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How Long To Process A Job Application In Los?

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Hi, A question for those TVers who have applied for jobs with Thai organisations ... how long did the entire process take, ie. from the time applications closed to the time you were advised that you were/were not successful?

In my case I applied in Feb for an advertised position. Much later I was advised they would like to interview me and they discussed salary arrangements, etc. Then nothing. I follow up. Interviews to be held by end June, as boss away first half of June. Then nothing. I follow-up. They talked about the short- list etc and said they would get back to me with interview date. Now it's August and still no date set! It is with a semi-government organisation if that it relevant.

The missus says they are just being Thai (face) and to forget about. But I don't see any evidence of them having employed someone else. That and each time I contact them they add a bit more colour to the story, whereas they could get vaguer if they just wanted me to 'drop off'. My last contact with them was 2 weeks ago.

Most importantly though, it sounds like a fabulous job so I am reluctant to just forget about it and pursue other options. I feel that I can't remind/follow-up with them any more than I have already have, without shooting myself in the foot. What to do? Have others had the same experience? Any constructive suggestions? Cheers

- CB

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Most importantly though, it sounds like a fabulous job so I am reluctant to just forget about it and pursue other options. I feel that I can't remind/follow-up with them any more than I have already have, without shooting myself in the foot. What to do? Have others had the same experience? Any constructive suggestions? Cheers

- CB

Just wait and see...

Ok, I have never applied for a job in Thailand, but I want to answer you from a practical standpoint.

When I read your message you seem to be a little bit frustrated, because of your keen interest in the job. It has always been you that got in touch with them, but you have never received any commitment whatsoever from them. Then the time stretch this thing has been going on seems to me pretty long (7 months and still no interview).

In short, forget about it and move on to something else. I hope I just did not discourage you too much and wish you all the best.

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