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When I write or read posts, I favor accuracy and precision.The following things irk me :

  • Using the term "farang" incorrectly when the context of the thread clearly means "all foreigners"
  • Not knowing the difference in terminology betweeen a visa and a permit when discussing immigration matters
  • Debating a "spelling" or pronunciation of thai words using transliterated thai as opposed to using thai script

I will offer free re-education lessons for all forum students at 5 pm sharp :o

End of irk.

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When I write or read posts, I favor accuracy and precision.The following things irk me :

  • Using the term "farang" incorrectly when the context of the thread clearly means "all foreigners"
  • Not knowing the difference in terminology betweeen a visa and a permit when discussing immigration matters
  • Debating a "spelling" or pronunciation of thai words using transliterated thai as opposed to using thai script

I will offer free re-education lessons for all forum students at 5 pm sharp :o

what kind of drinks do you serve?


There is no IQ test required to post on TV as is evidenced by me being allowed to post here. The fact is that we have people on this forum that range from very intelligent to almost illiterate. In addition many members are posting in a language which is not of their native tongue. Since I speak only American English, I can only envy those that can speak more than one language and never criticize those that make mistakes in spelling and grammar in their English postings. If you start offering free education classes in the Thai language, I would probably consider attending. :o

There is no IQ test required to post on TV as is evidenced by me being allowed to post here. The fact is that we have people on this forum that range from very intelligent to almost illiterate. In addition many members are posting in a language which is not of their native tongue. Since I speak only American English, I can only envy those that can speak more than one language and never criticize those that make mistakes in spelling and grammar in their English postings. If you start offering free education classes in the Thai language, I would probably consider attending. :o

I'm not going if there's no buffet.

P.S. Any lapdancers thrown in?


It's one of the problems with a forum--and also one of the advantages. You get all kinds of ideas and thoughts on a subject and some of them aren't accurate.

I only dislike it if someone is trying to deliberately give misinformation, otherwise it's an open field. It's a little like a conversation. I've had a lot of stupid questions answered by some very intelligent people who were kind enough to take the time to post an answer. It's appreciated.

A lot of your posts are appreciated Geriatrickid. But it's unrealistic and (unlikely) that a lot of folks can/have the time to carefully check their facts.

There is no IQ test required to post on TV as is evidenced by me being allowed to post here. The fact is that we have people on this forum that range from very intelligent to almost illiterate. In addition many members are posting in a language which is not of their native tongue. Since I speak only American English, I can only envy those that can speak more than one language and never criticize those that make mistakes in spelling and grammar in their English postings. If you start offering free education classes in the Thai language, I would probably consider attending. :o

jetjock here here although one small amenment if you don't mind:

There is no IQ test required to post on TV as is evidenced by me being allowed to post here. The fact is that we have people on this forum that range from very almost illiterate to very most (sic) illiterate. In addition many members are posting in a language which is not of their native tongue. Since I speak only American English, I can only envy those that can speak more than one language and never criticize those that make mistakes in spelling and grammar in their English postings. If you start offering free education classes in the Thai language, I would probably consider attending.

There is no IQ test required to post on TV as is evidenced by me being allowed to post here. The fact is that we have people on this forum that range from very intelligent to almost illiterate. In addition many members are posting in a language which is not of their native tongue. Since I speak only American English, I can only envy those that can speak more than one language and never criticize those that make mistakes in spelling and grammar in their English postings. If you start offering free education classes in the Thai language, I would probably consider attending. :o

i didn't realize literacy was a requisite for intelligence

There is no IQ test required to post on TV as is evidenced by me being allowed to post here. The fact is that we have people on this forum that range from very intelligent to almost illiterate. In addition many members are posting in a language which is not of their native tongue. Since I speak only American English, I can only envy those that can speak more than one language and never criticize those that make mistakes in spelling and grammar in their English postings. If you start offering free education classes in the Thai language, I would probably consider attending. :o

i didn't realize literacy was a requisite for intelligence

You are totally correct t.s. as those words are not exactly opposites. The only reason I used the word illiterate is that it sounds so much better than words like stupid or dumb which I reserve exclusively for describing some things that I have done. :D

There is no IQ test required to post on TV as is evidenced by me being allowed to post here. The fact is that we have people on this forum that range from very intelligent to almost illiterate. In addition many members are posting in a language which is not of their native tongue. Since I speak only American English, I can only envy those that can speak more than one language and never criticize those that make mistakes in spelling and grammar in their English postings. If you start offering free education classes in the Thai language, I would probably consider attending. :o

I'm not going if there's no buffet.

P.S. Any lapdancers thrown in?

Maybe the OP can wear a suitable outfit and do some coyote dancing for us.


a bit more details about OP's background would be welcome (nationality, studies, current occupation, etc....)

I am not going to put my re-education in his hands if he is not up to my expectation

Hope I did not mis spell anything, that I did not use confusing vocabulary, and that the fact that english is not my first language does not effect TV members' understanding

When I write or read posts, I favor accuracy and precision.The following things irk me :

  • Using the term "farang" incorrectly when the context of the thread clearly means "all foreigners"
  • Not knowing the difference in terminology betweeen a visa and a permit when discussing immigration matters
  • Debating a "spelling" or pronunciation of thai words using transliterated thai as opposed to using thai script

I will offer free re-education lessons for all forum students at 5 pm sharp :o

End of irk.

Perhaps swap your teaching session for a few studies of your own come 5pm:

Perhaps a lesson in prescriptive linguistics compared to descriptive linguistics... :D followed by: a session on existentialism... and Camus' Mythe de Sisyphe as to whether suicide is the only real question in life... :D

After that if you haven't changed your mind and you haven't slit your wrists or your bowels aren't yet cleared: I'll be all ears at a bar of your choice for your lesson at 5pm if you're buying... :D


Precision in language is often abused in technical papers. Imprecision is the stuff on which discussion forums thrive.

95% of all non-Thai posters on this forum are farang, or easily described as more or less non-Asian. I know one Burmese poster, who is American citizen and non-Buddhist.

Thai script is usually only allowed in the Thai language forum. Whatcha talkin' about, Willis - depriving me of saying sanuk, soi, klong, wai, and mai bpen rai?

Agreed, we should clearly state 'visa' as contrasted with 'permit' and 'extension.'

I would wish people would say "USA" instead of "America" (which is an entire hemisphere), whilst the Welsh and Irish may not wish to be called English.

I would wish people would say "USA" instead of "America" (which is an entire hemisphere), whilst the Welsh and Irish may not wish to be called English.

I totally agree with you here PB, it took me more than 5 years to teach my wife to say, 'USA' instead of 'America'. I had to bring out the ye ole atlas and show my wife that there is a 'North America', 'Central America', and 'South America'... She is now getting much better unlike her relatives, the rest of the Thais, and perhaps the entire 1.3+ billion Chinese population.....

When I write or read posts, I favor accuracy and precision.The following things irk me :

  • Using the term "farang" incorrectly when the context of the thread clearly means "all foreigners"
  • Not knowing the difference in terminology betweeen a visa and a permit when discussing immigration matters
  • Debating a "spelling" or pronunciation of thai words using transliterated thai as opposed to using thai script

I will offer free re-education lessons for all forum students at 5 pm sharp :o

End of irk.

If only my irks were so minor and frivolous.

1. I don't use the term 'Farang' hardly ever as I am not Thai and don't consider all white people as being one group. Of course, I don't object to Thai people using this term, and if it makes another westerner happy... well then up to them.

2. Can't say that this particularly bothers me as if the people asking were already experts on the subject they wouldn't be asking advice - so I think that you are being a bit petty here.

3. I can read and write Thai to quite a high level. I avoid transliteration because it is confusing, but I know it helps people. On this forum, as far as I know, the rules forbid using Thai text outside the Thai language forum. There is an accepted form of transliteration provided by the Royal Thai Institute which is seen as the accepted form - of course this is not acceptable to some westerners who feel the need to invent their own transliteration and this is why we will often see 'falang', 'feleng' and 'fereng' - it can be confusing and this is why the Thai Institute only promotes one official transliteration system.

Precision in language is often abused in technical papers. Imprecision is the stuff on which discussion forums thrive.

95% of all non-Thai posters on this forum are farang, or easily described as more or less non-Asian. I know one Burmese poster, who is American citizen and non-Buddhist.

Thai script is usually only allowed in the Thai language forum. Whatcha talkin' about, Willis - depriving me of saying sanuk, soi, klong, wai, and mai bpen rai?

Agreed, we should clearly state 'visa' as contrasted with 'permit' and 'extension.'

I would wish people would say "USA" instead of "America" (which is an entire hemisphere), whilst the Welsh and Irish may not wish to be called English.

It seems like an opportune moment to further me education. Americans then are Americans, but more specifically USAers?

And may I tip my hat at this juncture to that most esteemed American, Hugo Chavez?


I would wish people would say "USA" instead of "America" (which is an entire hemisphere), whilst the Welsh and Irish may not wish to be called English.

It seems like an opportune moment to further me education. Americans then are Americans, but more specifically USAers?

And may I tip my hat at this juncture to that most esteemed American, Hugo Chavez?

You may also tip your hat to such Americans as Fidel Castro, the late Che Gueverra, Daniel Ortega (who once followed me in his Jeep), Inuits in Canada, and to all the Americans in Tierra del Fuego.

Maybe we'uns are USA'uns. In Mexico, we are estadounidenses. I miss Mexico, telling illegal Central Americans not to migrate to the USA.

When I write or read posts, I favor accuracy and precision.The following things irk me :

  • Using the term "farang" incorrectly when the context of the thread clearly means "all foreigners"
  • Not knowing the difference in terminology betweeen a visa and a permit when discussing immigration matters
  • Debating a "spelling" or pronunciation of thai words using transliterated thai as opposed to using thai script

I will offer free re-education lessons for all forum students at 5 pm sharp :o

End of irk.

If only my irks were so minor and frivolous.

1. I don't use the term 'Farang' hardly ever as I am not Thai and don't consider all white people as being one group. Of course, I don't object to Thai people using this term, and if it makes another westerner happy... well then up to them.

2. Can't say that this particularly bothers me as if the people asking were already experts on the subject they wouldn't be asking advice - so I think that you are being a bit petty here.

3. I can read and write Thai to quite a high level. I avoid transliteration because it is confusing, but I know it helps people. On this forum, as far as I know, the rules forbid using Thai text outside the Thai language forum. There is an accepted form of transliteration provided by the Royal Thai Institute which is seen as the accepted form - of course this is not acceptable to some westerners who feel the need to invent their own transliteration and this is why we will often see 'falang', 'feleng' and 'fereng' - it can be confusing and this is why the Thai Institute only promotes one official transliteration system.

Garro, you don't have to continually reiterate how accomplished you are; we all know.

Besides, you're liable to make Kiakaha intoxicated with the velocity of your verbosity and then he'll feel inferior about using American

spelling. leaving out full stops and writing nationalities in lower case.

When I write or read posts, I favor accuracy and precision.The following things irk me :

  • Using the term "farang" incorrectly when the context of the thread clearly means "all foreigners"
  • Not knowing the difference in terminology betweeen a visa and a permit when discussing immigration matters
  • Debating a "spelling" or pronunciation of thai words using transliterated thai as opposed to using thai script

I will offer free re-education lessons for all forum students at 5 pm sharp :o

End of irk.

If only my irks were so minor and frivolous.

1. I don't use the term 'Farang' hardly ever as I am not Thai and don't consider all white people as being one group. Of course, I don't object to Thai people using this term, and if it makes another westerner happy... well then up to them.

2. Can't say that this particularly bothers me as if the people asking were already experts on the subject they wouldn't be asking advice - so I think that you are being a bit petty here.

3. I can read and write Thai to quite a high level. I avoid transliteration because it is confusing, but I know it helps people. On this forum, as far as I know, the rules forbid using Thai text outside the Thai language forum. There is an accepted form of transliteration provided by the Royal Thai Institute which is seen as the accepted form - of course this is not acceptable to some westerners who feel the need to invent their own transliteration and this is why we will often see 'falang', 'feleng' and 'fereng' - it can be confusing and this is why the Thai Institute only promotes one official transliteration system.

Garro, you don't have to continually reiterate how accomplished you are; we all know.

Who is we? Are you the spokesperson for something?


I'll just provide the bait and let you all lubricate each others "members" :o Sorry, no ผ้า เย็น provided for Garro !


I would wish people would say "USA" instead of "America" (which is an entire hemisphere), whilst the Welsh and Irish may not wish to be called English.

It seems like an opportune moment to further me education. Americans then are Americans, but more specifically USAers?

And may I tip my hat at this juncture to that most esteemed American, Hugo Chavez?

You may also tip your hat to such Americans as Fidel Castro, the late Che Gueverra, Daniel Ortega (who once followed me in his Jeep), Inuits in Canada, and to all the Americans in Tierra del Fuego.

Maybe we'uns are USA'uns. In Mexico, we are estadounidenses. I miss Mexico, telling illegal Central Americans not to migrate to the USA.

Not to belabor (USAer spelling) the point, but it leaves me confused and dissatisfied, much like a diffused orgasm. I still don't know how them USAers would prefer to be known. Septics don't wash well I am told. Americans obviously is not focussed enough. USAers seem(s?) clumsy and inelegant (the tag, not necessarily the people). I assume I miss the obvious. Taking the advanced stage of brain-rot I have to contend with into consideration, that is most likely. Please help.

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