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Well Connected Businessman Has Conned Thais


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Hi there,

I have just discovered that an American citizen, a former employee of the US Embassy in Bangkok (in what capacity, I have no idea), has recently closed down his staffing business owing a lot of money his Thai staff (not paid for several months) and to Thai customers also.

His business was concerned with helping Thai staff get jobs in the Middle East. The business contact in the Middle East runs a legitimate company (I know this because I work there and we help lots of people from all over the world every month find genuine job's). The Middle East firm simply finds local businesses with staffing shortages and helps locate suitable candidates to fill these roles. We charge the candidates nothing - the fee is paid by the firms needing the staff. My boss went into partnership with this American guy mainly because this guy was supposedly well connected in Thai government circles and could help Thai candidates get their necessary documentation through the Thai bureaucracy in good order etc.

About a 6 months ago, my boss in the Middle East gave this American about $60,000 USD to set up a Bangkok office with the aim of supplying Thais for roles in the Middle East.

The long and the short of it is, the American guy has been very unethical. We, in the Middle East, have discovered that he has not paid rent for the last 3 months, nor any utilities. He hasn't paid any of his staff any wages for the last 3 months either. Worse still, he has taken money off of innocent Thai people who trustingly gave their money to him for services he has failed to provide (professional English training, document attestation, registration fees etc). The American guy simply switched off his phone, locked the office up and walked away. No one knows where he is now.

This guy, in his late 30's, is very well connected to all sorts of Thai govt officials. His wife is a former Thai embassy official and is from a 'hi-so' Thai family. One of his unpaid employees has informed me that he is well connected in Police circles also.

Is there anything that the Thai staff and Thai customers can do? Can they make a formal complaint with any authority to try and get back any monies owed to them?

FYI, my boss has decided to write his investment off and chalk it up as a bad experience. It is of no professional interest to me that this unethical American business man is made to pay - Personally, I just hate con men, especially when it's the poor who get ripped off by such 'black hearted' people.

I am in loose contact with several of the Thai people affected by this guy's behaviour. I am more than happy to pass on any suggestions made here. If I can somehow be helpful the locals recoup any lost money from this guy, that is fine by me.

Personally, knowing Thailand and how well connected this American chap is, I think it is going to be almost impossible for the Thais to get anything from a legal standpoint. If it were me or my friends/family who had been ripped off in this manner, I am not sure whether I would be looking solely to the law enforcers for justice.

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Hi there,

I have just discovered that an American citizen, a former employee of the US Embassy in Bangkok (in what capacity, I have no idea), has recently closed down his staffing business owing a lot of money his Thai staff (not paid for several months) and to Thai customers also.

His business was concerned with helping Thai staff get jobs in the Middle East. The business contact in the Middle East runs a legitimate company (I know this because I work there and we help lots of people from all over the world every month find genuine job's). The Middle East firm simply finds local businesses with staffing shortages and helps locate suitable candidates to fill these roles. We charge the candidates nothing - the fee is paid by the firms needing the staff. My boss went into partnership with this American guy mainly because this guy was supposedly well connected in Thai government circles and could help Thai candidates get their necessary documentation through the Thai bureaucracy in good order etc.

About a 6 months ago, my boss in the Middle East gave this American about $60,000 USD to set up a Bangkok office with the aim of supplying Thais for roles in the Middle East.

The long and the short of it is, the American guy has been very unethical. We, in the Middle East, have discovered that he has not paid rent for the last 3 months, nor any utilities. He hasn't paid any of his staff any wages for the last 3 months either. Worse still, he has taken money off of innocent Thai people who trustingly gave their money to him for services he has failed to provide (professional English training, document attestation, registration fees etc). The American guy simply switched off his phone, locked the office up and walked away. No one knows where he is now.

This guy, in his late 30's, is very well connected to all sorts of Thai govt officials. His wife is a former Thai embassy official and is from a 'hi-so' Thai family. One of his unpaid employees has informed me that he is well connected in Police circles also.

Is there anything that the Thai staff and Thai customers can do? Can they make a formal complaint with any authority to try and get back any monies owed to them?

FYI, my boss has decided to write his investment off and chalk it up as a bad experience. It is of no professional interest to me that this unethical American business man is made to pay - Personally, I just hate con men, especially when it's the poor who get ripped off by such 'black hearted' people.

I am in loose contact with several of the Thai people affected by this guy's behaviour. I am more than happy to pass on any suggestions made here. If I can somehow be helpful the locals recoup any lost money from this guy, that is fine by me.

Personally, knowing Thailand and how well connected this American chap is, I think it is going to be almost impossible for the Thais to get anything from a legal standpoint. If it were me or my friends/family who had been ripped off in this manner, I am not sure whether I would be looking solely to the law enforcers for justice.

If they know bigger people and more connected people than you do........walk away and take a loss :o:D sorry to say. You might get something out of it but it will take a long time, 2 years maybe. So you have to weigh up the cost of you spending hours upon hours of time on something which will ultimately give you little in return.

Of course this guy might also be out of favour with the people he is connected to and they just mightt want to pay him back for some wrong doing he imposed upon them as well. (the enemy of your enemy is your friend) so you may as well have a bash and report him :D:D just make sure you have things in writing..bank statements and transfers etc etc. If you can prove you gave him this money under a condition that requires him to actually do something then their may be a light at the end of this dark tunnel. However it is a very long way down the tunnel :D

Edited by bravingbangkok
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