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Arrested For Drugs


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Earlier this month in Pattaya my Thai sister in-law was arrested for drug use. The family has not had contact with her for two years and odds are is that she is a bargirl and got caught in one of those police raids of the bars where they drug test the girls, she had a postive test to yabba.

Two days ago the sister in-law calls my wife and asks for our help which would consist of us taking a trip from Loei to Pattaya with a big bag of cash (100,000) to buy off the officials etc... My wife said "Mai Mee Tarng" (no way)

Just 30 minutes ago we had a visit from a government official at our home.

The official is from a department that my wife has translated as "control of people with drug". The sister in-law gave the police our address as mum lives with us.

The official proceeded to write down what posessions we own, our new car, house and contents, right down to how many fans we had, electrics and plumbing etc....

The official then told us we had to report to the police station for questioning first thing tomorrow morning. Mum has to come and tell everything about her daughters life and I have to prove where the money came from to build the house and buy the car etc..... This I hope should not be a problem as I have documents showing fund transfers from my New Zealand bank accounts.

So what do you guys think of all this?? I need some advice on how to be prepared for this interview tomorrow.

I only met the sister in-law once and she is a real moody B*TCH

Thanks in advance


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I will tell you what I think.

I think Sister-in-law got caught with more than drugged up piss - Bt100k bribe is way over the odds for a BG failing a piss test.

Sounds to me like the police think that she is dealing and are investigating her to see whether she is unusually wealthy. My advice to you is to make sure your wife finds out exactly has happened - ask the sister-in-law and maybe get someone to cross-check her story with the police in Pattaya.

Once you know the real story, you will then be in a better position to decide what help you should give her (if any).

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I dont know if it as simple as that dave.

Back when the "war on drugs" was going on there was a new "poo yai ban" here and he was a bit power crazed and wanted to make a name for himself. Anyway he fingered loads of the local blokes non of which were involved. He also went to the police and told them to check where our money had come from and for them to come and search the house.

Aparently they have powers to do so if drugs are involved, I just told them fine just give me a date as I would have to contact imagration in BKK and get someone from my embasy to come out and observe. As the local police (who have'nt got a clue) want nothing to do with BKK and the word "embasy" implies goverment it was just droped.

I'd certianly advise getting a layer though, It will probably be nothing but its best to be on the safe side, try ringing your embasy for advice as well.

Cheers RC

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Get a lawyer and then tell her and the police to get stuffed.

What wonderful advice: tell the police -- who are investigating you on suspicion of drug dealing, or on receiving moneys related to drug dealing -- to get stuffed. Wonderful advice. Just wonderful.

Maybe you could P.I for them.

If the guy and his wife are innocent and have'nt seen the drug dealing sister for 2 years then YES get a lawyer to prove this fact and then tell the police to get stuffed (an english term meaning get lost,)

I would do exactly the same.

Clear myself of all involvement.

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Heard about a farang guy recently knicked here in BKK. For this small bit, he apparently had to fork over more than 40K and still faced a deportation hearing, so 100K doesn't sound that far away for something less than dealing. Hard to say I guess. Good luck and be ncie to the authorities.

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The police have been looking very closely at the assets of suspected drug dealers, and have seized billions of baht worth of ill-gained property, in recent years.

A friend of mine recently built a very nice home on 30 rai of land in Chiang Rai. Not knowing that the place was owned by a farang, the police came by pretty early on to investigate where the money to build such a nice home in such a rural (and drug-ridden) area was coming from. Once they learned it was a farang who had been working (and earning big bucks) in Thailand for twenty years, they were satisfied.

This is serious business, though. I would get a lawyer and answer all the questions of the police truthfully and above all else, politely.

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Heard about a farang guy recently knicked here in BKK. For this small bit, he apparently had to fork over more than 40K and still faced a deportation hearing, so 100K doesn't sound that far away for something less than dealing. Hard to say I guess. Good luck and be ncie to the authorities.

where did he say his sister in law was farang? :o

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Get a lawyer and then tell her and the police to get stuffed.

What wonderful advice: tell the police -- who are investigating you on suspicion of drug dealing, or on receiving moneys related to drug dealing -- to get stuffed. Wonderful advice. Just wonderful.

Well, Dick.. what is your suggestion? Kneel down and open your mouth, then swallow, perhaps.

Have a lawyer tell the police to get stuffed.

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I forgot to say that 5 years ago the sister in-law was arrested for using yabba and the family had to pay 3000 baht to get her out of the police cell, she was 18 at the time and promised the family to be good from then on..... sounds like she went on to be a bargirl and is now into dealing.

Mum has just had a call from her and she has been in the police cells since 2 December, she is pleading for help but Mum has told the family that she does not want anyone to pay a bribe to get her out as she wants her daughter "healed" from using drugs. She must be thinking she would be sent to one of those drug rehab camps, she might think differently if she got a 30 year jail term.

Thanks for the replies so far


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Get a lawyer and then tell her and the police to get stuffed.

What wonderful advice: tell the police -- who are investigating you on suspicion of drug dealing, or on receiving moneys related to drug dealing -- to get stuffed. Wonderful advice. Just wonderful.

Well, Dick.. what is your suggestion? Kneel down and open your mouth, then swallow, perhaps.

Have a lawyer tell the police to get stuffed.

My suggestion -- as stated fairly clearly above -- is to get a lawyer, and to give the police proper and polite cooperation. Some of you seem to have a real problem with law enforcement, even when they are doing their jobs.

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Get a lawyer and then tell her and the police to get stuffed.

What wonderful advice: tell the police -- who are investigating you on suspicion of drug dealing, or on receiving moneys related to drug dealing -- to get stuffed. Wonderful advice. Just wonderful.

Well, Dick.. what is your suggestion? Kneel down and open your mouth, then swallow, perhaps.

Have a lawyer tell the police to get stuffed.

My suggestion -- as stated fairly clearly above -- is to get a lawyer, and to give the police proper and polite cooperation. Some of you seem to have a real problem with law enforcement, even when they are doing their jobs.

We (myself at least) don't have problems with real law enforcers, but do have problems with snitches, grasses and bad cops.

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Get a lawyer and then tell her and the police to get stuffed.

What wonderful advice: tell the police -- who are investigating you on suspicion of drug dealing, or on receiving moneys related to drug dealing -- to get stuffed. Wonderful advice. Just wonderful.

Well, Dick.. what is your suggestion? Kneel down and open your mouth, then swallow, perhaps.

Have a lawyer tell the police to get stuffed.

My suggestion -- as stated fairly clearly above -- is to get a lawyer, and to give the police proper and polite cooperation. Some of you seem to have a real problem with law enforcement, even when they are doing their jobs.

We (myself at least) don't have problems with real law enforcers, but do have problems with snitches, grasses and bad cops.


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Get a lawyer and then tell her and the police to get stuffed.

What wonderful advice: tell the police -- who are investigating you on suspicion of drug dealing, or on receiving moneys related to drug dealing -- to get stuffed. Wonderful advice. Just wonderful.

Well, Dick.. what is your suggestion? Kneel down and open your mouth, then swallow, perhaps.

Have a lawyer tell the police to get stuffed.

My suggestion -- as stated fairly clearly above -- is to get a lawyer, and to give the police proper and polite cooperation. Some of you seem to have a real problem with law enforcement, even when they are doing their jobs.

Do not - under any circumstances - confuse the Narcotics Supression Bureau Officers with the local Cop on the beat who can be bluffed or bribed into going away. These people are VERY serious about their jobs and their responsibilities. To be frank, the fact that they, and their foreign counterparts, are well aware that a lot of the Narcotics business in Thailand is controlled by people they simply cannot touch makes them even more forceful in their dealings with those suspects whom they CAN properly investigate.

There is certainly more to this case than the girl being caught in a Drug Raid and arrested as a user; it's fairly clear the Police are trying to discover if she used illegally obtained funds to purchase Assets, if they can make even a fairly good connection the Assets are subject to confiscation.

Get a good lawyer and, as already intimated by PvtDick, do NOT un-necessarily provoke the NSB chaps.


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I was involved on the periphary of a similar situation a few years ago.

It is customary for police to do a background check with the family of a caught druguser, even with small amounts. The fact they want to investigate you further, after surveying your properties, could be someone being overofficious, or, as mentioned above, indicate there is more to the story than you know.

I'd follow the advice to get a lawyer immediately, and find out what best to do, friendly cooperation with the police during the interview, or insisting to be informed about the situation and allegations in detail first, or refuse to get involved at all directly and leave it to the lawyer to communicate with the authorities.

Speak to a lawyer before the interview, and postpone the interview if necessary, you can do this without consequences, don't let yourself be intimidated.

BTW, the 100.000 bth sounds like an official amount for bail for a small amount of yabba, it is not necessarily a pay-off. 'Semi-official' release charges are substancially less than this.

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Get legal advice, and do it now.

Do not skimp on this, get the best lawyer you can afford.

You also need to decide if you want to pay or let her suffer the consequences of her own actions. Certainly I see no reason why you should be made to pay.

The first question I would ask is can you maintain separation between your sister in law and yourself? Might not be easy if your house and car are in your wife’s name.

If you decide you are going to bail the woman out ask your lawyer to advise you on negotiating the price and when you have an agreed price PAY to end the story.

Ask if the payment can come with a guarantee that you are helping a relative out but that it is recorded you have no connection.

One point not to be missed is the people asking for the money probably know this woman has strings to a Farang, the dollar signs are flashing.

The longer this drags out the longer it is going to take to clear up

If it were me, I’d leave the b1tch in prison.

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An Update -

The interview went very well yesterday, as it turns out is was with the Probabtion Service not the police, I was never asked to show my passport or any bank statements etc....

The officials wanted Mum to give them the details of her daughter's (Nam) life and the problems she had. Mum was asked to be totaly honest with her answers.

The interview went on for over 90 minutes and in that time mum got to find out what Nam has been up to these past years.

But what shocked Mum the most was Nam was also arrested for buying ilegal lottery tickets in Loei in August. So Nam had traveled all the way from Pattaya to Loei and she didn't even bother to come and see Mum. The bus she was on would have passed through our village which is 60km south of loei.... twice infact, there and back. Well Mum of course took this as a big slap in the face and Nam, the little princess, is going to pay dearly for that.

Nam had a postive test to yabba in her urine, she was working in a bar in Pattaya.

Mum was given the choice of having her daughter sent home to her and be under here care and responcibility or have her sent to a rehab camp for six months.

Well little princess is going to rehab, I do hope it is a "boot camp"

She will truly deserve what she gets as she also tried to scam the family out of 100,000, she tried that with two of her sisters.

When she first called the family pleading for help she had told us that she was locked up at police station and had been since the begining of the month, well the truth is she only spent one night.

She sure put on a good act when she called her sisters, begging for help and she promised to return to the village to live with Mum :o and when they refused to help with any cash, Nam tried emotional blackmail and said "you don't love me, why you treat me so bad I'm your sister" :D

That girl sure has a chip on her shoulder about something..... she didn't even come to our wedding in June. Nam is the middle child in a family of 7 and she is Mum's favourite.

At the end of the interview Mum was given 100 baht and thanked for her honest answers.

I do know that Nam is involved with a German and a Aussie and that they are both sending her money and I bet she has more than two sending her cash each month.

The German guy sent Nam a letter to our address saying how nice it was that she had returned to live in the village :D I was going to write to the guy and tell him the truth but my wife said it was best just to let her go as she does not think of her as family anymore.

So I wonder how many girls named Nam are working in Pattaya??

If your gf soon tells you that she will "be away for six months camping in the forest (going to rehab) but please still keep sending the cash", then email a photo of her to me and I'll see if it matches "our princess" :D

Thanks for all the advice



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An Update -

So I wonder how many girls named Nam are working in Pattaya??

If your gf soon tells you that she will "be away for six months camping in the forest (going to rehab) but please still keep sending the cash", then email a photo of her to me and I'll see if it matches "our princess" :o

Thanks for all the advice



Hiya James, glad to see things worked out ok. I will pop in when I am in Hoi Pai soon. Hope your house is still standing, and you are busy in the fields. :D

Best of luck to you and Khim,


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I know it sounds difficult but the less you have to do with little sister the better. I think that the very least you should do is tell her that you are pissed off with her for putting you and your wife under the spotlight. Let her know how that you don't know why you should suffer for her foolishness.

Glad all seems well now James.

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Thanks M,

yes the relatives have been busy out in the fields harvesting rice today so it was nice for Khim and I to have the house to ourselves for a change :D .

The people here don't seem to respect your privacy very much during the day, some of the relatives just wonder in and take a dump in the toilet, after all what other reason would we have two bathrooms for unless it was for their use.

Yes the house is still standing, a few little cracks in the plaster which I will have to fix soon. I have been painting the front fence today, Khim chose a very bright orange/yellow, about the same colour as the road markings. At the end of the day a group of neighbours had gathered watching me paint. I thought they were talking about how bad the colour was and this falang must bah, but no they were marveling at my clever invention...... a broom handle in the roller to make it easier on my back :D

This house is really Mums dowry and I have been seriously thinking of building a decent size house for us next year just a little way out of the village and make this place my permanent home.

I had a look at the teak house for sale up the road.... the old girl wants 1.4 mil for it. The house needs a lot of work done as it is only 3/4 finished on the inside.

Khim did not like it as someone had said that there were a few ghosts that live there :o

ok got go



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James I was looking at the Teak house last time I was there, I understand there is a lot of Land that goes with it also...1.4 Million eh, does it really need a lot of work doing ? That place could be turned into a resort, nice views and a really nice area.

I am gonna be looking around in a few weeks then make a decision.

I wanted to buy the House from Nangyai the woman next door to Porn, I would have been interested in porns house if it was for sale too.

James, wait till a few of the guys realise that you bought the house as part of a dowry......hahaha............boy are you in for some ThaiVisa lectures....hehehe, :D

James start a new thread about what you have bought. It will be funny to see the reactions of the hard nosed cynical ThaiVisa members. :o

I am looking forward to coming up very soon. Getting cold at night now I hear.

See you later James.


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M, there is 2 rai going with that house..... I think we are talking about the same property.... the one about 1.5km up the road just before the next village. The old girls first price was 2 mil but we got her down to 1.4.... we went and looked at it 5 times and took some of the builders with us to get some idea of what it would cost to finish it. If those solid timber windows were replaced with glass it would improve the natural light inside. The internal staircase would not be good for our expected little one.... but I did like the garden and it is just the right distance from the village so that we would not be bothered with relatives spending most of the day there :D

But in the end Khim did not like it :o

Yes I would guess a lot of guys would give me some flak for building a house as my dowry.

But I think it is money well spent as I can really stay here as long as I like and Mum does not think of it as her house...... it's the families home and that includes me. If the guys new khim and about her life, strugling to put her self through university while working in some terrible factory jobs sending every last baht home to support her mum and often going without food...plus I am her first boyfriend and hopefully last :D they would see that what is just a little money for us can go a long way to make a famlies life very happy. I'm sure T has had similar experiences as it seems that most girls from the village start working in the factories.

Another person has died in the village today..... an old guy that lived near the bridge...... so we are of to pay our respects.

8 people have died since I have lived here...... from April

I hope they don't think I have brought bad luck to the village...... they might throw me out :D

ok seeya


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