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Immigration Chief Cracks Down On Unwanted Foreigners

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I'm not real happy about turning people in because about half of them are old timers who are retired and have regular but limited funds. The other half are a different story. Bums who lie, steal and scam to be able to live here. Good riddance to that bunch.

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Nothing to address the thousands of overstayers that stay out of the system. Only double speak and big words.

I'm tired of having to lie to the government to get anything issued.

If they're going to address investment, they're going to have to do more than a promise of shorter lines as I come and go.

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Wow, nearly 1,800 readers on this topic just minutes after the email from ThaiVisa was in the inbox. A lot of foreigners who are worried if they are still wanted here, it seems.

That is the problem; we are NOT wanted here.

Thailand makes it annoying and tight with the 30 day and 90 day visas to make staying in Thailand difficult.

They could make it a lot harder, but they could make it more lucrative too.

Currently everyone jumps a border somewhere and has to pay travel and Visa's into other countries.

They could save everyone much pain by simply allowing extensions to be done in-house and paying a price for the same.

Therefore the money stays in Thailand and could be used to pay for the system that has just been dreamed up.

PS, If they are going to get a good satellite image of my wifes house in the village, I would like a copy too.

Google Earth has such poor quality maps of Surin that I can't make out where the village is, let alone having a picture of the house!!!

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In addition, details of where foreigners reside, including satellite pictures with details of where foreigners live, are now stored on a centralized database and monitored for irregularities, he said.

No more nud_e pool parties at my place.

With the aim of smoothing out the immigration process for many foreigners, Gen Chatchawan said that foreigners known to be honest, responsible and posing no threat to Thailand can be issued cards that will facilitate swift passage past immigration checkpoints.

Can, not will. I'm not holding my breath. Just another PR blitz that will come to nothing like all the others...

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So it's us foreigners who make the country unstable!? Well all apologies sir but let me point out that certain of your fellow countrymen are doing a superb job at just that......causing all sort of mayhem and uncertainty for the foreign eyes.

I'd like to see them tracking my presence with satelite cameras because they dont have my address.....moved three times since the first wp and never an update and no-one seems to care !! So they can focus on the first address and wait years for me to come out and cause instability somewhere - oh this gets funnier the more I think about it - but aI'll never show my face because I must be a secret spy and use covert tactics of course. Silly bugger!

Actually I caused instability the other day when I went inot a bank - I wanted to change my address but they would not do it despite the fact that I had my passport and evidence of my new address.......I walked out in total confusion - what the...? So as you can see...keeping track of the instability causing foreigner is going to be a terribly hard job !

North Korea is looking pretty good as a stable place to go live.....no instability causing foreigners living there !!!

Make us all laugh matey !

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Immigration I reckon that's the worst problem facing Thailand Im sure it will help, thank God the economy is in good shape and the Thais are all happy with the current situation except for those darn Farang (sarcasm)

So, you reckon immigration should just not try to improve and they should keep letting many criminals into the country? They shouldn't change for the better so Thailand can get rid of the lable of being a haven for Western criminals? Good idea. (sarcasm)

The immigration department does not run the economy and does not run parliament so I think they'll just stick to the area assigned to them. Glad you got to irrationally try to attribute this news article to how Thailand hates farang, though. Use the argument where it actually applies, which is nowhere near here. Perhaps you should just leave if you're so dissatisfied?

JimJim: I couldn't have said it better myself ! !

Reminds me of one of my favorite sayings:

"Never argue with a fool . . . . .they'll bring you down to their level and beat you with their experience . . . . "



(18 yrs. in LOS)

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I can't believe you guys posting here in favour of this crap. Talk about sleepwalking into a surviellance society, this is complete big brotherism. You welcome authorities like the thai police and immigration officials keeping networks of informers and ammassing lots of information on individuals?

If you're not doing anything woring - you've nothing to fear? Oh yeah? So you wouldn't mind if the police hooked up a cctv camera in your living room? Well, if you're not doing anything wrong, why would you object? You think a general who describes the deaths of 54 burmese illegal immigrants as a traffic offence, to be a breath of fresh air in proposing more efficient immigration processing? And at the same time, he says we need illegal labourers because they work for lower wages? And of course he pays the peadophile card - out of how many million tourists a year who come to thailand? Is any single male to be targetted as a potential kiddy fiddler? Given the track record on coups, the war on drugs and behaviour of the security forces in the south [remember Tak Bai - did you see the images on youtube?], you reckon increased surveillance and information gathering is a good thing?

If Thailand could be changed into one giant Singapore, with its concommitant low crime, green and clean land and air, disciplined authorities and population, then it might be fine, but thailand ain't like that.... waken up and wait for the bootsteps in the middle of the night.

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"Regarding Immigration’s role in apprehending illegal laborers, he said, “It is more important to make illegal workers legal as the country needs them. In the case of Burmese, they can work at rates that Thais will not accept and employers cannot afford to pay more – making them a necessity. Immigration therefore has a policy to legalize them and ensure that they all have correct documentation.”

Perhaps the following definition could help explain the reality of this statement

Indentured labour / a person contracted to work for a set period for a land owner

slave labor

noun /

labor that is coerced and inadequately rewarded, or the people who perform such labor

Slavic (captive)’

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I have the deepest respect for the venerable Phuket Gazette but it's not The Times and I wonder is this officer really told all these strange things.

In which language?

As he thinks in Thai and as the article is English, there is a translation somewhere.

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Wow, nearly 1,800 readers on this topic just minutes after the email from ThaiVisa was in the inbox. A lot of foreigners who are worried if they are still wanted here, it seems.

Makes me wonder when in other threads people are going on and on how foreigners in this country are guests, I am sure none of those is reading this right now :o

Can someone please translate this pure mumbo jumbo!

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I can't believe you guys posting here in favour of this crap. Talk about sleepwalking into a surviellance society, this is complete big brotherism. You welcome authorities like the thai police and immigration officials keeping networks of informers and ammassing lots of information on individuals?

If you're not doing anything woring - you've nothing to fear? Oh yeah? So you wouldn't mind if the police hooked up a cctv camera in your living room? Well, if you're not doing anything wrong, why would you object? You think a general who describes the deaths of 54 burmese illegal immigrants as a traffic offence, to be a breath of fresh air in proposing more efficient immigration processing? And at the same time, he says we need illegal labourers because they work for lower wages? And of course he pays the peadophile card - out of how many million tourists a year who come to thailand? Is any single male to be targetted as a potential kiddy fiddler? Given the track record on coups, the war on drugs and behaviour of the security forces in the south [remember Tak Bai - did you see the images on youtube?], you reckon increased surveillance and information gathering is a good thing?

If Thailand could be changed into one giant Singapore, with its concommitant low crime, green and clean land and air, disciplined authorities and population, then it might be fine, but thailand ain't like that.... waken up and wait for the bootsteps in the middle of the night.

Wow incredibly well said, you hit it right between the eyes, The hidden agenda.


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I can't believe you guys posting here in favour of this crap. Talk about sleepwalking into a surviellance society, this is complete big brotherism. You welcome authorities like the thai police and immigration officials keeping networks of informers and ammassing lots of information on individuals?

If you're not doing anything woring - you've nothing to fear? Oh yeah? So you wouldn't mind if the police hooked up a cctv camera in your living room? Well, if you're not doing anything wrong, why would you object? You think a general who describes the deaths of 54 burmese illegal immigrants as a traffic offence, to be a breath of fresh air in proposing more efficient immigration processing? And at the same time, he says we need illegal labourers because they work for lower wages? And of course he pays the peadophile card - out of how many million tourists a year who come to thailand? Is any single male to be targetted as a potential kiddy fiddler? Given the track record on coups, the war on drugs and behaviour of the security forces in the south [remember Tak Bai - did you see the images on youtube?], you reckon increased surveillance and information gathering is a good thing?

If Thailand could be changed into one giant Singapore, with its concommitant low crime, green and clean land and air, disciplined authorities and population, then it might be fine, but thailand ain't like that.... waken up and wait for the bootsteps in the middle of the night.

Spot on! It is amaizing and frightening to know just how dumbed down the sheeple are. It is just a skip and a jump before we are all made to recieve RFIDs in the hand - safer that way as so many people will have their cards stolen (or lose them).

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If this keeps put those nob head pedos out that keep getting busted here then Im all for it, sick of being lumped in the same demograph as them and they are an embarrassment...

Of course if they dont come here they likely won't get caught at all, by the looks of some of them they've been at it for a large number of years.

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How shameless can one be. 54 People killed in a truck, as the employer was no identified it is no human trafficking but illegal entry! Wow, what about the driver, how about officials looking the other way and how about people paying almost a year wages? Illegal entry??

Databases? Great, unfortunately for Thailand they have to set it up themselves as they will not even get a list lost passports from Western countries, as they simply do not trust the system. We should classify this speech therefore as just another speech of just another nice hi-raki. I bet that we get a copy of the statement next year from another chap. I agree with whatsoever, I assume it is the niceties that have to be performed by Thai Visa, because it is crap

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I think the penultimate paragraph will be well received by foreigners such as myself, who spend many hours each year queuing up for re-entry procedures. Only last month another 45 minutes queuing. Entry into Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Brazil over the past few months have shown the efficiencies with which immigration can be achieved - with a smile too, and in the case of Singapore, even a boiled sweet!

If it is actually put into operation, I welcome the new immigration move.


ive never spent more than 5 minutes in an immigration line in bkk

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Wow, nearly 1,800 readers on this topic just minutes after the email from ThaiVisa was in the inbox. A lot of foreigners who are worried if they are still wanted here, it seems.

Makes me wonder when in other threads people are going on and on how foreigners in this country are guests, I am sure none of those is reading this right now :D

Of course there are a lot of people reading this, mine I was seeing what I might have to provide for the extension on my annual this year. That can vary year to year and certainly from office to office.

Wouldn't it be nice if some of the paperwork was lessened then maybe officers could get in the field and catch illegal alliens instead of spending all thier time sticking stamps in those passports, year after year. Hey wouldn't a five year visa plan solve just a bit of the problem.

How stupid of me couldn't possibly get new computer equipment out of that.

Lets see going on six years been stopped once in a check point, then they were checking my wife, yep that should speed up my life a lot. Not that I have anywhere to be in a hurry anyway. Well if it helps you guys at the airport and if it catches some Pedo's worthwhile.

Wonder if Uncle Tak's satelite can take photos?

Snitch card now that is something new in cop shop, sounds good easier to identify the dead body.

So I guess Big Brother is watching, don't really care not doing anything anyway.

For all you guys complaining got to play by house rules, it's there house and they are dealing. The option go to a different establishment maybe thier rules will fit you better, But, you can bet they will have some of thier own. Of course you could just relax here adn enjoy yhe paret of the game that goes your way. :o

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Wow, nearly 1,800 readers on this topic just minutes after the email from ThaiVisa was in the inbox. A lot of foreigners who are worried if they are still wanted here, it seems.

Makes me wonder when in other threads people are going on and on how foreigners in this country are guests, I am sure none of those is reading this right now :D

Of course there are a lot of people reading this, mine I was seeing what I might have to provide for the extension on my annual this year. That can vary year to year and certainly from office to office.

Wouldn't it be nice if some of the paperwork was lessened then maybe officers could get in the field and catch illegal alliens instead of spending all thier time sticking stamps in those passports, year after year. Hey wouldn't a five year visa plan solve just a bit of the problem.

How stupid of me couldn't possibly get new computer equipment out of that.

Lets see going on six years been stopped once in a check point, then they were checking my wife, yep that should speed up my life a lot. Not that I have anywhere to be in a hurry anyway. Well if it helps you guys at the airport and if it catches some Pedo's worthwhile.

Wonder if Uncle Tak's satelite can take photos?

Snitch card now that is something new in cop shop, sounds good easier to identify the dead body.

So I guess Big Brother is watching, don't really care not doing anything anyway.

For all you guys complaining got to play by house rules, it's there house and they are dealing. The option go to a different establishment maybe thier rules will fit you better, But, you can bet they will have some of thier own. Of course you could just relax here adn enjoy yhe paret of the game that goes your way. :o

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So it's us foreigners who make the country unstable!? Well all apologies sir but let me point out that certain of your fellow countrymen are doing a superb job at just that......causing all sort of mayhem and uncertainty for the foreign eyes.

if you could just pull your head out of your butt for a minute and put aside the notion that everything is about us, I think there is a bigger picture here.

he will no doubt be referring to southern separatists from Malaysia causing unrest down below. He might also be referring to the fact that a handful of top islamic terrorists have been arrested in Thailand, and still others have had meetings here (including some of the 9/11 bombers). Or could he be referring to trying to prevent the likes of that Russian arms dealer entering the country.

It's not all about us, you know.

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I don't see the problem with this. This sort of a system is implemented in most developing/developed countries already anyway. The centralized database system just makes it easier for Thai immigration officials to make sure that you're doing what you tell them you're doing. Having said that, I've also never really had a problem with lines in immigration, plus I'm not really there all that often anyway.

The snitch card sounds weird but hey, this is Thailand :o

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Speaking about the 54 Burmese who suffocated in a refrigeration truck en route to Phuket on April 9, Gen Chatchawan said, “By law, this incident cannot be classified as human trafficking as there was no employer identified as being involved, meaning that it was simply a violation of entering without passing a checkpoint.

I feel... like vomiting. :o

Of course, if they aren't looking for an "employer"... then it's easier.

As for the rest, it's like a sci-fi movie scenario, like Enemy of the State, with super databases and satellites tracking... foreigners ("including satellite pictures with details of where foreigners live") !


Mixed with wonderful concepts ("national stability") and a few good ideas, and some classic thai weirdness.

I mean consider this sentence : "Also, informers who prove themselves as having excellent powers of observation, good memories and a concise, accurate reporting style are now issued an ID card that enables them to quickly report a suspicious foreigner and have the case taken seriously by Immigration."

??? What does it mean ???

Eventually, a rather very strange cocktail.

More evidence of creeping nationalism imho. We are to be watched and monitored and reported on by informers....who will be rewarded for their informing....all this justified on the basis it will stop a few people, who I guess will go elsewhere. Odd that they seem to think the long-term residents are possible sources of problems and not the holiday makers/regular visitors.

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So it's us foreigners who make the country unstable!? Well all apologies sir but let me point out that certain of your fellow countrymen are doing a superb job at just that......causing all sort of mayhem and uncertainty for the foreign eyes.

if you could just pull your head out of your butt for a minute and put aside the notion that everything is about us, I think there is a bigger picture here.

he will no doubt be referring to southern separatists from Malaysia causing unrest down below. He might also be referring to the fact that a handful of top islamic terrorists have been arrested in Thailand, and still others have had meetings here (including some of the 9/11 bombers). Or could he be referring to trying to prevent the likes of that Russian arms dealer entering the country.

It's not all about us, you know.

Maybe it's not all about us, but it will definitely affect us if they cannot differentiate between ex pats and terrorists.

Edited by niller74
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Take it easy guys!!!

They change their laws every five minutes and have problems to enforce them because , ups,

"I didn't know that was the law from yesterday."

So don't worry. Wait and See.

Edited by frankman
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Currently everyone jumps a border somewhere and has to pay travel and Visa's into other countries.

They could save everyone much pain by simply allowing extensions to be done in-house and paying a price for the same.

Would it be an accurate interpretation to say:

"Currently I jump a border somewhere and have to pay travel and Visa's into other countries.

They could save me much pain by simply allowing extensions to be done in-house and paying a price for the same."

There are many foreigners living legally in Thailand who don't have to do "border runs," but those foreigners living in Thailand who DO have to do border runs, sometimes forget that.

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"In addition, details of where foreigners reside, including satellite pictures with details of where foreigners live, are now stored on a centralized database and monitored for irregularities, he said"

Suspect our learned Lt Gen has been reading one to many science fiction novels...LOL....considering the vast majority of foreigners in the urban areas live in condos...

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Promotion time is round the corner and this man is aiming for something higher, It a nice little earner for him to get in the papers as a saviour of Thai morals and interests.

Nothin more!

Same as police inspector in the met needs a sponser to rise further, and to let people know wot a jolly good fellow he is!

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Immigration chief targets ‘national stability’


Lt Gen Chatchawan Suksomchit explains how Immigration

will be using centralized databases with real-time access

to check on unwanted foreigners. Photo: Phuket Gazette

PHUKET CITY: -- In Phuket to officiate at the opening of the new Phuket Provincial Immigration Office at Saphan Hin today, Immigration Commissioner Lt Gen Chatchawan Suksomchit yesterday announced that he is shaking up his ranks to use technology to be more effective.

Gen Chatchawan, Thailand’s top Immigration officer, said his goal is to improve "national stability" in order to restore investor confidence in the country.

He is on a national roadshow to spread his ideology, which he believes the Immigration Bureau can help achieve by maintaining internal security, better administration and serving justice.

In order for the year ahead to be the “year of investment” for Thailand, radical changes are needed to keep up with rapid development worldwide in the era of globalism, Gen Chatchawan opined.

He explained that Immigration will introduce a real-time national database called “Pisces” (Personal Identification Secure Comparison Evaluation System) as well as Advanced Passenger Process (APP) and Advanced Passenger Information (API) computer systems so that officers can quickly and more effectively process arrivals.

“The important synergies here are with organizations like Interpol and government departments of many nations that are willing to join forces. Many nations are now supplying Thai immigration with comprehensive data on both known and suspected pedophiles,” Gen Chatchawan said.

Regarding Immigration’s role in apprehending illegal laborers, he said, “It is more important to make illegal workers legal as the country needs them. In the case of Burmese, they can work at rates that Thais will not accept and employers cannot afford to pay more – making them a necessity. Immigration therefore has a policy to legalize them and ensure that they all have correct documentation.”

Speaking about the 54 Burmese who suffocated in a refrigeration truck en route to Phuket on April 9, Gen Chatchawan said, “By law, this incident cannot be classified as human trafficking as there was no employer identified as being involved, meaning that it was simply a violation of entering without passing a checkpoint.

“As far as the other related crimes, such as the shooting of an ex-police lieutenant suspected of playing a role in the deaths, it is the duty of local police to investigate.”

However, Gen Chatchawan admitted, “I do not deny that fact that the integrity of government officials across the board must now be more closely monitored and action taken against those involved.”

Other developments to boost national security include the formation of a “Transnational Syndicate Crime Suppression Center” and a task force to counter forgery of passports, visas and immigration stamps.

In addition, details of where foreigners reside, including satellite pictures with details of where foreigners live, are now stored on a centralized database and monitored for irregularities, he said.

“The system is not only to arrest illegal immigrants but also to offer higher levels of safety and protection to VIP visitors. In order for the database to be practical, only those with visas that allow longer stays and VIPS are monitored,” Gen Chatchawan explained.

He added that networks are being established to share resources between immigration and other national agencies, such as the Internal Security Operation Command (ISOC), Special Branch (Santibaan), Border Patrol and Provincial Police.

Also, informers who prove themselves as having excellent powers of observation, good memories and a concise, accurate reporting style are now issued an ID card that enables them to quickly report a suspicious foreigner and have the case taken seriously by Immigration.

With the aim of smoothing out the immigration process for many foreigners, Gen Chatchawan said that foreigners known to be honest, responsible and posing no threat to Thailand can be issued cards that will facilitate swift passage past immigration checkpoints.

Also, volunteer translators are helping out at immigration offices, and a 1178 hotline has been set up to provide clear, accurate information about immigration processes, he added.

-- Phuket Gazette 2008-07-29

Bull...t still continues to baffle brains.......... :o

roy gsd

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Immigration chief targets 'national stability'


Lt Gen Chatchawan Suksomchit explains how Immigration

will be using centralized databases with real-time access

to check on unwanted foreigners. Photo: Phuket Gazette

PHUKET CITY: -- In Phuket to officiate at the opening of the new Phuket Provincial Immigration Office at Saphan Hin today, Immigration Commissioner Lt Gen Chatchawan Suksomchit yesterday announced that he is shaking up his ranks to use technology to be more effective.

Gen Chatchawan, Thailand's top Immigration officer, said his goal is to improve "national stability" in order to restore investor confidence in the country.

He is on a national roadshow to spread his ideology, which he believes the Immigration Bureau can help achieve by maintaining internal security, better administration and serving justice.

In order for the year ahead to be the "year of investment" for Thailand, radical changes are needed to keep up with rapid development worldwide in the era of globalism, Gen Chatchawan opined.

He explained that Immigration will introduce a real-time national database called "Pisces" (Personal Identification Secure Comparison Evaluation System) as well as Advanced Passenger Process (APP) and Advanced Passenger Information (API) computer systems so that officers can quickly and more effectively process arrivals.

"The important synergies here are with organizations like Interpol and government departments of many nations that are willing to join forces. Many nations are now supplying Thai immigration with comprehensive data on both known and suspected pedophiles," Gen Chatchawan said.

Regarding Immigration's role in apprehending illegal laborers, he said, "It is more important to make illegal workers legal as the country needs them. In the case of Burmese, they can work at rates that Thais will not accept and employers cannot afford to pay more – making them a necessity. Immigration therefore has a policy to legalize them and ensure that they all have correct documentation."

Speaking about the 54 Burmese who suffocated in a refrigeration truck en route to Phuket on April 9, Gen Chatchawan said, "By law, this incident cannot be classified as human trafficking as there was no employer identified as being involved, meaning that it was simply a violation of entering without passing a checkpoint.

"As far as the other related crimes, such as the shooting of an ex-police lieutenant suspected of playing a role in the deaths, it is the duty of local police to investigate."

However, Gen Chatchawan admitted, "I do not deny that fact that the integrity of government officials across the board must now be more closely monitored and action taken against those involved."

Other developments to boost national security include the formation of a "Transnational Syndicate Crime Suppression Center" and a task force to counter forgery of passports, visas and immigration stamps.

In addition, details of where foreigners reside, including satellite pictures with details of where foreigners live, are now stored on a centralized database and monitored for irregularities, he said.

"The system is not only to arrest illegal immigrants but also to offer higher levels of safety and protection to VIP visitors. In order for the database to be practical, only those with visas that allow longer stays and VIPS are monitored," Gen Chatchawan explained.

He added that networks are being established to share resources between immigration and other national agencies, such as the Internal Security Operation Command (ISOC), Special Branch (Santibaan), Border Patrol and Provincial Police.

Also, informers who prove themselves as having excellent powers of observation, good memories and a concise, accurate reporting style are now issued an ID card that enables them to quickly report a suspicious foreigner and have the case taken seriously by Immigration.

With the aim of smoothing out the immigration process for many foreigners, Gen Chatchawan said that foreigners known to be honest, responsible and posing no threat to Thailand can be issued cards that will facilitate swift passage past immigration checkpoints.

Also, volunteer translators are helping out at immigration offices, and a 1178 hotline has been set up to provide clear, accurate information about immigration processes, he added.

-- Phuket Gazette 2008-07-29

Swift passage indeed lets have some of that please :o

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