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I just wanted to start a thread to say about nice things Thai people have done for me, I wonder how many post we will get in before someone starts having a go at the locals.....

The hire car I was driving got a problem up in Issan and before I could even get down and have a look, 3 people had stopped and one, a mechanic, fixed it for free, he didn't even want some beer money (but I insisted).

A Thai friend invited my family to eat and he turned up with wrapped presents for them for Thai New Year.

My Sister in law arranges all the stuff I need doing up in Issan, when I was having land prepared for my house I was out of the country and she took care of everything.

When I was in an accident in Nakorn Phanom at least 3 by standers came to the cop shop as witnesses against the A Holes who hit me.

Who'se next? Think nice thoughts :o

One night my old jeep ground to a halt in the dark on a remote road in Surin province.

A motorbike stopped and we guessed the jeep was out of fuel.

He disappeared and came back with a plastic bag full of diesel. He cleverly poured it into the tank. I paid him for the fuel but he wouldn't take a thank you tip.

Ten minutes later I stopped to call Cat to tell her why I was running late, and there he was at my shoulder.

He had followed me going away from home just to make sure I was okay.

This latter was really generous I thought because it was a kindness that I would most probably never have discovered.

Kon Thai jai dee!

Yes that seems he was concerned about yนu

nice guy!

น่ากลัวจริงๆอยูภนนมืดมิด จ.สุรินวะ! กลัวโดนปล้นโดนฆ่าคับ เป็นผมๆก็ตามไปเฝ้าเหมือนกันนะคับ ฝรั่งอยู่โดดเดี่ยวแบบนั้นในสถานที่มืดมิดไม่มีคนก็น่ากังวลมากนะ

i would have followed you too though for the same reasons.

I have been attacked before and also robbed so i know.

He was worried you might end up as a corpse in an "Oy" field.

I have a foto in front of me of a child and father floating in a pool under a bridge just 30 meters from the roadside restaurant.

He left the restaurant and went for a pee with son and was murdered for the gold chain around his neck (broad daylight)

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I just wanted to start a thread to say about nice things Thai people have done for me, I wonder how many post we will get in before someone starts having a go at the locals.....

The hire car I was driving got a problem up in Issan and before I could even get down and have a look, 3 people had stopped and one, a mechanic, fixed it for free, he didn't even want some beer money (but I insisted).

A Thai friend invited my family to eat and he turned up with wrapped presents for them for Thai New Year.

My Sister in law arranges all the stuff I need doing up in Issan, when I was having land prepared for my house I was out of the country and she took care of everything.

When I was in an accident in Nakorn Phanom at least 3 by standers came to the cop shop as witnesses against the A Holes who hit me.

Who'se next? Think nice thoughts :o

One night my old jeep ground to a halt in the dark on a remote road in Surin province.

A motorbike stopped and we guessed the jeep was out of fuel.

He disappeared and came back with a plastic bag full of diesel. He cleverly poured it into the tank. I paid him for the fuel but he wouldn't take a thank you tip.

Ten minutes later I stopped to call Cat to tell her why I was running late, and there he was at my shoulder.

He had followed me going away from home just to make sure I was okay.

This latter was really generous I thought because it was a kindness that I would most probably never have discovered.

Kon Thai jai dee!

Yes that seems he was concerned about yนu

nice guy!

น่ากลัวจริงๆอยูภนนมืดมิด จ.สุรินวะ! กลัวโดนปล้นโดนฆ่าคับ เป็นผมๆก็ตามไปเฝ้าเหมือนกันนะคับ ฝรั่งอยู่โดดเดี่ยวแบบนั้นในสถานที่มืดมิดไม่มีคนก็น่ากังวลมากนะ

i would have followed you too though for the same reasons.

I have been attacked before and also robbed so i know.

He was worried you might end up as a corpse in an "Oy" field.

I have a foto in front of me of a child and father floating in a pool under a bridge just 30 meters from the roadside restaurant.

He left the restaurant and went for a pee with son and was murdered for the gold chain around his neck (broad daylight)

Yeah and this never happens in the west!

By the way, you are supposed to only use Thai script when it follows (other than the language forum) - why couldn't you just say Surin roads are dark and scary and you would follow too - in English (the rest you followed with the English anyway) - not everyone here can read the Thai.

Wow you have managed to disguise stingyness with kindness. :D Love is way overrated :D

Hey, RJT, I hope you don't have to hang your head in hel forever.

Try looking up.

No thanks Then i might See your Ugly Mug. :o

I have been attacked before and also robbed so i know.

He was worried you might end up as a corpse in an "Oy" field.

I have a foto in front of me of a child and father floating in a pool under a bridge just 30 meters from the roadside restaurant.

He left the restaurant and went for a pee with son and was murdered for the gold chain around his neck (broad daylight)

You've been attacked and robbed so you know ?

You know what exactly ?

What is it you know ?

Please enlighten me!


Well......I can speak for my husband :o

-He lost a screw from his eyeglasses while eating, when he had it fixed at the store the owner didn't charge him any

-He stop and asked for the direction to the Jatujak, one thai lady told him of how to get there then wai to him once she finished and my husband then returned her wai.

-His inlaws (my parents) didn't ask for any sinsot …..(very nice, cool in-law!)

-He never have to pay for any meals when outing with my family at the restaurants while we're in Thailand. (again - nice of them!)

Oh Btw - he has a very nice thai wife who loves him maak maak since their univ years together and quite beautiful also :D

Wow you have managed to disguise stingyness with kindness. :D Love is way overrated :D

RJ….are you stalking me?


I would rather be with a stingy guy….. who wants to marry me, instead of a rich guy who wants to use me as a gig

I would rather be with a stingy guy….. with brain , instead of a rich with many inane comments……….Talk is cheap

I would rather be with a stingy guy….. who shows up for his date every times, instead of “a no show” rich guy coz his jet has no fuel


Hey…. I wish we would be involve in a love triangle or a misunderstanding just to get him jealous “more“...ehhehe guess not.

Oh weee... his sexiness keeps rising everyday!!!

Faint faint!!! He's so dam_n sexy... his smiles makes me melt, and can cause a temp blackout, .........instead of ‘ur pseudo image

Although he‘s soooo perfect in most ways and the man of all my dreams……...but that doesn't mean i won't fantasize about you anymore. May be I will have you as a gig :(

Comeon - Look up ‘n show Ur face darling, or U just scared I might change my mind

You are just sooo jealous and bitter….. coz U didn’t get to meet me earlier : :D



For those who had a nice experience with the Thais, good for them, happy for you.

Thais are taught not to talk about bad of it's own people to the outsiders :D - " ya-saow-sai-hai-ga-gin". Since I'm still serching for the unusual kindness from a stranger or a friend, I'm pretty sure he/she is out there, until then there's not much to say in here. :D

If I have to share my experiences, it seems quite similar to the posts #9...#12...#16...#30 .

Although every trip back home to TL, there are about 30-40 childhood friends that I hang around with. I've always been treated nice and pleasantly dued to social etiquette, but have not yet found a friend who is acting out of her way to help me, may be I have not been in the desperate situation that requires a great kindness ? ? :o


I am always getting into situations where I am at a nice Thai families place having a beer or whiskey, Good Thai country people are just like good country people at home, makes me feel at home in my new home Thailand. I just wish my learning process of Passa Thai would be faster, da Maipen rai lean passa Thai chacha dai dui.

My friend pooped his pants in Silom and a motorbike taxi kindly took him home so that he could change. You cannot beat that kind of service.

people feel bad for retards and try to help them when they're stuck somewhere banging their hands between 2 walls not knowing that turning left or right would save them.. in any country

same goes for those who poop their pants

too many beers before posting?

RJ….are you stalking me? (Yes)


I would rather be with a stingy guy….. who wants to marry me, instead of a rich guy who wants to use me as a gig (Dont lie to your Self)

I would rather be with a stingy guy….. with brain , instead of a rich with many inane comments……….Talk is cheap (No its Free)

I would rather be with a stingy guy….. who shows up for his date every times, instead of "a no show" rich guy coz his jet has no fuel (I promiced id make it up to you)


Hey…. I wish we would be involve in a love triangle or a misunderstanding just to get him jealous "more"...ehhehe guess not.(jealousy is a sin)

Oh weee... his sexiness keeps rising everyday!!!

Faint faint!!! He's so dam_n sexy... his smiles makes me melt, and can cause a temp blackout, .........instead of 'ur pseudo image (no coment)

Although he's soooo perfect in most ways and the man of all my dreams……...but that doesn't mean i won't fantasize about you anymore. May be I will have you as a gig :D (It will defentaly happen)

Comeon - Look up 'n show Ur face darling, or U just scared I might change my mind (Scared you will divorce your husband)

I am just sooo jealous and bitter!!!!!….. coz I didn't get to meet you earlier :o

your sweetie


Ahh careful RJ…..

coz this is TexasRanger territory!!

And where he came from, everything is BIG there, including the rock he will use to BONK BONK your head with it, IF you don’t just **** UP & turn this thread back from “R” TO “PG” RATING!!

Ranger…..where R U, over to U……make sure it’s a biggest rock you can find :o

ChokDee jing jing


I think its important to remember that the 60+ million (guestimate) that inhabit this pleasant land are not all the same people for many reasons, Historical, geographical etc.. , They don't share a common set of values, atleast I Hope not. Thai is a recent name for the collective. I prefer to see them as Siamese (central), Chinese, Issan, Lao, Lanna, etc.. etc...

I personaly enjoy helping people for free, maybe its a Culture thing. Just this morning I helped a villager recover his pickup. A few days ago I helped an Oldman who was pushing his motorbike miles from home with a flat Tyre . I put the motorbike in the back of the pickup and took it to a local repairer. No big deal. The next day the oldman came round to ask 'How Much he needed to pay me'. My observation rightly or wrongly , is that the people in my particular village will only help FAMILY for free. For everyone else there's a price.

I've recovered several vehicles which were imbeded in my wall also very recently ;-)

I know several men in the village who I don't have any problems with at all but I also know they have sold there daughters as 'Fresh meat' to the sex trade in the very recent Past. Its simple to me anyway, I don't expect these men to offer me any assistance under any cercumstances for FREE.

My spellings getting very bad ;-)

Ahh careful RJ…..

coz this is TexasRanger territory!!

And where he came from, everything is BIG there, including the rock he will use to BONK BONK your head with it, IF you don't just **** UP & turn this thread back from "R" TO "PG" RATING!!

Ranger…..where R U, over to U……make sure it's a biggest rock you can find :D

ChokDee jing jing

So texesrangers like to bonk with rocks? So its true They are inbred rednecks..

My apologies anyway. I thought u where a woman~ :o


of course I’m a woman!!!

But don’t know about “TexasRanger” tho

TexasR - Have you found that BIG rock…..oh never mind …..any rock now will do…....and Would you mind hurry up?

RJ is waiting for U

RJ - you will very well might get more than one rock. The last post just sealed your fate forever.

ChokDee again


Notwithstanding all the above I do wonder.

Some people receive help from unexpected sources, others not.

Some people are respected, others are not.

I wonder why?




I am here, and a have a big hard rock, ahem, anyway. :o

Don't judge a book by it's avatar someone said here..... Redneck indeed, huh! The only red necks I see are the ones I have put my cowboy boot on.

Even though there are female Texas Rangers, I am not female, if you saw me you would realise that right away, I would make an ugly ladyboy, unlike RJT with his long hair, if that is him/her in the avatar??


I would have gone code red, but this thread was supposed to be a nice thread about nice Thai people, not me bashing people's heads in with rocks, but hey, no problem. Love is all very nice but I do like a good scrap.

I would have gone code red, but this thread was supposed to be a nice thread about nice Thai people, not me bashing people's heads in with rocks, but hey, no problem. Love is all very nice but I do like a good scrap.

I thought u where form the U.K


Duh……I think you will be smarter without all those blonde hair

He wouldn’t be called a Texas ranger…..if he’s not in/from Texas!!!……duh duh


I would have gone code red, but this thread was supposed to be a nice thread about nice Thai people, not me bashing people's heads in with rocks, but hey, no problem. Love is all very nice but I do like a good scrap.

I thought u where form the U.K

I am.

Duh……I think you will be smarter without all those blonde hair

He wouldn't be called a Texas ranger…..if he's not in/from Texas!!!……duh duh


Oops, sorry Teacup, it's a long story...... :o

Until next time ......RJ

I will carry my own gun and be sure to kill both of you, .......if U2 try to make a fun of me again!! :o

Oh...and a basket of big rock too!.....

Hey I am trying to make a thread about Thai people being nice and you are acting like Bangkok Dangerous :D

Until next time ......RJ

I will carry my own gun and be sure to kill both of you, .......if U2 try to make a fun of me again!! :D

Oh...and a basket of big rock too!.....

the nicest thing a thai has ever done for me will be soon to come – poot me out of my misory!! :o


I will tell them to write it down……as “SELF DEFENSE” ja

Oh btw TexasR….Jatujak and Laprao area are in my territory ja, and next time when you’re in the area look up at the soi signage

Ladprao 1, and 2 - that’s my last name ja - right underneath

U2...better watch out, and even your own shadow will not be save from me!, just joking :o

I will tell them to write it down……as "SELF DEFENSE" ja

Oh btw TexasR….Jatujak and Laprao area are in my territory ja, and next time when you're in the area look up at the soi signage

Ladprao 1, and 2 - that's my last name ja - right underneath

U2...better watch out, and even your own shadow will not be save from me!, just joking :o

I won't take the chance, I amflying to the US tomorrow morning for work anyway so maybe I will be safe for a few weeks, depending on where you are in the US?

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