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Thaksin Best Prime Minister


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Thaksin has been the best Prime Minister these peoples have ever had and will ever have

As the once famous Whitney Houston wisely said, "Crack is whack!" Staying up all night thinking of something insightful is just one symptom of a drug addiction in its latter stages. I hope the OP get help soon. :o

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Not exactly stifling competition, is there?

Perhaps one of the first prime ministers to understand the power of the media and to have a certain level of charisma.

As such I don't think we will be allowed anything similar in the near future.

He did give a large portion of the populace a feeling that Thailand was on the road to somewhere (whether justified view or not is up for debate).

Unfortunately we are back on the road to nowhere. Ho, hum.

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Khun Anand was much better.

Khun Chuan was a good, honest guy, but everyone else took advantage of him, so he didn't accomplish very much.

Otherwise, probably, Thaksin really was the best. :o

Do not doubt about these two gentlemen when they were running this country previously, unlike the present day administrators whereas they are breaking apart Thai people’s unity and social fabric.

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Yesterday I was thinking what Mandela had to go through before being recognized as the true leader of South Africa.

The current situation won't last for ever. It's true that the weather in England is not the best but you can still find a couple of decent Thai restaurants in London.

Honestly, Thaksin has it easy.

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Thaksin has been the best Prime Minister these peoples have ever had and will ever have

Good, articulate points well made to support your post.

You have me convinced. :o

Yes exactly. I am glad we are back on track with those new intelligent posts as requested by one of the Moderators.

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Im closing this thread.

there are already a number of threads running, discussing various aspects of governance in Thailand, the current government, the past one prior to the military coup, and also on the former PM Thaksin and his wife.

I suggest members continue discussions there to add to the various views that have already been expressed.

Cheers :o

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