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Diabetic With Cirrhosis And Possible Liver Tumour!


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A Thai family member has recently been diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the liver and the Doctor at Chula Hospital in Bkk suspects a tumour is also present.

I only just found out that this family member is infact diabetic and has been for atleast four-five years but has never followed a diabetic diet. He is also an alcoholic.

I went along the the Thai family yesterday and asked the Doc what was the diagnosis..Doc explained that this chap's liver is in very poor condition and if indeed the MRI scan that he had today indicates a tumour, unless his liver function improves there is very little left to be done!

The Doc has recommended a high protein diet, namely egg whites and fish. The guy also has Edema and ascites, swelling of the stomache.

My question is are there any other high proteins foods that can be added to his diet? Doc has advised against NO SALT which I have tried to explain to the family...no fish sauce, soy sauce etc.

In a worst case scenario, do they not offer liver transplants here?

Any Doctors on board T.V, Would sure welcome your advice!



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Sounds like if he is going to have any chance to live he must get sober first. Alcoholics Anonymous is active in Thailand for both Thai and farang. www.aathailanddotorg for more info. While he is sober and attending meetings he can better cope with the medical treatment. But first things first!

Believe me, he won't be the first person to walk into an AA meeting with severe liver problems. He'll be in good company and make great friends!

Edited by sunrise07
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A Thai friend of mine in Bangkok received a liver transpland after waiting for 9-12 months. He was looking really yellow and in bad health towards the end of his wait. I am happy to say that 2 yrs down the road he is doing great! So, yes you can get a liver transplant but what is most important is to change your diet, cut out alcohol and take the proper meds to be eligible for the transplant.

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Needless to say, with the condition he is in, he is completely OFF alchohol. 9-12 MONTHS is a long wait. The initial tests were performed in Sriracha and the Doctor here reckons he only has 2-3 months to live. We took him to Bangkok to Chula hospital and there the Doctorsaid that he may survive p[roviding he follows a sytrcit high protein diet and takes his meds.

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This is indeed sad...

The underlying cause here is probably chronic Hep B/C; this is most common in Thai. Aggravated by the alcohol. If it is Hep B/C, it is highly unlikely that a transplant will be considered. There are only a few centers in the world that will do these cases; mostly in the US.

The swelling of extremities and also abdomen (ascites) is due to a drop in blood protein (due to the liver's inability to produce protein) and is usually an indicator of very advanced liver disease. Dietary protein will not help and may in fact aggravate the situation. Breakdown of dietary protein will increase urea levels in his body which may cause all kinds of other problems. There are some medications (specific diuretics such as Aldactone) that may help to reduce this fluid accumulation but sometimes IV Albumin has to be given. The effect of this does not last long; days at most.

I fear that the Thai doctor's prognosis may be valid...

Take Care...

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sorry to hear. though 54 years is much younger than someone in my family who was 74 years and they said too old to be considered a candidate for transplant.

hep is a possible cause, but plain old alcoholism can produce the same.

all the best

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Thank you FBN for your very informative and relevant input.

His appetite is zero and his family members are struggling to feed him. I went to visit this eve and his stomach feels like a rock!

His feet/ankles very swollen.

Apparently this Doc at Chula also works at Bumgrumund in BKK and has already successfully treated 10 similar cases but I have no idea what the age groups they were.

He lives in Sriracha , a good hour and a half away from said hospital...he's been in be all day, execpt for waking up to eat a bit.

The trip to Bangkok and back has made him worse...Friday, tomorrow he will be transferred to Bumrumgrund and booked in somewhere at some point accoring to the Doc.

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