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Russia At War


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I'm generally very curious and concerend as most people are pre occupied with the Olympics, and that's just the way the media wants it right now.

For those that don't know Russia is at war with US and NATO backed Georgia. Georgian military attacked 10 peace keeping Russian soldiers and all hel_l has broken loose since. US and NATO's interest in Georgio is purely the the gas and oil pipe links, and Russia is uncomfortable with the missile radars placed around it's boarder via Czech and Poland, and the joining of NATO by Georgia for the protection of the west, a bought government basically. The Georgian people have made it clear they don't like their present corrupt government, and they have also made it clear they don't want to be a pupet nation of the US. In the meantime the poo has hit the fan and US and NATO are warning Russia to step down. There is speculation that bigger things are to come from this, and at present NATO is on it's way to Georgia while we are all tranced by the Olympics, at the same time a massive fleet is on its way to the Pursia Gulf, which in itself is a war crime.

Presently Russia has sent it's fleet to block any possible supplies coming from the west, and has warned without hesitation it will use all it force, including the use of nucleur weapons.

Are people actually really aware of whats going on because i think this is going global one way or the other.

Russia has been warning for the last few years that if the west continues to interfear in its economic welfare one way or the other, the will use force. Russia is not Iran or Iraq, they are one hel_l of a powerful country both miltary and economically, so got help us if the real turn does hit the fan.

Admins delete if you must, but i personally feel that I, we will be effected here in Thailand within the near future.

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Russia starting another war..how surprising? Russia pretty much has a free pass these days to do whatever it wants because the rest of the world is afraid to say or do anything about them. Oh and they are supposedly a "democracy" now but that's a pretty dubious distinction considering how dominant Putin's party is.

While everyone is worried about China I bet it's Russia that should receive the most international attention. They sent assassins into the U.K. to kill someone for christ sakes. It doesn't get more blatant than that.

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If what you surmise comes to pass, I would imagine that Thailand would be one of the least affected places on earth. Still, if we become occupied I'll share my mangoes with the soldiers as it's not their fault that their commanders are such idiots.

Edited by lannarebirth
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supposedly a "democracy" now but that's a pretty dubious distinction considering how dominant Putin's party is.

While everyone is worried about China I bet it's Russia that should receive the most international attention. They sent assassins into the U.K. to kill someone for christ sakes. It doesn't get more blatant than that.

The entire Russian economy, with all the oil and gas is 20% less worth than the troubled Japanese pension fund.

A Mickey Mouse Russian state that needs no peace and can sell oil and gas in any circumstances, like in the movie Mad Max II.

Edit: only if the hel_l on earth was cold it would have been called Russia.

Myself, not a total stranger, I can understand, read and even speak Russian.

That's where I take my liberty to hate their government and their entire system. And this war they deliberatedly started when the oil prices were calming down.

Edited by think_too_mut
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It never ceases to amaze me, that there is always someone, somewhere, ready to relate some current event here and proceed in alarmed way to try to convince people, that this is in someway related to Thailand. What a load of waffle.............................. :o

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It never ceases to amaze me, that there is always someone, somewhere, ready to relate some current event here and proceed in alarmed way to try to convince people, that this is in someway related to Thailand. What a load of waffle.............................. :o

In a way it might, as it may affect the world. Nothing special about Thai.

The OP is talking rubbish. Nothing for this board.

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It is related to energy, oil and gas, and to the US excercises in georgia.......

Google and they shall find. What a surprise...

Some are trying to reinstate the cold war.

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