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Olympics - No Live Coverage In English ?


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From what i can gather so far there seems to be no live coverage of the olympics

in english I assume one of the local Thai channels will have live coverage but i

somehow expected True with all its sport channels to be covering the events in english

but the lack of mention of the Olympics in the current months magazine leads me to

believe that once again true visions is out to prove what an inept useless company

it is with absolutely no concern for its subscibers

If anybody knows different i would be interested to hear if there is going to be live

coverage in english anywhere on Thai tv

hi sorry to hear your problems ,

but here in udonthani we have HOME CABLE only 300bt pre month about 12 channles in english couple news channs ,couple films , nothing special but we get ALL the big sport events , cricket , football , F1 and the olympic covereage has been second to none . 3 diffrent channels all day most of the night . sound if you cant sleep ... i think the coverage is stolen from south africa but hey i can live with that ...


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Have you seen the NY Times today? Lek of Brooklyn is complaining that there is no Olympic commentary on any sports channel; meanwhile, Noi, writing under the pseudonym 'Digusted in Tunbridge Wells', is moaning that there is no Thai commentary on the BBC!

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just been watching womens beach volleyball (germans vs Sth Efricka) - live I think, some gymnastics - live, swimming heats -live, finals recorded.

Sure, it isn't wall to wall coverage..but it will do.

Women's Volleyball, Gymnastics, Swimming, I assume you are speaking of the ladies... :D

No need for translation watching those events, maybe some tissue. :o

The only other thing worth watching is the opening ceremonies. Luckily the scene released the OZ HD broadcast over Bit torrent.

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Someone above mentioned basketball being shown on the Thai TV channels....

I've caught one men's basketball game (U.S. v. China) shown on Thai TV, more or less in its entirety... If Thai TV has shown any other complete basketball game, I've missed it...and seen no mention of it here.

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They've shown a couple more basketball games if I recall correctly.

The coverage has been ok, better than I expected - but the Thai commentary is atrocious! My wife gets mad every time I bitch at the commentators (which is pretty often) - like the time when the commentator said the Thai female skeet shooter was sure to get a medal - big time jinxed her, she proceeded to miss nearly as many shots as she made and fell to fifth from first.

Or today, when one of them tried to explain away the failure of the Thai female high jumper due to "slippery" conditions, what a crock. She had no chance at a medal anyhow, but she didn't perform that well - the simple fact of the matter was that it was raining and there were delays, and the athletes had a hard time staying warmed up. You don't slip on a tartan track when you're wearing spikes.

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