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CB, Another twist in the soap opera of the last 4 months. Walter Smith now leading a new bid to buy the side which will emerge from liquidation. This saga has had the most plot twists since Dallas.

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And today, Salty old son. But it's all a good read!

'Orrabest against Spain, by the way.

Charlie has bought the club. To be known as The Rangers. I hope that does not annoy people in Texas.

No miracle in the Euros I am afraid.

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The following article is my favourite piece from CQN and shows that, for Celtic fans, it is a site worth following:

My friends in Celtic, the day has come. Rangers are dead. The Old Firm existed for many years but we all now know that particular duopoly was terminated years ago – on the day Murray International Holdings bankers tried to put Celtic out of business, to be precise.

Today, we stand proud and alone.

On 3 October 2008 I wrote:

"Celtic are in an exceptionally strong financial position. They can survive the vagaries of football fortune, or economic downturn, without the threat of cutback should income dip.

Conversely, Rangers are in dire trouble. This year will not be financially the worst Sir David Murray has bestowed on his club, but it will make for horrendous reading to any prospective buyer of the club and provide further evidence that they are hopelessly adrift of financial security.

Winning the league this season and qualifying for next season's Champions League will not provide succour from their structural problems, it would only result in a temporary slowdown in decline.

Rangers debt has risen inextricably, and is set to continue to rise, at a time when bank facilities have become more difficult and expensive to acquire.

Should new HBOS owners, Lloyds TBS, take fright at the property-to-football conglomerate, Murray International Holdings, which includes Rangers, frankly, the consequences are so dramatic, I don't think we should discuss them, as I have trouble sleeping when I get too excited.

We live in a time when things which simply cannot happen, happen. When some of last year's most credit-worthy companies in the world have gone into receivership; when one of the centuries-old pillars of the Scottish business community crumbled in days.

No company dependent on a significant increase in its debt is safe.

Rangers Football Club, 1873 – 20??"

The years since 2008 have been hard for Celtic fans. We watched our team lose three consecutive league titles to a former club, who despite their self-evident mortal danger, continued to fund a league and Champions League challenges.

We stuck to budget and lost trophies. This was a hard decision but it was absolutely correct. Football regularly throws up clubs who will recklessly burn cash. You can indulge in their lunatic ways, or sit it out, tell your fans you cannot afford to spend more, and hope that in time your judgement is proven to be right. Today is vindication for all those hard years.

I'm not a financial analyst and never actually spend too much time reading Rangers accounts but the above synopsis was inescapably obvious – and this was years before I knew about the EBTs. Rangers directors would have known this at the same time, if not before. If they were blind to it, they were equally useless. Only God above will know why they didn't rein the horses in, lose a few leagues, but kept their football clubs in business.

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CB, This should make you smile while you have your cornflakes err porridge in the morning.rolleyes.gif

From Celtic Quick News:

Prima Facie Day!

Posted on 18 June, 2012by Paul67


Prima facie day is here! Neil Doncaster spent weeks telling us that the SPL had yet to establish if Rangers had a prima facie case to answer in connection with the alleged illegal registration of players. Today he confirmed to the SPL board and the media that they do indeed have a case to answer.

Rangers Employee Benefit Trusts have been the source of considerable controversy since 2010 when it emerged that HMRC had taken action against the club, at the time claiming in the region of £24m. EBTs had been recorded on Rangers accounts for a decade without much comment, so there was no reason to assume the club had made payments to players out-with the oversight of the football authorities.

On 22 February this year Celtic Quick News asked the question, were these EBT payments recorded with the SFA, or did Rangers hide them? There was little reason for the club to hide them, unless, perhaps, they had something to else hide, which was beginning to look the case.

Today we have our answer. Whatever is left of what some regard to be Rangers FC will be subject to some of the most severe disciplinary procedures levelled in the history of football. Appropriate penalties for subverting the game for over a decade are impossible to define.

Celtic fans are not the only ones to lose from this illegal registration of players but they suffered significantly. Five league titles went to Rangers, in 2003, 2005, 2009, 2010 and 2011. All of these titles will be stripped from Rangers records and awarded to Celtic.

You can look forward to 12-in-a-row day soon, which is simply, CHAMPION!

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I was surprised by his goal the other night against Germany. Our experience watching him play for Celtic is that he would probably fallen over the ball . Maybe the extra responsibility might benefit his game.rolleyes.gif

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I was surprised by his goal the other night against Germany. Our experience watching him play for Celtic is that he would probably fallen over the ball . Maybe the extra responsibility might benefit his game.rolleyes.gif

Neil Lennon will give him a 10 year contract on £60,000 a week now..........he always gives him an improved contract after he scores a goal, once a season. coffee1.gif

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I was surprised by his goal the other night against Germany. Our experience watching him play for Celtic is that he would probably fallen over the ball . Maybe the extra responsibility might benefit his game.rolleyes.gif

Neil Lennon will give him a 10 year contract on £60,000 a week now..........he always gives him an improved contract after he scores a goal, once a season. coffee1.gif

No mention of money here.

http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/sport/from-greek-statue-to-greek-god-sami-must-shape-up.17982053 rolleyes.gif

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Celtic will vote no. A yes vote would infuriate the faithful and it would make no difference to the overall situation. Fans of all clubs are very resentful of the arrogance of the old Rangers and are not in a mood to do the newco any favours

even though it will have financial implications for all. In the short term you would expect Celtic to win the title comfortably though as we saw last season they can be beaten in cup competitions.

I expect a Phoenix whatever they will be called to arise from the ashes of the former club and within a year or two to become very difficult opponents for Celtic as before.

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Celtic will vote no. A yes vote would infuriate the faithful and it would make no difference to the overall situation. Fans of all clubs are very resentful of the arrogance of the old Rangers and are not in a mood to do the newco any favours

even though it will have financial implications for all. In the short term you would expect Celtic to win the title comfortably though as we saw last season they can be beaten in cup competitions.

I expect a Phoenix whatever they will be called to arise from the ashes of the former club and within a year or two to become very difficult opponents for Celtic as before.

No chance...............you'll be lucky to see Rangers in any form back at Celtic Park full stop. People don't realize how serious the situation at Rangers still is, here's a brief but accurate synopsis.

1. They don't have SFA membership, and to achieve it, they will have to accept further sanctions for their court appearance fiasco.

2. Once they get it, there will be a mass rebellion, already started of SFL clubs, they need to get 75% of the vote to get admission at all !!! Right now two of the First Division clubs, Raith Rovers and Falkirk have come out against them, and you can guarantee John Yorkston of Dunfermline Athletic will vote against them. Of a 10 team league, that's 30% against them already.

3. Sevco, Newco Rangers were relying upon transfer fees for the big players, they are looking at taking a hit on Naismith, and Whittaker already, Lafferty will most likely go too. If there is a mass exodus on Wednesday then Rangers are in serious serious trouble. What concerns me is that only two players have stated they are staying. That's right, two.

4. Dave King........the club needs £20 to £30 million additional support over the next 3 years, Walter Smith.........I'm FINISHED with Rangers. These guys know what's coming, and it's bad.

5. The current season ticket money went into the Oldco bank account crazy.gif The creditors want to keep it!!

Rangers are looking at 3 years in the wilderness, they need a benefactor, they need someone to pick up the bills, and I reckon they need to go will need to go back into Administration before the start of the new season. Why? they have 185 members of staff, they will need to cut the staff numbers dramatically.

Trust me........Rangers are in intensive care. Someone better show up with a life support machine or they are dead and buried.

Edited by theblether
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What way are Celtic going to vote on this Rangers fiasco ? Why are so many teams voting against them ? Who will fill their stadiums when Rangers are gone, Celtic apart ? Who will challenge Celtic ?

As recently as last month Celtic were the only club prepared to vote No to Newco. In the months since Rangers went into administration in February the crescendo of fans voices slowly became impossible to ignore. Clubs which were set to vote yes, were left with no choice but to observe their ultimate paymasters.

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^ It has made my day reading that.

You will have seen the news today then, never mind everyone else...................Allan McGregor and club captain Steve Davis have quit too. There is now a campaign by John Brown to boycott season ticket sales.

It's going to get worse, more will quit today, Rangers will have 3 senior players on their books tomorrow. They are fighting for their survival again.

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Allan McGregor, I

Steven Davis,

Jamie Ness,

Kyle Lafferty,

Rhys McCabe,

Sone Aluko,

Steven Naismith

Steven Whittaker

John Fleck

Juan Manuel Ortiz

Have all walked away.

Edited by theblether
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And what will Sky think of this..........

Sky have already angrily said that they will televise Scottish football even if Rangers are relegated. They will offer less money, but they said they had no plans to interfere in the decision.

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Perhaps the newco may come in in the Ist division.

Aberdeen have come out against this plan already..........


I jest you not, Rangers are looking at the end, it's worse now than it was in administration. I reckon they have no chance of going direct to the First Division, and they must!! agree to pay the oldco football debts as a condition of SFA membership, as well as the £160,000 fine.

That's another £2 million down the swanee...........

Now the bad news for Celtic fans, I've just heard from a source who works in Celtic Park that the season ticket sales are diabolical. Here's the real bad news, unlike other clubs, Celtic had a large contingent that bought season tickets only for the Old Firm games. We know the Irish were famous for that.

Celtic expect an upturn on July 5th, they think like other clubs who declared against Rangers, they will get backing after the vote on July 4th, but they don't expect to get anywhere near the season ticket sales of last year even after that surge.

Fans know they will get tickets for any match, so they will pick and choose what they want to see, and you guys probably know that the real match day attendance figures at Celtic Park are nothing like the announced figures. There's nothing malicious in that, Celtic count all season tickets eligible to have attended as having actually attended...........expect average attendances next year to be around 35,000 max.


That's a drop of 16,000. Celtic can't handle that, and on top of that they won't be getting the share of the £80 million proposed Sky deal they expected. There's a calamity coming Celtic's way........my prediction?

If they don't qualify for the Champions league, you will lose 3 names, if they don't qualify for the Europa League, ( and seriously, God forbid ), clear out.

Am I wrong? You guys are Celtic fans...........you know how the board works at Celtic Park, they will cash in the assets, and reduce the wage bill. The silence from Celtic Park is ominous.

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Its music to my ears that mate...Scottish football returning to its grass roots and blooding new young talent from source....putting its energy into cheaper home grown players and giving them a chance...no...pushing them forward and raising revenue through them by selling top top quality into the other league down south.

It was this way when we had real quality in the Scotland team....I pray those days will return as a result of this fiasco.

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I started watching football as a 10 year old in 1976, part of the fun was to see guys like Dalglish, McGrain and many others come to Fir Park. Over the years Celtic unearthed some absolutely superb, in fact I would say superior players. Paul McStay and Charlie Nicholas were a cut above, and there were plenty more category one players at Celtic Park.

Celtic fans aren't daft......they know dross when they see it, and they have seen plenty. The board have played on their loyalty too many times, and it's time the board held their hands up and took the club back to it's roots. The roots of Celtic were a combination of superb youth development and astute signings, now it has got to the point where a lot of the players are signed on the basis of how many clicks they will produce on a website.

There are far too many dead weights and make weights at Celtic, guys like Samaras ( seriously <deleted>? ) and guys like Paddy McCourt ( great player if you can get him sober ), and many more. Strip it out, first team squad of 25 max is plenty.

For the next three years there is only one thing that matters for Celtic.......Champions League qualification, and at least Europa league qualification. They can't afford the deadwood, the club has to strip back, and prepare themselves for the fight of their lives every July.

So.......my point now is.............it's time for Summer football in Scotland, we can't be having Celtic taking on match fit opponents from the other Summer leagues, then going out in qualifying, it's now too important to avoid the reality. We have a good basis in Scottish football, better than all the other Summer leagues with the exception of Russia, Celtic can attract better players than these leagues can hope for, so it should be a nightmare draw for anyone to draw Celtic in the qualifying rounds.

In the 4th qualifying round, the likes of Arsenal and others would look at Celtic right now and say easy / doable.........what would they say if Celtic were halfway through their season and fully match fit?? They would say.......<deleted>.

Come on.......we need to help each other now.......or we're all dead. It's time for Summer football.

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Just heard news from the wife who had read in some of the thai news sources about an ex Celt who had been recently plying his trade with Ipswich arrived in LOS yesterday to play in the Thai league,, anyone heard any more news about this ??? Sorry don't have any more info

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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