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Started out OK, but on the return from my visa run, we hit heavy downpours most of the way from the border to Pattaya.

Sprinkling in Pattaya, doesn't appear to have had too much RAIN while I was away. Looks like it's stopped RAINing now though.

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It's now hissing down in Laem Chabang.


The RAIN has stopped in Pattaya, for now. Quite the little wind storm yesterday though. Umbrellas blowing down the road, plants knocked over, garbage flying through the air, a windowed partion in a restaurant blown over and someone's pile of paperwork sucked off the table and scattered.

Then, just as people were trying to straighten things up, the rain hit. :o

Still, doesn't appear to be as bad as last year (which could be bad, as it means less water in the resevoirs). :D

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It has been pishing down here all day. The temperature has dropped from 35 to 19 in two days. Its warmer in Edinburgh! And i'm wearing socks.

Wearing nothing but socks while posting replies on ThaiVisa ? :D

Tsk tsk tsk !

Inquiring minds want to know..................WHERE ARE THE PICTURES ?!?!?!??

You know, just to prove what you say is true. :o

Meanwhile, it hasn't RAINed here in a few hours, though it looks like it could start up again at anytime.

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Guess you can work on your tan. You must be a bit pasty, never being up in time to catch the sun when you were in Pattaya :D

Pea soup of pollution here. Cough gasp. :o

LOL with a 3 month old baby mate, i am normally up at dawn, so plenty of time to work on the tan :D

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Guess you can work on your tan. You must be a bit pasty, never being up in time to catch the sun when you were in Pattaya :D

From what I saw, most of the time he was here was spent in dark places after the sun went down (and being that it RAINed alot, there wasn't much sun to begin with) !

Nice and sunny here now. If I mention that it probably won't RAIN today, then of course the clouds will roll in and it will be pouring by this afternoon. :o

So I won't make any predictions for Pattaya (weather-wise), today ! :D

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Well, I didn't predict that it would RAIN in Pattaya today, and it hasn't, so far, but the clouds are rolling in now.

Doesn't look bad, yet. It will probably wait until I go out for the evening, then start pouring. :o

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RAINed in Pattaya this evening.

Of course, it started just as I was heading out on the moto. Only had to go about 500 meters, but what started out as a few drops, turned into a major downpour just as I got to the one intersection I had to cross (red light of course) :D

It was RAINing so hard, I thought maybe daleyboy had returned to Thailand ! :D

Got to my friends place and she wouldn't let me in ! Wanted me to strip to my underwear outside the door ! :D

Can't say no to a lady, so I did as she asked ! :o

5 hours later and it has finally let up. Kinda put a DAMPer on the rest of the evening's plans though. :D

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It tried to rain again tonight. It was enough that I decided to take a baht bus enroute to the dinner that was postponed due to rain the night before.

In the end, it didn't amount to much. Nothing in comparison to the previous night. Still say it has something to do with daleyboy. Maybe he is channelling his presence through TV and making it rain here ? :o

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Sunny Day in Bristol Today! :D

Those colour posts are impossible to edit...

Is that a good thing or a bad thing.. ? :o

not so hard for a klown with his own font!!!!! :D

(sweating and panting, Kayo retreats to his coffee and cigarette and vows never to decorate a post again...:!)

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DB, you're right, I am....., ya lazy <deleted>, I've done 50 hours already this week.... :D


LOL well i do work hard for like 1 hour every day

Wet and miserable in ther land of tractors :D

Does muck spreading only take an hour :o

Down our way we dont call it muck spreading,we call it shit stirring :D

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