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Political Unrest In Udon?


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Has there been any political unrest, demonstrations in Udon or is this stuff historically confined to other parts of the country? I am returning to Udon on Nov. 3. During my previous stay it seemed as if there was very little connection between Udon and Bangkok. Is there any likelihood that this stuff will spread all over the nation, and will it affect Westerners in any sort of dangerous way. I intend to come anyway unless there is just a total shut down, but I was just wondering what some of you might be thinking about this situation and how it might affect life in Udon.

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Has there been any political unrest, demonstrations in Udon or is this stuff historically confined to other parts of the country? I am returning to Udon on Nov. 3. During my previous stay it seemed as if there was very little connection between Udon and Bangkok. Is there any likelihood that this stuff will spread all over the nation, and will it affect Westerners in any sort of dangerous way. I intend to come anyway unless there is just a total shut down, but I was just wondering what some of you might be thinking about this situation and how it might affect life in Udon.

As no one has answered you . I will say that here in Khon Kaen there is no problems what so ever.

I cannot see Udon being any different.

It's a different world up here.

Edited by Lite Beer
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Thus far we had few incidents here about a month ago. One where the local guys wearing red, went after th Local Pad leader in his busimess. Police stood by and nothing happened. Ohter then a lot of yeliign and waiving of banners.

Not to long after that The PADd w holidng a meeting Nom Prajek Park and the local group of WE LOVE UDON, ( red) attacked the pad at thier meeting Police were there and did not stop the attack. Several people went to the hospital at first it said that one PAD member had been killed. It later denied and to my knowledge has never been really cleared up.

The Police caught a lot of heat for it. The rounded up the leadrees of the red group adn inteviewed them. One of the leaders was the brother on a MP with the PPP. Newver heard taht any arrests were made.

During the last week , the local news has said that the Reds had a group of about 1000 gathering, to support the current goverment. There was no PAD around so no incident.

What seems to be happening at the moment is both factions are in Bangkok. so far it is quiet here.

That is to the best of my memory. I wouldn't start etching is stone

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