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I have own a used BMW X5 3,0D tiptronic - 2005 20000 KM with all options over one year in Sweden.

Now Im thinking on take it to Thailand as personal belongings (and then hopfully not pay any tax)

What I wonder is how much the value of that car has at the Thai second hand market. This car is left side driven and in mint condition.

rgrds Bengt


not sure but I think this will cost you a lot of money and head aches.

you may be better off selling the car before you leave and then buying another car out here. I think the BMW is around 7-9 million baht new maybe more. someone else on the forum could tell you more.

dont get your hopes up about bringing your car out here.

  • 2 years later...

BMW never brought these diesel motors for X5 for Thai market.

Eh? the xDrive30D is far and away the most popular variant here in LOS, as it comes under the 220HP maximum excise tax bracket (retuned to 218HP for Thai market). The xDrive50i is also available, but is more than double the price.

Do you know what is the cheapest brand new BMW or Benz available in Thailand ?

Any model, any type.


BMW: E90 318i - 2.3M Baht

Benz: W204 C200 - 2.5M Baht

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