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Dodgy Drugs


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thanks for the replies, but I know of that tragedy, I'm looking for something more concrete or at least with suspicions. I heard a rumour about a different drug related death possibly around the same time as the article posted - most likely soon before. Any information is appreciated more then you know.


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I`ve done a lot of stupid shit in my life but could never figure out how one can stick a needle in his own body unless it was for medical reasons.

I dunno, getting a bottle of liquor or some weed seems so much easier, certainly less dangerous. I`d feel like I had somehow raped my body and soul. Brrrrrrr.

Like other stories read before, they may have been fooled by the high purity of the shit they buy compared to what they are used to back home.

Edited by Tony Clifton
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thanks for the replies, but I know of that tragedy, I'm looking for something more concrete or at least with suspicions. I heard a rumour about a different drug related death possibly around the same time as the article posted - most likely soon before. Any information is appreciated more then you know.


Can you give more information ? :o

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no I can't give more information, I'm not trying to pass on gossip or looking for any either - and I know nothing to give lead. I just want to know if there is a recent history of drug related deaths that could possibly be linked to bad drugs. This forum gets read - please ask around, someone may have heard something, please pass me anything anyone hears.

Thanks for those who take this as the seriousness it involves

Edited by areafour
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no I can't give more information, I'm not trying to pass on gossip or looking for any either - and I know nothing to give lead. I just want to know if there is a recent history of drug related deaths that could possibly be linked to bad drugs. This forum gets read - please ask around, someone may have heard something, please pass me anything anyone hears.

Thanks for those who take this as the seriousness it involves


:o Seriousness it involves? What are you, joking? You can't give out any information, but you say you're not trying to spread gossip? You know nothing to go on, yet you bring it up anyway. Not saying why or for what reason, and you expect people to pass on to you information related to people using drugs, and a percentage of those people possibly using bad ones and dying from them?

Are you here to score drugs, and just trying to avoid the bad ones that kill people? Seems to me that you are merely a troll, trying to spread rumors about drug abuse in Phuket. Where there are people, there are drugs. There are drugs everywhere. All drugs are bad. And you posting this topic makes me think you are either a reporter, or a user trying to score safe drugs that won't kill you.

I take this very serious. I have a 12 year old son, and we had to leave Pattaya because of the drugs in HIS school. I know there are drugs here, and like any parent, I would do harm to someone offering them to him, but you are silly if you think it is bad drugs that kill, and that good drugs only get you high.

Good drugs as well as bad drugs kill people. Dodgy? Why don't you go and ask the POLICE, troll!


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Let me put it this way, most of the non regulated "drugs" on the market come out of places where quality control isn't a priority. All sorts of heavy metal and toxic compounds are found in your basic run of the mill methamphetamine, so dodgy would be a polite way of saying the stuff is poisonous. Even when you can source it from a "reputable" dealer, his or her clients aren't predisposed to calling up the TFDA to report an adverse reaction. Pays your money, takes yer chances as they say.

Are you in the market for a pre-arranged funeral as well?

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All drugs are bad.

Amoxycillin ??? Ohh o they are not all bad..

I guess you mean intoxicants ?? That is except those liquid intoxicants.. You know, those liquid taxable intoxicants.. Yeah governments love those ones, despite causing more death, more injury, more spouse abuse, more violence, more car crashes, more packed accident and emergencies on a saturday night, more social damage than all the other ones combined..

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All drugs are bad.

if you think it is bad drugs that kill, and that good drugs only get you high.

Good drugs as well as bad drugs kill people.

I agree all drugs are indeed bad.

I also agree that any drug can kill.....Depends on the amount, body reaction, and content.

I would say the less evil drugs get you high, or perhaps the lower spectrum of the 'bad' drugs. But hey, isn't alcohol and cigarettes drugs too?

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this is exactly the replies I was worried about getting. I'm not a narc, I don't want any information about where to score - I'm not even in the country. I'm also not an idiot and understand the ramifications of taking illegal drugs. The short of it is, I've recently lost someone and the situation is suspect. I'm not interested in going into details because there is nothing to gain with that, no ones name needs to be rubbed through the dirt. I heard from an unreliable source that someone had recently passed away in Phuket from taking something that wouldn't normally cause death (which chances are is only a suspicion - meaning friends and family are as lost and confused as I am). If this is true, then someone else is out there with the same questions I have. If something is going around it gets me that much closer to understanding.

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