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Los g/f can it work out ?


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Jaylord ! I can't believe that you could do that to me knowing that I was with her b4u, what happened to our code of conduct I know she's a looker but mates are mates! Or not now so it seems!

Well I don't know what ur going to say to her but I'm seeing her in 4weeks and I'l bide my time until then! If you want to sort our friendship out u'l keep your mouth shut about this until I've spoke to her!

As for call me mate, I'd rather you wasted your money on phoning her until I've got my head round this one.??

PS. Don't bother phoning me as I aint answering!"

Are you guys working on coordinating a troll ? this is amazing and too funny. Can't be true. If it is, at least you have your answer.

Like I said, if you don't mind sharing, no problem  :o

At least you know the guy.

PS: What's her mobile number ?  :D

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If it's true, quite a saga. If i were you muay mate, i'd forget her. Or at least don't expect too much from her. It's just possible that she's really looking to settle down with someone, but don't hold out your hopes too much. Certainly don't commit any money. Let's face it, if what Gaylord says is true, she's probably either a nympho or a scam artist. Either way mate you're screwed.

But don't let this experience stop you from looking for love with another thai girl. Sounds like you're hooked. Try to learn as much as you can about Thai ways, learn a bit of the language, then you have a chance. But you must make an effort to understand the asian personality and culture. I find that a thai girl worth catching has got balance in her life, wants to please and take care of her man, enjoys life, is a bit childish maybe. But these are great attributes for us western guys. Also asian woman have small slim bodies, which never fails to get me aroused. I reckon that asian girls are what men have evolved to be attracted to, i.e. skinny and more feminine, cos they don't have so much money and are brought up in male dominated societies. Maybe that's not socially progressive, but what the heck, we're just guys looking for a beautiful woman to love. In general, I find western girls overweight, too self assured, too selfish and demanding, a real turn-off!

So good hunting mate and good luck.

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...wants to please and take care of her man, enjoys life, is a bit childish maybe. But these are great attributes for us western guys. Also asian woman have small slim bodies, which never fails to get me aroused. I reckon that asian girls are what men have evolved to be attracted to, i.e. skinny and more feminine, cos they don't have so much money and are brought up in male dominated societies...

Do all western men really only want a subvervient self-effacing child-woman?

Sounds like a fairly boring partner to me.

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sorry meow_mee, just trying to give muay thai a bit of advice, some encouragement and to encapsulate why some western guys like thai girls and should like thai girls. It's not subservient or self-effacing that's the attraction, but child-woman certainly. Me, im childish myself. At least that's what both my chinese meea yai and philipina meea noi accuse me of. Dunno if i'm boring, i got so many friends but none ever said that of me.

Pom kit khun ben pu ying thai, chai my ? Isnt it good for you to understand us western guys, a little. so Koon ying, please jai yen yen.

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Do all western men really only want a subvervient self-effacing child-woman?

Sounds like a fairly boring partner to me.

What is your idea of an ideal partner ,? I'd love to know?

As for Thai women being self-effacing, subservient....my wife would like to meet you , and perhaps put you straight.

Btw this thread is a good wind up , unfortunately everything Muay Thai posts know will be seen in same vein , a shame because it has livened this board up. :o

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Muay, ignore these folks making light of our situation.  To me its very real and very serious and to be honest - not that funny!  I remember when we first got to Thailand and we had that chat about thai women and how great they are.  So beautiful and, although it is difficult to get to a know them personally, or for them to express themselves properly in a short time, with the language barrier and everything, you sense they are so caring, loving and fun-lovin girls.  Typical we would both fall for the same one!!!

We've been mates for a long time now and i'm not going to lose that over this girl.  Although I have strong feelings for her I have to be honest and say that these may be based on lust rather than true love.  The fact that you are prepared to go over there next month to see her again tells me you are probably far more serious about her than I ever was.  I'm going to step back on this one mate, and wish you the best of luck.  I hope I haven't lost you as a friend although I admit it will be difficult to put this one in the past and forget it ever happened.

Muay, I don't know if she told you but she loves butterflies.  Take her anything to do with butterflies, she'd love that.  Also she loves KFC man - take her there!

Anyway I havent said anything to her since this bombshell surfaced, but she 'll think something is wrong if I don't call in the next day or two..............................    :o

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Muay, I don't know if she told you but she loves butterflies.  Take her anything to do with butterflies, she'd love that.  Also she loves KFC man - take her there!

This got to be the Troll of the Year

She likes butterflies ? are you joking ? Do you understand what she REALLY meant ? do you know what a butterfly mean in Thailand ? you can't be so naive so I am sure this a coordinate troll. Good job, guys. When is the next episode ? can't wait for the big showdown with the 3 of you.

Maybe you could invite the girl to the forum and let her explain her side of the story. Priceless  :laugh:

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Hmmmm....I think I understand what Meow_mee was trying to say....

Sometimes, when I read what some Western men see Thai women generally, it makes me want to just stop chatting on webboard like this forever.  

But then again, the nice people seem to outweigh the ******.  

Oh, well.....  It's up to the individuals, I guess... I'm not getting involved.

BTW this post is not directing at anyone in particular, just my general feeling towards some comments on this board.

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MUAY THAI AND JAYLORD - Please keep us posted!  

If this is true, one thing for sure - she is a player and doesn't love either of you in the way you want her to.

or maybe she loves them both but can't make up her mind. Also possible. Not different from many western women.

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Muay last night I spoke to her and asked her if she remembered you and Mr.Dun and she came outright and told me she sometimes get phonecalls from you and that she also sends you text messages.  I was a little taken aback because I didn't think she would come outright and admit it.  I asked her why she was keeping in touch with you and she said it was because she liked you very much.  Have you spoken to her?

Chonabot why do you think this is a windup?

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We think its a wind up because if it was true, you wouldn't be discussing it over a public board now would you. PM's and Mails perhaps, but not in public.

PS: What's the girls name? Maybe some more board members are in true-and-reciprical-love with her too!  :o

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Sorry guys I aint posting her phone No., it's bad enough Jaylord having it!

Jaylord I've been thinking a bit and I reckon I'll just see what happens when I'm with her and take it from there, I'll just look for signs, you never know maybe you could call her when I'm there and we'll see how she reacts !!

Know what you mean about the butterfly thing though, she mentioned taking me to some place in BKK where there are loads of different types of butterfly's, I think she's a bit strange when it comes to animals and things I mentioned getting her a dog once and she said she preferred Water Buffalo's !! God knows how she would keep that in her room!

Maybe when u come back to the UK we can meet up and chat about it next year...............??

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Don't want to worsen the situation with me and muay by giving out the digits!!!

Muay, that sounds reasonable.  Although I am willing to step back on this one I would be lying if I said that I didn't want to know what was going on.  Last night she told me that she had lost her job and was going to be struggling to pay rent!  I feel really sorry for her now.

When do you go?

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Don't want to worsen the situation with me and muay by giving out the digits!!!

Muay, that sounds reasonable.  Although I am willing to step back on this one I would be lying if I said that I didn't want to know what was going on.  Last night she told me that she had lost her job and was going to be struggling to pay rent!  I feel really sorry for her now.

When do you go?

I think she will need rent money for sure. Expect to pay the rent every week  :o

this is too funny guys, good troll

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I don't think she's lost her job Jaylo, I phone her at work quite often she's never mentioned to me that she's lost her job and

as for the rent last i knew she was living at her sisters place.

In fact she tells me a lot about how she doesn't like her job, I mean Nana Plaza's not the nicest of places for a girl to work, she'd much rather be working at the butterfly farm - that I am certain of.

Still she reckons the monies much better at Nana due to tips from "wealthy farang" as she puts it. She reckons the bar tips are very generous if the customer gets good service!

Has she mentioned to you anything about a tattoo ?

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"she'd much rather be working at the butterfly farm - that I am certain of".

That must be Pattaya.

"She reckons the bar tips are very generous if the customer gets good service!"

Standard bar girl phrase "Me take good care of Falang."

Cue the next gag:

"Has she mentioned to you anything about a tattoo ?"

Keep it going lads LOL

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