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The amount is irrelevant here. If someone is taking money from you without reason, be it 1 baht or 1 million baht, you have a right to complain.

complaining is not a solution. avoiding or compensating the fee is.

Just because complaining may or may not result in a solution, doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, does it?

Or have years of marriage taught you to just keep your mouth shut? :D

i never complain to my wife. i just tell "do or don't do!" and she always complies. she does or doesn't. the same goes for our dog. he is very obedient. if i tell him "are you coming now in or not?!" he will come in... or not :o

That's a tight ship you run there Naam! :D

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A non sarcastic observation.

20 baht IMHO for the convenience of what you need is a small price to pay, if you do it in one go.

Then again I always plan for tomorrow and spend accordingly so maybe my way of doing things differ from yours.

marshbags :D

Marsh, I have no inconvenience at all... I draw my funds from Thai bank ATMs (using both U.S. and Thai bank cards) when and where I want, anytime, but simply choose to use banks and cards that charge me no transaction fees.

And, I likewise always plan my finances for tomorrow, which includes not wasting money on things that have no purpose or value... like unnecessary bank fees.

There's absolutely no reason to do otherwise. My life and spending/habits haven't changed one bit...except now instead of using SCB, I use others.

Fair comment jf.

I might add that I and many ATM users in the U.K. do likewise in regard to the fees for using them.

The charges of course are a bit different and as there is far more choice, plus with multiple ATM facilities in convenient places, it is an easy decision to make.

It also had the power to get the fees lifted in certain cases.

marshbags :o

The real issue here is, are the banks taking the money without due cause? If there's justification for it then fine. If not, they should stop.

The banks would probably argue that 20 Baht is a small price for a customer to pay to offset the investment in technology that allowed the ATM to deliver cash to you, the capital cost of acquiring and installing the ATMs, the maintenance costs of stocking and servicing the ATMs so you can the cash out 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the cost of developing security measures to try and get a step ahead of the fraudsters, the adminstrative costs of reading and replying to every half-wit who complains about the charge - there are probably more including the alternative of exchanging cash or travellers cheques at a much higher transactional cost.

Oh My God! - Having re-read the post I now feel guilty about telling my g/f not to use SCB again as long as she has breath in her body. Actually, she did not need me to do this because once she saw that the ATM had deprived her of one meal she did what any Thai would - voted with her feet :o

The real issue here is, are the banks taking the money without due cause? If there's justification for it then fine. If not, they should stop.

The banks would probably argue that 20 Baht is a small price for a customer to pay to offset the investment in technology that allowed the ATM to deliver cash to you, the capital cost of acquiring and installing the ATMs, the maintenance costs of stocking and servicing the ATMs so you can the cash out 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the cost of developing security measures to try and get a step ahead of the fraudsters, the adminstrative costs of reading and replying to every half-wit who complains about the charge - there are probably more including the alternative of exchanging cash or travellers cheques at a much higher transactional cost.

Oh My God! - Having re-read the post I now feel guilty about telling my g/f not to use SCB again as long as she has breath in her body. Actually, she did not need me to do this because once she saw that the ATM had deprived her of one meal she did what any Thai would - voted with her feet :o

I thought actually that it was quite the opposite; that banks save a lot of money having ATMs because it means smaller branches and less staff.

Oh My God! - Having re-read the post I now feel guilty about telling my g/f not to use SCB again as long as she has breath in her body. Actually, she did not need me to do this because once she saw that the ATM had deprived her of one meal she did what any Thai would - voted with her feet :D

Hahahahahaha.... you are right!!!! I was talking above about a month's worth of SCB fees equaling a nice farang food meal. But I should have added, or, the price of an ENTIRE Thai food meal...

Except, on my soi, the main streetside cafe has lately gone from 20 to 25 baht per dish.... I'm outraged!!!!!! :o But, since I'm saving my 20 baht payments that otherwise would have been going to SCB, I feel I can be a bit generous with my local Thai food purveyor... and not gripe too much about the latest price increase. :D

i never complain to my wife. i just tell "do or don't do!" and she always complies. she does or doesn't. the same goes for our dog. he is very obedient. if i tell him "are you coming now in or not?!" he will come in... or not :o

Naam, sounds to me like you've found the solution to domestic tranquility... Hahahahaha.... Would have never thought to take that approach.

Interesting that you're using the same method for both your wife and your dog!!!



I started a similar thread back in June regarding the 20baht fee SCB was charging.

I never wrote that they didn't have a right to charge that or any fee they want. I was peeved because they didn't advise either with a written notice at the ATM machine or on the ATM display that a xx baht fee will be charged if I continue, so I got hit twice because I made 2 withdrawals using to different cards before I noticed the surprise fee. Then after hearing from others that they stop charging the fee, I used my card again and was happy to see not fee was charged. Several weeks later, I withdrew some cash and found their surprise 20 baht fee was back.

I wonder how some of you folks critical of some of us who prefer to be frugal, would have felt if the surprise fee was a mere 100 baht? Mai ben rai krab, right?

From what i understand is this. I bank with Kasikorn at Siam Square. If i was to use my ATM card in another area, say Pattaya for instsance, i would be charged 20bht, even if i used another Kasikorn Bank. When i used my UK atm card however, Kasikorn atm did print that i have not been charged for the servie.

Krung Thai, the government bank charges THB 20 when using their ATM card with a different bank and THB 10 when withdrawing money from their counter in a different region.

i never complain to my wife. i just tell "do or don't do!" and she always complies. she does or doesn't. the same goes for our dog. he is very obedient. if i tell him "are you coming now in or not?!" he will come in... or not :o

Naam, sounds to me like you've found the solution to domestic tranquility... Hahahahaha.... Would have never thought to take that approach.

Interesting that you're using the same method for both your wife and your dog!!!


Another Naam 'shaggy dog story' ? or perhaps a case of the tail wagging the dog ? :D

I wonder how some of you folks critical of some of us who prefer to be frugal, would have felt if the surprise fee was a mere 100 baht? Mai ben rai krab, right?

I never have an issue with frugality - I practice it all the time (and I am considering introducing the concept to the g/f!). Ask me how many ATM charges I have paid - I will give you a clue, it starts with a zero (admittedly on one occasion it cost me more in fuel/time/effort to get to the nearest fee-free ATM).

The main point was the last one in my post - my g/f voted with her feet. She would not accept the charge again and unless the whole Thai banking system applied a uniform charge customers will always find a cost-effective alternative.

I could go to SCB and tell them that, unless they abandon this iniquitous charge, I will move my 1m Baht deposit to Kasikorn/BBK or whoever. The reality is that the hassle factor would be too great. So, for now at least, I will keep my money with SCB but withdraw cash from my UK card at another bank. Everyone's a winner - chai mai? :o

i never complain to my wife. i just tell "do or don't do!" and she always complies. she does or doesn't. the same goes for our dog. he is very obedient. if i tell him "are you coming now in or not?!" he will come in... or not :o

Naam, sounds to me like you've found the solution to domestic tranquility... Hahahahaha.... Would have never thought to take that approach.

Interesting that you're using the same method for both your wife and your dog!!!


wife and dog refuse to accept any training or instructions. to avoid frustration i leave my "commands" open to their interpretation. as simple as that :D

i never complain to my wife. i just tell "do or don't do!" and she always complies. she does or doesn't. the same goes for our dog. he is very obedient. if i tell him "are you coming now in or not?!" he will come in... or not :o

Naam, sounds to me like you've found the solution to domestic tranquility... Hahahahaha.... Would have never thought to take that approach.

Interesting that you're using the same method for both your wife and your dog!!!


Another Naam 'shaggy dog story' ? or perhaps a case of the tail wagging the dog ? :D

looks like humour is not a virtue you are familiar with.

i never complain to my wife. i just tell "do or don't do!" and she always complies. she does or doesn't. the same goes for our dog. he is very obedient. if i tell him "are you coming now in or not?!" he will come in... or not :o

Naam, sounds to me like you've found the solution to domestic tranquility... Hahahahaha.... Would have never thought to take that approach.

Interesting that you're using the same method for both your wife and your dog!!!


Another Naam 'shaggy dog story' ? or perhaps a case of the tail wagging the dog ? :D

looks like humour is not a virtue you are familiar with.

So the "smiley's" are there because................ :D


as in all those other "SCB - extra - withdrawal - fees" that can already be found here in TV, many people who posted here didnt actually understand that this is a SECOND fee, in addition to the usual 4-5 EURO (and thats a lot!), that people are being charged using their FOREIGN card here in Thailand. this has NOTHING to do with using any kind of THAI ATM CARD. so why would u want to pay another 20 Baht if you already have to pay the usual 4-5 Euro-fee ?

as has been mentioned: AVOID SCB and spread the news, thats it.....

As i mentioned on another thread, i tried once, had my request refused and haven,t had the bottle to try it again out of fear of losing my card.

I got caught out like this a couple of months ago after years with no problem and couldnt work out what I did wrong, then it came to me! the exchange rate had dropped so as I was asking for more than the daily limit I was refused! Once I reduced the amount asked for to £300 in baht then everything was back to normal. Incidently I have never been charged for using my Nationwide Card here plus the exchange rate is very good and no fees. I tend to draw my monthly "alowance" out over a number of days and deposit it in my Bangkok Bank for use during the month. I only use the lcoal bangkok Bank branches and again never get charged any fees, the plus side to this is I have a clear trail on my passbook of depositing and withdrawing money and every year when I renew my retirement extension they take copies of the previous four or five pages. The fact that i have deposited cash with no evidence of where it came from has never been questioned! although I could produce the atm slips from my N/W acc if asked.

as in all those other "SCB - extra - withdrawal - fees" that can already be found here in TV, many people who posted here didnt actually understand that this is a SECOND fee, in addition to the usual 4-5 EURO (and thats a lot!), that people are being charged using their FOREIGN card here in Thailand. this has NOTHING to do with using any kind of THAI ATM CARD. so why would u want to pay another 20 Baht if you already have to pay the usual 4-5 Euro-fee ?

as has been mentioned: AVOID SCB and spread the news, thats it.....

maybe i missed something but that was not clear to me at the outset. i understood the OP to mean he was complaining about the standard 20 baht fee for using a thai atm card.


Yes...you missed something...entirely...

This discussion is about SCB's newly imposed 20 baht per transaction fee for using any non-Thai ATM cards in their (SCB) ATM machines.

maybe i missed something but that was not clear to me at the outset. i understood the OP to mean he was complaining about the standard 20 baht fee for using a thai atm card.

I just reread the OP and yeah, you are way out in left field. :o

Here's a guy that gets it and understands the value of money. Man, I need to invest in some bank stocks and collect some fees from the "I'm wealthy and 20 baht is nothing to me" crowd :D

i don't think anybody said that. and those who complain about the loss of THB 20.- should rather use their time to evaluate their spending patterns as well as their financial matters, do some research and try to find a way to compensate for the outrageous ATM fees. all afore said of course in my [not so] humble opinion.


I disagree.

If you watch the pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves :D

Yes...you missed something...entirely...

This discussion is about SCB's newly imposed 20 baht per transaction fee for using any non-Thai ATM cards in their (SCB) ATM machines.

The real problem is the cost of the money exchange.

I tested 2 different bank comparing windows banknote price with exchange rate in ATM and Siam was the best. 20 bath are just nothing if you loose 1 bath for every euro......

I will recheck this winter even with the home fee (ok, 2E for me) is not smart to take few money each time....

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