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Mae Sai (tachilek) Market Bad Stuff


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Never seen any evidence of it on the several occassions I have been there.

But if these "Secret Rooms" do exsit then it's disgusting that the authorities don't stamp out something as horrible as the article alledges happens

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I don't see how none of us expats could have never heard of this stuff if it really existed. How could they sell it without anyone knowing about it?

I certainly hope that porno like is described here doesn't really exist. Remember the so-called "snuff" films that were never even real, but it took years before people realized it?

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If the author, who lives in northern Thailand according to the byline, reads TV maybe he can illuminate the subject a bit more. I've never actually been to the border at Mai Sai so I've no idea what it's really like up there but I can't imagine why anyone would fabricate such relatively easy to verify facts.

"And unless you are a saffron-robed monk, you will not be searched on the way back across the border into Thailand." Do I understand that to mean that monks are the most likely to be searched? Really?

Edited by Greenside
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There used to be a time when any Asians, but especially monks were searched by the police at Check points between Mae Sai and and Chiang Rai, This is because Burmese would try to sneak into Thailand in diguise. 2 or 3 years ago a Caucasian was caught smuggling a large quantity of drugs through that area (or so I was told by police) and since then they check out foreigners even more than they check out Asians. I have had my bags and vehicle that I was in checked many times in the last couple of years.

I find this article very suspect and sensational.

Why are Thai Police being targeted when this is happening in Burma?

Why would anyone risk bringing child pornography over the border when you can get it here?

If the author, who lives in northern Thailand according to the byline, reads TV maybe he can illuminate the subject a bit more. I've never actually been to the border at Mai Sai so I've no idea what it's really like up there but I can't imagine why anyone would fabricate such relatively easy to verify facts.

"And unless you are a saffron-robed monk, you will not be searched on the way back across the border into Thailand." Do I understand that to mean that monks are the most likely to be searched? Really?

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I'm in Tachilek at least once a month on personal business. On the way over the bridge into burma, I don't even need to get out of my truck to do the process, and on the way back through, it's like I'm invsible. Nobody gives me a second look, even though nothing can be seen inside my truck because of my very dark window filters. I just figure I'm lucky. No other reason for any of it... :o

In my opinion, the article is mostly BS..

Edited by Ajarn
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If the author, who lives in northern Thailand according to the byline, reads TV maybe he can illuminate the subject a bit more. I've never actually been to the border at Mai Sai so I've no idea what it's really like up there but I can't imagine why anyone would fabricate such relatively easy to verify facts.

"And unless you are a saffron-robed monk, you will not be searched on the way back across the border into Thailand." Do I understand that to mean that monks are the most likely to be searched? Really?

And how would the author know what was allegedly in the films unless he had bought, paid for, illegally imported into Thailand and then watched. Wasn't this the same excuse that a certain glittery character gave "I was just doing research into child porn, I wasn't actually watching it" YEAH RIGHT!!!

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If the author, who lives in northern Thailand according to the byline, reads TV maybe he can illuminate the subject a bit more. I've never actually been to the border at Mai Sai so I've no idea what it's really like up there but I can't imagine why anyone would fabricate such relatively easy to verify facts.

"And unless you are a saffron-robed monk, you will not be searched on the way back across the border into Thailand." Do I understand that to mean that monks are the most likely to be searched? Really?

And how would the author know what was allegedly in the films unless he had bought, paid for, illegally imported into Thailand and then watched. Wasn't this the same excuse that a certain glittery character gave "I was just doing research into child porn, I wasn't actually watching it" YEAH RIGHT!!!

Indeed. The author of the article is also apparently able to determine the age and nationality of each child victim, even being able to distinguish between British and European!

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Been there many times. Never seen it or been offered it. Have also been searched many times on the way home..., and I ain't no monk! I submit that the author is a wanke_r.

I agree--I, too, have been searched on road between Mae Sai and Chiang Rai, very thoroughly by Thai Ploice that were anthing but 'fibreglass dummies' [ dummies, maybe, but living, breathing etc..] I, also, have never seen, or been offrerd any of this filth that Mr.Nicholaides has 'seen' [ not that I want to] I agree, I think he's a 'merchant banker'.

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I don't see how none of us expats could have never heard of this stuff if it really existed. How could they sell it without anyone knowing about it?

I certainly hope that porno like is described here doesn't really exist. Remember the so-called "snuff" films that were never even real, but it took years before people realized it?

In well over a decade here I have heard of this, happily only once.

An elderly CM expat went across the bridge to Tachilek regularly and admitted to me that he bought 'blue movies.'

One, which from its cover seemed to be, er, 'conventional' turned out to contain all under age hard core. He told me that he went berserk and cut it to pieces and threw them away. Afterwards he realised he should have kept it and handed it in to some authority, but who and where we may ask?

I have since lost touch with him so cannot follow this up.

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Sensationalism sell papers. Got us all reading and replying

Indeed - and if this article is anything to go by I suspect that is what this so-called writer's "career" is based upon. One of the most appalling articles on or around the topic that I have ever read and I would welcome the opportunity to debate and discuss his motivation, information and ethics either here or in person.


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While commendable that this article has met with universal disgust and the general opinion that the article is sensationalist, this topic is being closed because discussion of illegal activities is against forum rules and discussions about child porn always end up badly


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