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Raimon Land Units At Half Price!

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I have no idea of the Thai/farang buyer ratio, and it does not make any difference. Any prudent buyer would not pay any more than (s)he thinks the property is worth, Thai or farang. But, as many people have found out, the Northpoint project pricing has been adjusted upwards several times, and downwards zero number of times.

And for both Thai and foreign buyers.


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"try to fill up their thai quota..."

Hmmm, Thais are allowed to own 100% of the building...

glyph, you wouldn't happen to be a reincarnation of our banned "friend" backflip by any chance? Your posts look amazingly similar to his. In fact, you became a member two days after backflip's last post.

Interesting coincidences perhaps?

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Just my 2 cents here, I don't understand the need to argue. This is obviously a complex subject with pros and cons either way - some of which have been well pointed out, others not. News around the net, campfire, newswire is that Thailand is considering relaxing foreign ownership policies. Why don't we just sit back, have a beer, grab a Diablo Burrito (I hear they're big) and wait and see what happens (if anything).

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Farang will have to pay a higher price in Thailand. This is common knowledge and common practice. Just look at the stock in the stock market; a representation of a transparent market where buying and seller freely agreed on a transparent pricing. Foreign ownership stock always trade at a premium when compared to local stock.

eg. last traded price at mid day close today:

LH-F = 4.14, LH = 3.78 (10% premium)

SCC-F = 144, SCC = 123 (17% premium)

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It would appear to me if the 49% farang is easier to sell than the 51% Thai, then it has more value. Which stands to reason as it will attract a larger group of buyers, farang or thais. The 51% can only be purchased by Thais.

Is my logic in error?

The higher floors typically command a higher price also as does a better view. So there are many things that influence the price and just because they have the same floor plan it does not mean they are the same value.

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