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Dependents Visa

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Dear All,

I am currently awaiting a desicion on my Mass media visa, as predicted it has been a total nightmare, but i am now considering attempting to add my 'non-thai' wife and children to the visa on application as dependents.

I had been thinking about doing this later after I got the M visa as we are awaiting the chance to get an official mariage certificate, right now we just have an informal one as Cambodia has banned all foreign marriages.

One question - will it present a problem adding my 'non-thai' wife and children after I have been granted my M visa or should I apply at the same time.

Huge thanks for help

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You don't add an dependent on your visa, they will have to apply for a visa based on their dependency for themselves.

It is necessary to show the family relationship. Problematic if you are not married. But if the children are yours and you have recognized them you will probably be ok, as you can show family relation with them through the birth certificates.

Otherwise you have to enroll the children in a Thai school, so they can get a visa based on education. Your wife would be able to ask for a visa as dependend based on her childrens education, but would need to show 500,000 baht in a Thai bank account.

Or they just have to do border runs till you can get officialy married.

Edited by Mario2008
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