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Old Farang Need A Job


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Why don't we call a spade a spade. The guy is a loafing idiot, with obviously several marbles loose. Why on earth would any self-respecting foreign firm pay a guy like that an expat salary?

Utter nonsense.

He's a loser.


Maybe a loser, but I bet he is earning a small fortune!

A couple of years ago I used to travel through Calais about 4 times a week and on one occasion as I drove down a small road leading out of the train terminal ( by the Animal Qurantine building, in case he is still at it!) There was a quite insignificant looking scots guy that had a small uk register car on the side of the road who flagged me down explained his car had broken down in germany whichmade him late for train bookng back to the uk, he explained he had spent al his cask on getting the car repaired and he needed 13 Euros to have his ticket changed.

I looked and decided there but for the grace of god go I and promptly gave him£20 to get home and he was really apreciative, as I continued up the road the old lady I was on my way to drop at the huge hypermarke with my wife to do some shopping for the day whilst I went off to do what I had to bollocked me for parting with my cash so easily.

Those of you that know the area will know that you turn right at the end of this road and go up to the nearlby roundabout and double back on yourself on the dual carrage way leading to the hypermarket passn gthe road wher ethis guy was, ther was a hedge allong the centre of the carrageway that prevened my from seeing done the road so just to shut the old bag up I pulled over and crossed to the hedge where to my suprise I witnessed "Jock" was taking another £20 from another uk traveller!

I was over that road like a rat up a drain pipe! He tried to scurry away but was way too late, I gave him some abuse and got my dosh back, told him I was going to report him to the french police ( not that I would) and told him to get the f... out of there!

He had £40 in less than 2 minutes!!

Actully I admired his cheek because I could imagine the french police would not take too kindly to him and the possiblity of getting a group of brits on a booze cruse kicking the crap out of him if he had been dicovered was on the cards.

I left the wife andher pal shopping and shot of up to belgium for my meeting and about 6 or 7 hours later as I entered Calais for some reason I decided to divert up to see if the guy was still in the same spot, cheeky bleeder was there and true to form loked really sorry for himself as he waved me down!

As he started to talk I ot out of the car and he begain to recognise me as I gt beside his open car, he had a small suitcase open with a few well ironed clothes on display( presumable to add to his plausability) he got in his car and shot off as I gave him a bollocking with another (empty) threat of the police if I saw him there again.

I picked up the wife and her pal and headed home and we all laughed at the guys cheek.

3 or 4 days later I was back in Calais and out of curiousity I decided to go out o fmy way to see if cheeky Jock was still in that road, I fell about laughing as I turned the car and saw him looking very sad standing by the side of his little red car with the boot wide open!

He waved me down started his speach before recognising me and attempted to make a swift exist but I blocked his car in and he them was pleading for me to let him go!

Well I know we shouldnt reward scammers but this guy was just chancing his arm in my view (it was not as if he was bashing old ladies over the head for their pension books) and quite frankly if people like me were so willing to give him their money so easily you cannot blame him for trying it on!

It turned out he was living in germany with his german girl friend had been using this spot for 4 days a week for the past 4 or 5 months and had been caught by the french police once in that time and was jailed for a week, since then he had moved between this spot and another spot a few miles away in the ferry terminal at Dunkirk!

He said he stayed in the car for all of the 4 days and washed in the bathrooms at the shopping centres, when I questioned dhim about income he said he liked to get £ 700 a day! As he relaxed he admitted he usually got a minimum of £3k for his 4 day week and his best take was over xmas when he got £1800 in one day!

The icing on the cake was that hs girlfriend thoght he had a good job which required him to travel about europe for 4 days a week!

The guy was about 45ish, bit on the fat side and most inoffensive, totally non discript and you would feel sorry for him if you saw him.

What a beautiful scam! but not without danger I think.

I admired his cheek if nothing else and carried on my merry way, I saw him there many times over the next 6 or so months him and tooted as he tried to wave me down which he much enjoyed, dont get to Calais that often these days but

when her ladyship wants to go shopping in Calais I always go down that road, just in case he is there!

Love to know what happend to him, hope he hasnt been badly hurt too badly by some unhappy contributor to what must have been a fantastic "saving plan" for him.

Perhaps that him in BKK with the suitcase? Iwouldnt put it past him!

Roy gsd :o

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And incidentally, the Thais are pretty good to tolerate this sort of thing. It's one thing to give pavement space to your own beggars but to foreigners too!

Most beggars in Bangkok are foreign. They are mostly Cambodians. Only a few whites though. Other than this guy I've seen the Dutch beggar, A British guy in Khao San Road who'd approach people and claim a hooker stole all his money and he needed cab fair to Suhkumvit, and a British guy who would go around Silom and Suhkumvit trying to sell postcards to tourists. Dutch Beggar and Expat Salary Beggar are the least annoying of the farang beggars in my opinion, as they never approach people and just sit there with their signs.

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