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Meteor-ufo.gulf Yesterday At 9:45 Sat 16th


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This event occurred at 9-45pm. last night. A very large bright object crossed the sky slowly moving to the north east and a large white flash as it either entered the sea or disappeared over the horizon. Many people were alarmed as it preceded the lunar eclipse, especialy superstitious thais. Although most probably a meteor descriptions so far do not match the current Perseid Meteor Shower that peaked a few days ago. This object apparently changed color and was much brighter and bigger. Any descriptions welcome, and educated opinions. Decent martian jokes accepted.

And if nyone got a photo or video please post it.


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interesting. i wonder if that is why i was (and most others i know too!) in such a vile mood over the weekend? astronomical events affect me pretty strongly anyway. my little sister used to go completely psycho when there wee meteor showers. she would sleepwalk all over town rambling nonsense. never at any other time though!

i didn't see anything in BKK. never notice the stars here. :o

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I have taught Astronomy for 11 years and was in a bar, The Port, having dinner. I saw a spectacular meteor. I have many years of observing experience. From my vantage point it took up about 70 degrees of sky during it's journey and I saw the entire thing, from initial entry to flame out. It was a nice size fireball, not a bolide since it did not break up that I could see, and my view was clear.

It had a bright green coma and a nice golden trail until it flamed out in the sky.


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