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i thought i would take this forum to a different level

what health improvements have been made since you left your home country and/or came to Thailand?

off the top of my head:

once i left the USA

i ceased getting these awful seasonal allergies in the fall and spring that lasted longer and longer each progressive year

since i have been to Thailand

the dandruff i had for years i believe is gone

must be diet

when i went back to the states to visit

i could not eat enough cheese last year

but right before i left the USA i started to break out in rashes on my arms

probably the cheese dairy and yogurt

i occasional get migraines here but not often and not for long and i can function without medication

it might also be easier here to keep the pounds off due to climate diet and lifestyle

must be more but that's plenty for now

how about you?

what improvements and why?


I had severe dry skin problems especially during the Ohio winters. It's no longer a major problem. I loved cheeseburgers and fries. Cholesterol and high blood pressure were VERY difficult to control. I also had stomach problems. They too have gone away even with eating hot spicy food. My Thai wife is a great cook and I eat 95 percent Thai food now. I have lost 20 pounds while eating what I want. Blood pressure is nearly OK without any drug but I still take half an Anapril tablet a day along with a baby aspirin. Maybe the best thing is the no stress life style.


No headaches now

No stress levels

No aches and pains from my football career

No pains from 2 knee operations

No back problems from 800 miles a day driving

Much more energy with packing up that bad habit of smoking

Feel more content

Enjoy long walks

Only downside for me is constant bites from mozzies(yung ghat) and no matter what i put on nothing seems to work.Also had a couple of small infections with me scratching the bites too.

Eating farang food can give me indegestion now but very phet food is ok.

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