people...i get ya B):D:D:o:D


I'm here for the culture and the sex which is a big part of the culture. As far as what sex I am, I'm not sure myself anymore. What qualifies you as gay?


Who Out There Doesn't Go To Thailand For Fun With The Girls (or Boys), Besides me.

I'm here for the Durian.

Mmmmm. Stinky socks dipped in toilet water!

I suppose I could have gone to malaysia or one of the other SEA countries, but Durian is especially tasty when fed to you by a tranny!


  • 3 weeks later...

here for both culture and girls!???

a farang said to me in BKK once that he was going to pattaya for 6 months for the culture and i had to laugh in his face,cause theres no bloody culture in pattaya thats farang town, anyone in pattaya is there for SEX chai mai????

i`m defen here for culture and abit for the girl........actually about 60 for culture and 40 for sex ^_________^

BUT most farangs are sex tourist specially OLDER ones

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