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Hi all,

I really need somebody's help here, I am married to a Thai and we have had twin girls a month ago, who are great and I love them very much.

My problem, I am working as a teacher and am really not making ends meet. I am getting deeper into debt and am really getting worried.

I have about fifteen years international trading (import and export) experience but chose the teaching job because that was the easiest to find in a short time as I needed an income.

I would appreciate any advice or direction..... Thank you kindly

Edited by hlfourie
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leave the country. western man raising family on thai wages dont sound like a good plan.

With all due respect and seriousness if you are from a country with a strong economy I agree with Farang555 returning to that country and making your fortune is the most likely path towards success. Many years ago a Thai friend told me the preeminent truth about Thailand

Thailand is a great place to spend money but not to make it.

I know there are exceptions to the rule but I've found this to be true.

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You should know the large trading companies in SE Asia. Give them a call or/and pass by and try to get a more decent salary. You can in this way still live in the area if you don't like to go back to home country

Oh right . . so THAT'S how to get top jobs in Thailand, is it?

Well, now we know the secret I guess everyone can get one.

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never thouth id say this.

but maybe this guy should renounce his wetern citizenship and become all thai.

sounds like he never made good money anyway. he wont miss it.

he already ahead of most thais in his income.

he sounds like he want to take care of his responsibilities.

he is young enough to start thinking like thai people do, nothing wrong with this by the way.

he has to pay the price for unprotected sex with his wife knowing she may get pregnant, knowing he wasnt financially ready.

oops didnt see he has 15 yrs work experience. ohh well.

sometimes there is no answer!

Edited by farang555
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Hi all,

I really need somebody's help here, I am married to a Thai and we have had twin girls a month ago, who are great and I love them very much.

My problem, I am working as a teacher and am really not making ends meet. I am getting deeper into debt and am really getting worried.

I have about fifteen years international trading (import and export) experience but chose the teaching job because that was the easiest to find in a short time as I needed an income.

I would appreciate any advice or direction..... Thank you kindly

15 years of work experience and no savings - ouch! No easy solution to your financial nightmare. Leaving Thailand probably isn't the best solution, considering that you most likely would have to leave the family. Not sure where you're from, but obtaining a visa for the family in most countries is nearly impossible without savings.

On a positive note, at least you have a family that you adore. I gather from your post that finances aren't your strength. You need to take a good look at where you are at in life and take the small steps to improve your financial situation. You are currently living beyond your means and need to stop this behavior immediately. There are many TV members with families that make ends meet teaching English.

Once you are living within your means, start looking for more lucrative opportunities. Knowing that it isn't an immediate necessity will improve your confidence and I seriously doubt you are going to have much luck finding a better paying job in your current state.

Reality can suck and you're the only one that can dig yourself out of this mess. Start digging today.

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"Pay yourself first"

When you get your paycheck, pay a savings account FIRST.

After that, pay your bills.

Get yourself through the month.

Stop borrowing.

Never touch the savings in the savings account. full stop.

As mentioned above, lots of teachers can support families (make ends meet) on a teacher's salary. And so can you.

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can someone give the profile of an avg english teacher. i doubt many have families they are supporting, i may be wrong.

who would move a family to los while they taughtfor less than a grand usa$. and what thai women would want an english teacher knowing their dubious background and lack of dosh.

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In your situation I doubt you'll find anything better than English teaching if you stay in Thailand.

So you'll have to reduce expenses. You can move to a smaller place or take a job upcountry (if you're not there already) where you spend less on food & rent.

And you'll have to work more hours. Try to find foreign students to tutor, like Koreans and Japanese, who pay more. Try to move into a specialty like Business English, which commands higher rates in Bangkok at least. Try get on at schools that pay higher salaries. But our resident English teachers can offer best advice on this game.

Stay out of debt at all costs!

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Hi, hlfourie,

First, get a vasectomy. I did, shortly after my twin girls were born. Otherwise, the next pregnancy could be triplets!

JSixpack gave you good advice. The problem with teaching jobs outside of BKK is that they pay less, and may be even worse than jobs in the big city. The generally wise advice to start saving is nearly futile in your situation. However, you do need to cut corners on expenses, and you need to find good work in the evenings and weekends. Tutoring Japanese and Koreans (who pay more and learn more due to parental pressures) is wise advice, but tough markets to enter.

Your wife cannot get any work, unless she makes a few baht per day as a child care attendant for one more child. Nobody has her hands more full than a mother of young twins.

It is not unusual for English teachers - responsible men, in their 20's to 50's - to meet, marry and impregnate a Thai. Kind of like most of us did back home. Even retirees do it. Twins are a wake-up call, though!

Develop your teaching career, if you cannot find better wages in the im-ex business. Try to network (I never had the time to get drunk with the boys in the evenings). Try to get a better job every year or two, working your way up to better schools, EP work, etc.

Good luck. Twin girls are the giggles. :o

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Most of the replies were not really any helpful I think! The way I see it you have 2 options: apply for a better paid job in the trading business, some applications and research about companies would be required. Other option would be to try and start a small trading business yourself, if you are in that business for 15 years you certainly must have some contacts there. Wish you good luck with your family and hope you can sort out things the way you hope for.

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the best way to dig a deeper hole is to start a business in a foreign country!

whats he supposed to fund this business with! use his wife as collateral?

and u say other replies not helpful..............oh buddha christ!

guys who say cut expenses r right, in other word convert to thaism living! and this is only to stop the bleeding of cash.

look at the bright side if u came to los for culture you will be living it!

i like the snip snip idaea. if i said it i prolly get suspended :o:D . he has shown bad jusdgement in this area whos to say he wont stick it in again wo proper precautions.

Edited by farang555
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can someone give the profile of an avg english teacher. i doubt many have families they are supporting, i may be wrong.

who would move a family to los while they taughtfor less than a grand usa$. and what thai women would want an english teacher knowing their dubious background and lack of dosh.

I met an old farang guy who'd been teaching English at a public uni for about 25 years. And he did raise a family, two girls, on his salary. One became a minor Thai movie star and the other got a scholarship to Mahidol.

So it can be done, by some exceptional farang who really can live poor and manage their satang well--ride the bus, eat a lot of fried rice, etc. (Most farangs are not nearly as exceptional as they imagine they could be, however.) The majority of Thais raise families on less money than a farang English teacher earns. True, they have a family support system, but a farang can tap into the wife's system--if she's gonna stick by him, that is.

I have the impression tha uni teaching is a lot more stable than elementary/high school.

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the best way to dig a deeper hole is to start a business in a foreign country!

whats he supposed to fund this business with! use his wife as collateral?

and u say other replies not helpful..............oh buddha christ!

guys who say cut expenses r right, in other word convert to thaism living! and this is only to stop the bleeding of cash.

look at the bright side if u came to los for culture you will be living it!

i like the snip snip idaea. if i said it i prolly get suspended :o:D . he has shown bad jusdgement in this area whos to say he wont stick it in again wo proper precautions.

Tick tock . . tick tock.. tick tock

I think you're time's running out, blizzard.

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Actually, farang uni lecturers often get a good gig where they make well over 40K, including private lessons. Again, guys or ladies who are sharp, play the silly games correctly, get some good breaks, etc., can gross over 50K eventually. From what little the OP has told us about himself, he does not appear to have advanced, relevant educational background. So he would have to play the game, do private lessons, etc.

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