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Isp For Limited Stay?


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Currently my internet access is limited to the college campus where I work - it's poorly administrated (not at administrated at all, really) and really just is a mess. Plus anything "fun" is blocked at the firewall.

I'd like to get dsl in my apartment in Bangkok, but I see True requires a 12 month contract?

Also, I have a phone, but the line is not billed directly to me, it's one of those dial 9 to get out jobs, very expensive to use - so I would need a land line to install dsl, what problems can I anticipate there?


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You don't say how long you will be staying.

the standard promotion package used to be 6 months until they started giving away the modem - now it is 12 months. But you might be able to apply without using the promotion package which might then just be six months or less - you will have to ask.

Getting a phone line can take anything from days to months depending if there is a free plug in the local exchange, and depending upon how efficient the local phone office is. There are two phone companies:- the nationalised company to which a foreigner cannot apply (unless you have a good Thai friend toapply for you) and TA which offers the hi-speed internet service called TRUE. Once you have their line they should connect you within a few days.

TRUE also offers a pay as you go service with top speeds but costing 25 Baht per hour - ask about this as they might not bind you to a minimum length contract.

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