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I don't recall regretting any of my posts. I do, however, sometimes regret the language/tone of some of my posts and I don't drink and post so that is not to blame. The problem is often that the printed word doesn't carry the emotion of the spoken word despite all the use of emoticons. I don't set out to be intentionally provocative, aggressive, nor abusive (unless someone has posted that way) but sometimes when I reread my post, usually some hours later, I think "doh! that could have been put better".

Same here! And sometimes I try to be humorous or a tad too sarcastic and, after re-reading some time later, it sounds way too harsh. The problem with emoticons is, if you use them too much they take away the surprise from the reader when they realise it's a joke. That "dawning realisation" that's it's not a serious comment is lost if the comment is sprinkled with so many smilies that make it obvious that it's a joke.

On the other hand, if you don't use them enough, a joke can be read by others as an insult.

Tricky stuff, the English language.

The best button on the "Replying to post" page is the "Preview Post" button! :o

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I bet he regrets the moments of sending it now; cause the date and the note(I am proud to marry this ....beauty :o ) beside that (wife)'s picture ; showed a period of time when he supposed to be divorced from a hateful person since 2 years :D

zaza, are you saying that this person was showing off their wife, but they were telling you that they were divorced from that 'hateful' person at the same time? what a horrid person. if so, one can only hope that the wife realised what a devious man he is.

the thing to keep in mind is that we DO make our own beds, and we DO have to lay in them. i would say his is possibly made of barbed wire and thorns at the moment!


Not so long ago there was a thread about trust issues with Thai women.

Jokingly I kicked in a post suggesting to employ the services of a private detective and have the lady interrogated by a trained psychologist before asking her on the first date. I thought it was quite obvious that I had posted in jest, so it came as a big surprise that two posters had taken what I had written completely seriously.

One of them even was , and still is, one of my favourite posters. I felt inclined to reply something like "don't tell me you have lost your sense of humour in the land of smiles", but I just let it go. Hope he will be reading this though, and remember the thread.

Did you ever posted something that you'd regret doing so afterwards? :D

For reasons like:

1-You would think that you had either caused harm to yourself by enclosing information that should not publicly exposed in the cyber world . :D

2- Causing embarrassment or casting undeliberate blunt remarks to others by posting an anti-opinion or a different personal view;that they might take it seriously as a personal insults or offends, to a limit they would consider you as an "enemy". :o

That's all I could remember for now;I hope you'd add up more to this unfavorable "posts" that you had noticed during being a member in TV forum. :D

The only thing I regret is starting to like some members on the basis of their posting and then later being disappointed big time on a new topic that showed their real way of thinking.



Awwww :D

I bet he regrets the moments of sending it now; cause the date and the note(I am proud to marry this ....beauty :o ) beside that (wife)'s picture ; showed a period of time when he supposed to be divorced from a hateful person since 2 years :D

zaza, are you saying that this person was showing off their wife, but they were telling you that they were divorced from that 'hateful' person at the same time? what a horrid person. if so, one can only hope that the wife realised what a devious man he is.

the thing to keep in mind is that we DO make our own beds, and we DO have to lay in them. i would say his is possibly made of barbed wire and thorns at the moment!

Well; yes;he was showing off his "wife" in the other Thai forum . He was telling me that he had a "... gf" (NOT-wife) that he had separated from her 2 years ago ,but; he had to keep a kind-relation with her for certain reasons.

But when things went down the hel_l and lies were discovered(as from his clever picture-post and other evidences). It seems he was {STILL} married cause he was caught with legal-troubles from "his wife" at the end.

Not so long ago there was a thread about trust issues with Thai women.

Jokingly I kicked in a post suggesting to employ the services of a private detective and have the lady interrogated by a trained psychologist before asking her on the first date. I thought it was quite obvious that I had posted in jest, so it came as a big surprise that two posters had taken what I had written completely seriously.

One of them even was , and still is, one of my favourite posters. I felt inclined to reply something like "don't tell me you have lost your sense of humour in the land of smiles", but I just let it go. Hope he will be reading this though, and remember the thread.

I had the same happened to me last week. :o

I had started a (light-humored-but-yet-sarcastic) thread for laughs, but few members took it so seriously;till the moment I started confessing;proving and giving alibis that it was only for fun !

I always thought that Farang Prince was all macho - up there on top. :o

Think of me as a tank commander UG...on top and with a big gun. :D

That is what I thought! :D


^^ farangprince :o

MiG the member


Im going to remind everyone to refrain from making personal reference that may identify any fellow member's real identity.

remember that this is against forum rules.

MiG with her moderating scarf on (hat doesnt suit me)

^^ farangprince :D

MiG the member


Im going to remind everyone to refrain from making personal reference that may identify any fellow member's real identity.

remember that this is against forum rules.

MiG with her moderating scarf on (hat doesnt suit me)

Have we met, MiG? :o Just teasing.

No regrets - I post what I think, and certainly doesn't change whether I am online or speaking face to face with another person.

I talk the opposite to what I think and still have no regrets :o

I wasn't disappointed when those posters shared another view than mine for sure :o ,but I was disappointed when they had showed a color or a view that have nothing at all with their real reality.

Surely this is generally an anonymous internet forum where the written word can be misinterpreted,where people can post when they are feeling happy,drunk,bored,lonely,dissapointed with life,& just let out frustrations that we all have,or just want to p!ss about.How much can mind reading really be used on an anonymous internet forum? :D


number 2 for me zaza.Must be my strange sense of humour but i have def made an enemy on here.I cant even make my mind up whether the person has no sense of humour or its me,very confusing.The reason i think i am not that bad is i get a few pms about this person and they are all in the same frame of mind that she is nuts.My problem could be that this person reads the pms which i would be extremly unhappy if a mod could do that,as pm means private message.

I am glad other people feel the same as if i was on my own i would not come on here,because i would think she is right and i am off the wall.

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

here here ,good attitude


I must confess that even I, a very well respected member of this virtual community, have indeed posted some rather unpleasant posts.

I still remember very well the uncovering of a huge plot against mankind where a women was deeply involved.

Let's call her: "Miss Anything"

When people started asking me things like: "What have you been smoking, Which planet are you from, basicaly calling me a conspiracy nutcase, I decided

it was about time to post a picture of the lady involved in this crime.

Some people on this board then recognised her and immediate action was taken.

I will spare you all the details but I can assure you that the "treatment" she now recieves on an 24H base is not something you would wish to be done to you.

More "Confessions" will follow when the time is right (or left).


Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one's who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

Rakjung, a very nice thought, but I do have a question for you. Who are "They"

We are desperately trying to find an answer on that in another Fred but not succeeded yet. (They say you should never).

Promises give you hope, but please have a look at my signature............




Cheers all!

Alex Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

number 2 for me zaza.Must be my strange sense of humour but i have def made an enemy on here.I cant even make my mind up whether the person has no sense of humour or its me,very confusing.The reason i think i am not that bad is i get a few pms about this person and they are all in the same frame of mind that she is nuts.My problem could be that this person reads the pms which i would be extremly unhappy if a mod could do that,as pm means private message.

I am glad other people feel the same as if i was on my own i would not come on here,because i would think she is right and i am off the wall.

For some reason when I read this I had the Jaws theme music running thou my head.

Rakjung, a very nice thought, but I do have a question for you. Who are "They"

We are desperately trying to find an answer on that in another Fred but not succeeded yet. (They say you should never).

Promises give you hope, but please have a look at my signature............

Cheers all!

Alex Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

To each and everybody's own philosophy.

Plan for the worst, hope for the best is a safe bet.


haha you are so wise rakjungtorlae. :o

i only regret wasting my time trying to defend myself on certain threads to certain people, when really no one knows me well enough here to judge or understand my point of view, and vice versa, so it is a pointless effort. have to remember it is just a message board! i hate to be misjudged though as i am militantly true to myself.

Did you ever posted something that you'd regret doing so afterwards? :D

For reasons like:

1-You would think that you had either caused harm to yourself by enclosing information that should not publicly exposed in the cyber world . :D

2- Causing embarrassment or casting undeliberate blunt remarks to others by posting an anti-opinion or a different personal view;that they might take it seriously as a personal insults or offends, to a limit they would consider you as an "enemy". :o

That's all I could remember for now;I hope you'd add up more to this unfavorable "posts" that you had noticed during being a member in TV forum. :D

I have on a few occasions maybe jumped too fast when I have felt unfairly treated.

Instead of trying to explain myself or try to solve any misunderstandings, I have sometimes jumped out with 'all guns blazing".

Since this is something that happens due my temper, I these days try to attach the smiles and whinks after a sentence, in order to avoid regrettable posts.

No regrets - I post what I think, and certainly doesn't change whether I am online or speaking face to face with another person.

I talk the opposite to what I think and still have no regrets :D

Congratuation, join the crowd. :o

dude say what u wanna say nobody cares its jus an internet forum :o:D:D

I regret that blizzardd's mouse sticks when he clicks on bloody smileys.

I plan to remedy it by getting a life and getting out more, rather than sitting at the computer with a few beers like a sad act.

I wonder how one gets to the elevated ranks of moderator?

I'll field that one.

Mods entry qualifications;

Must be feminist (even better if you're male and feminist)

Must have absolutely no sense of humour

Must close any topic IMMEDIATELY if it meanders into the territory of being "a bit interesting"

Must demonstrate ability to curtail free-speech, particularly where it deviates from the communist manifesto

Must be able to patronise minorities

Must live in la-la land

Must be a navel-gazer

Must be able to wear sandals and knit muesli.


Nah. I'm sure the mods can take a light-hearted dig. Besides, I think it's an outright ban this time. They don't like it up em!

Well it kind of fits it to the OP topic. - Will you regret it ????? :o

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