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Facing Death?

Dr. Burrito

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I am an American. I do not agree with the war over in Iraq. I do not think we should be there. If the people are happier living in squalor and cintinously fighting, killing and living in back ward ways... Then so be it. Let them, it is their life to live. We have given them ample oppertunity to throw down their weapons and establish "democracy." (as if democracy is the pathway to heaven)

They don't want our form of "help," and frankly a lot of other countries don't either. So lets pack up move out, and take care of our own many problems here.

You'd think that we could figure out that the idea of liberation from within is not really all that well accepted... Vietnam! Heck even the French down give a rats plug for American's....

I did not realize how wise Bush Senior was, when he pulled out after kicking Iraq out of Kuwait, now I can...... Too bad jr. isn't that bright.

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Let`s get back to the original  topic, no politics.

Facing death or almost...

kick the bucket, go for a burton, buy the farm, buy the ranch, buy it, drop the cue, go for one's tea, go to the races, eat it, have it, hop the twig, come to a sticky end, turn one's face to the wall, go down the tube, slip/cut one's cable, snuff it, go to Davy Jones's locker, head for the last round-up, take the last count, answer the last roll-call, jump the last hurdle, make the last muster, kayoed for keeps, take the big jump,call it a day, call it quits, quit the scene, quit it, give up the ship, pass in one's checks, put one's checks in the rack, hang up one's hat, hang up one's harness, lay down one's knife and fork, hand in one's dinner-pail, throw in the sponge,cash in, cash in / pass in / hand in one's chips and call off all bets,turn up one's toes, curl up one's toes and die, up and die and go belly up,pop one's clogs, drop off the twig, step off the deep end and snuff out like a candle, push up daisies, be grounded for good, strike bedrock, deep six, feed the worms, take a dirt nap, kick off, cool off, kiss off, pop off, slam off, drop off, pipe off, shove off, step off, conk off, check out, peg out, pass out, strike out, chalk out, flake out, flack out, conk out, bow out, weigh out, check in, kick in, shove over, keel over.


I guess I have to quote myself...

Topic closed. Thread hijacked by politics.

This is the place for it. The Bearpit

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