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Previosly the bars in Kho San would give an ash tray if you sat at the tables outside, Kho San center for one. Noticed now that none of the bars will give ashtrays & tell you to through the butt on the ground. Well 2,000 baht fine for doing that. Why dont they give an ashtray? is it because if they do they are endorsing smoking in a public place & therefor liable to be fined, whereas if they dont provide one the onus is on the customer. Just wondered if anyone had been fined down there & the reason they wont give ashtrays anymore.

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I do not believe it is against the law to smoke outside. It is against the law to throw your butts on the ground.

Why won't they give you an ashtray? No idea. Grind the butt out & toss in the rubbish bin.


It's the same with the seating areas outside most major shopping centres at the moment which really annoys me.

Starbucks at Siam Discovery centre.

Cafe Nero at Esplanade.

The list is endless.


Why wont they give an ashtray....think it must be that they will get fined if you smoke whilst at there premises, be it out or inside. Was OK until a few months ago, maybe just confusion around the new law but would be interesting to know as it isnt advisable to through the butts on the ground, especially Kho San with all the police there.


The law only came into effect a few months ago, though it was being practiced earlier than that by many places.

The smoking ban is in place for indoor and outdoor seating, though some places will provide ash trays (they might know somebody or just pay a few baht to get away with it). As far as I can tell, the only exception is for specific outdoor smoking areas where food and drink isn't being served, thus staff aren't exposed to second hand smoke.

Edit: Not sure if the law was only put into effect a few months ago or if it had just started to be enforced by police a few months ago. I think it's probably the later.

Previosly the bars in Kho San would give an ash tray if you sat at the tables outside, Kho San center for one. Noticed now that none of the bars will give ashtrays & tell you to through the butt on the ground. Well 2,000 baht fine for doing that. Why dont they give an ashtray? is it because if they do they are endorsing smoking in a public place & therefor liable to be fined, whereas if they dont provide one the onus is on the customer. Just wondered if anyone had been fined down there & the reason they wont give ashtrays anymore.

now there's a good business opportunity....................selling portable ashtrays!

now there's a good business opportunity....................selling portable ashtrays!

Yeah very good idea a ashtray that youo can take with you........make a killing

What i want to know is why smokers think that even though it is illegal to smoke in a bar its there right to do so.....you wouldnt sit in a restraunt and do a line would you....


now there's a good business opportunity....................selling portable ashtrays!

fancy that...smokers actually taking responsibility for their own rubbish.it'll never happen..the nicotine receptors in the brain seem to inhibit the consideration/respect receptors.


Just accept that you are addicted to cigarrettes. Not sure if you are addicted, see checklist below.

(Nicotine) Addiction Checklist

1. Have you ever tried to quit smoking but couldn't? (Yes __, No __)

2. Do you smoke now because it is really hard to quit? (Yes __, No __)

3. Have you ever felt like you were addicted to tobacco? (Yes __, No __)

4. Do you ever have strong cravings to smoke? (Yes__, No__)

5. Have you ever felt like you really needed a cigarette? (Yes __, No __)

6. Is it hard to keep from smoking in places where you are not supposed to, like school (office, restaurant)? (Yes__, No __)

7. When you tried to stop smoking (or, when you haven't used tobacco for a while)

8. Did you find it hard to concentrate because you couldn't smoke? (Yes __, No __)

9. Did you feel more irritable because you couldn't smoke? (Yes __, No __)

10. Did you feel a strong need or urge to smoke? (Yes__, No __)

11. Did you feel nervous, restless or anxious because you couldn't smoke? (Yes __, No __)

An answer if "Yes" to any one of the questions indicates that addiction has begun.


Just accept that you are addicted to cigarrettes. Not sure if you are addicted, see checklist below.

(Nicotine) Addiction Checklist

1. Have you ever tried to quit smoking but couldn't? (Yes __, No __)

2. Do you smoke now because it is really hard to quit? (Yes __, No __)

3. Have you ever felt like you were addicted to tobacco? (Yes __, No __)

4. Do you ever have strong cravings to smoke? (Yes__, No__)

5. Have you ever felt like you really needed a cigarette? (Yes __, No __)

6. Is it hard to keep from smoking in places where you are not supposed to, like school (office, restaurant)? (Yes__, No __)

7. When you tried to stop smoking (or, when you haven't used tobacco for a while)

8. Did you find it hard to concentrate because you couldn't smoke? (Yes __, No __)

9. Did you feel more irritable because you couldn't smoke? (Yes __, No __)

10. Did you feel a strong need or urge to smoke? (Yes__, No __)

11. Did you feel nervous, restless or anxious because you couldn't smoke? (Yes __, No __)

An answer if "Yes" to any one of the questions indicates that addiction has begun.

Mate, my addiction started 20 years ago, I don't need your silly little survey to tell me that. Here is a thought though, next time you feel an urge to start a survey, I suggest you come up with one that minds its own business and then keep it to yourself.

now there's a good business opportunity....................selling portable ashtrays!

Yeah very good idea a ashtray that youo can take with you........make a killing

What i want to know is why smokers think that even though it is illegal to smoke in a bar its there right to do so.....you wouldnt sit in a restraunt and do a line would you....


woudn't i?


I frequently throw cig butts on khao san road, just look both ways to check for a policeman first. I often note how the look of the street is vastly improved once I have covered up an inch of its grime with a nice white filter end.

Filthy disgusting habit.

Smokers should really consider going to Pattaya for some condo jumping.

aww dotcommie you are too kind, but without us who would you have to complain about? face it, deep down you desire to be one of us (the few the strong, cough cough, the brave).

Filthy disgusting habit.

Smokers should really consider going to Pattaya for some condo jumping.


_____________ should really consider going to Pattaya for some condo jumping. Why not substitute smokers for any other unliked group? How about drunks? Fat people? Whore mongers? Beggars? Enron execs? Where should the line be drawn?

Perhaps you've been fortunate enough in your life to have never made a bad decision, but if you ever have a bit of understanding might be appreciated.

And yeah, toybits, most smokers are not in denial about being addicted, unlike alcoholics so your survey is not that useful. Yet drinking to excess is much more socially acceptable even though the effects (drink driving, violence) are much more severe than second hand smoke.


Whoa!!! Looks like I stirred a hornet's nest. Okey, point taken.

I have nothing against people that smoke. I just to smoke 2 packs a day. Did not matter whether it was mentholated or not. I was a jock during college but busted my knee. So I started smoking a pipe because it smelled good. When I ran out of tobacco, I said - oh what the H_ll! Started smoking cigs.

Anyway, I have been clean for the last 15 years. I still drink occasionally. But I have completely stopped smoking. You can be sitting right beside me smoking and it would not bother me.

Came across an article on the Scientific American that it only takes on cigarretted to get addicted to smoking. So if you have kids, be forewarned.

Cheers... :o

Filthy disgusting habit.

Smokers should really consider going to Pattaya for some condo jumping.


_____________ should really consider going to Pattaya for some condo jumping. Why not substitute smokers for any other unliked group? How about drunks? Fat people? Whore mongers? Beggars? Enron execs? Where should the line be drawn?

Perhaps you've been fortunate enough in your life to have never made a bad decision, but if you ever have a bit of understanding might be appreciated.

And yeah, toybits, most smokers are not in denial about being addicted, unlike alcoholics so your survey is not that useful. Yet drinking to excess is much more socially acceptable even though the effects (drink driving, violence) are much more severe than second hand smoke.


This wasn't for you Bkkjames.

Peace... :o

Just accept that you are addicted to cigarrettes. Not sure if you are addicted, see checklist below.

(Nicotine) Addiction Checklist


11. Did you feel nervous, restless or anxious because you couldn't smoke? (Yes __, No __)

An answer if "Yes" to any one of the questions indicates that addiction has begun.

Mate, my addiction started 20 years ago, I don't need your silly little survey to tell me that. Here is a thought though, next time you feel an urge to start a survey, I suggest you come up with one that minds its own business and then keep it to yourself.


No problem Toy:

As they say, nothing worse than an ex-smoker. In lieu of this widely held belief, I will continue with my filthy disgusting habit.



Now I have been a smoker most of my life but also gave it up for about 20 years and I really get upset about non smokers picking on smokers all the time. Well if I am a smoker I can kill my self by getting lung cancer but if I drink and drive I kill some one else.

  • 2 weeks later...
Mate, my addiction started 20 years ago, I don't need your silly little survey to tell me that. Here is a thought though, next time you feel an urge to start a survey, I suggest you come up with one that minds its own business and then keep it to yourself.

I wish smokers would do just that with their second hand stinking smoke.


If you want to smoke I suggest that you go to The Huntsman Pub downstairs in the Landmark where they allow smoking inside and supply ashtrays.

Yes you heard me right, a major hotel ignoring the law completely. I wonder how much they are paying the police to be allowed to disregard the health of their staff and customers and fly in the face of the law of the land.

Whilst I am not a smoker I have no problem with those who don't want to, or struggle with kicking their addiction, so please don't lets get into that.

Mate, my addiction started 20 years ago, I don't need your silly little survey to tell me that. Here is a thought though, next time you feel an urge to start a survey, I suggest you come up with one that minds its own business and then keep it to yourself.

I wish smokers would do just that with their second hand stinking smoke.

....and people that drink liquids and eat solids would do that with their urine and faeces..oh wait, they already do, it's called going to the toilet.But for some reason smokers have some self proclaimed right to excrete their by product/waste all over people.It amazing how powerful drug addiction completely destroys the addicts sense of basic consideration.

Mate, my addiction started 20 years ago, I don't need your silly little survey to tell me that. Here is a thought though, next time you feel an urge to start a survey, I suggest you come up with one that minds its own business and then keep it to yourself.

I wish smokers would do just that with their second hand stinking smoke.

....and people that drink liquids and eat solids would do that with their urine and faeces..oh wait, they already do, it's called going to the toilet.But for some reason smokers have some self proclaimed right to excrete their by product/waste all over people.It amazing how powerful drug addiction completely destroys the addicts sense of basic consideration.

I fart in your general direction, you silly English p*gd*g :o

Mate, my addiction started 20 years ago, I don't need your silly little survey to tell me that. Here is a thought though, next time you feel an urge to start a survey, I suggest you come up with one that minds its own business and then keep it to yourself.

I wish smokers would do just that with their second hand stinking smoke.

Yes the ex smokers are the worst by far.

It is a personal decision whether to smoke or not and it should be a business decision as to whether to allow smoking in your premises. I really get so annoyed with the holier than thou types trying to turn smokers into pariahs. Most smokers would give up tomorrow if there was a magic bullet but it would be for their health and their finances mainly

The answer is to have smoking and non smoking establishments then you holier than thou types can decide not to be around we stinky smokers, I can assure you that we wont miss you at all.

In bkk the laws are of course just another excuse for the pols to dip their hands into our pockets.


If there was such a problem with smokers why do they have to pass laws to stop making in pubs, clubs, bars, and restaurants??? Because the proprietors of those establishment know THEY WILL LOSE BUSINESS! And why should the government have control over what private businessmen/women their establishements? As long as the employees know that it is a smoking establishment and agree to work their and there is a sign saying "Smokers Welcome" what would be the problem?

Oh I forgot, you have to impose your values on me.

If there was a wave of non-smokers clamoring for non-smoking restaurants, bars, clubs, or pubs don't you think that some savvy businessman would have opened non-smoking establishments catering to the anti smoking NAZIs? Huh? They don't because they would go out of business. Everywhere these stupid laws pass, the private businessmen lose and a substancial number of them go out of business.

We already have given you the planes, public buildings of all kinds, shopping centers, etc. What is wrong with smoking in a bar or designated smoking area? Huh? Now you don't want us to have a proper ashtray when we are in the designated outdoor smoking area, well &lt;deleted&gt; me! Do you have to impose your opinion of how I and a lot of other smokers live? Sounds like fascism to me.

When I am being courteous, and I am very courteous about my smoking (I don't even smoke around my wife or family), and I go find a quiet spot with no one around and no "no smoking" signs it seems that some smoke NAZI seeks me out from nowhere and does the fake coughing bit. I make sure and blow smoke directly into their self righteous faces. &lt;deleted&gt; &lt;deleted&gt;.

Flame me all you want. I know cigarettes are going to kill me. Just like the sweets, alcohol, and cholesterol are going to kill you.


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