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Thai Education


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I notice an apparent lack of active listening skills compounded by the loss of face associated with admission to not having heard the comment or question to be the most damaging.These kids simply do not learn the importance of listening. I have noticed this for over 30 years.

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Could someone please explain me something.

If education is not a priority, why academics are so well regarded in Thailand? I can't figure out why, every time there is a problem, they found some obscure lecturer to give his opinion, how to fix the economy, the government ,.... And, as far as I'm concerned, none of them are Nobel prize material but that's just my opinion.

But the main question is, if they care so little about education, why academics are held in so high esteem ?

I have spent a few years here in the realm (coming up for twenty) and I have never felt that academics are held "in high esteem"

When you need at least a bachelors degree to get a job answering a telephone what does that tell you :o

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There are many and varied reasons why the Thai education system / quality is inferior.

Some examples.....

I live close to three major private schools and cannot count the number of days per month / year that the whole school traipses past to the temple for one reason or another.

Of what academic benefit is that to ones education.

My GF came home and said that she got an 'A' for Buddhist studies and "B's" for the rest. Of what benefit is an 'A' in Buddhist studies ever gonna be in the work place.

My GF when doing her thesis (for a bachelors mind you) submitted it perhaps ten times and on each occasion it was "massaged" to the point it was acceptable and she will get her degree.

My wife before her, did likewise, submitting her thesis many times until it was good enough to be awarded with a degree.

I have acquaintances who teach at major private schools and they have been told that "everyone must pass" Of what good is a degree or an education from such an institution.

Private Thai schools are motivated by profit not in providing excellence in learning.

I read where a Thai girl after graduating went to the states and worked for a spell. Asked about her experience she responded with "but they expected me to think" it would be a joke if not sadly true.

Thai schools are in many cases "child minding" service providers. I have seen primary age children at their schools at 07.00 and getting picked up to go home at 17.00 How can a five year old learn anything at all when subjected to such hours.

I know of three year olds attending kindergarten type institutions who come home and have to do homework. What an absolute joke.

I have grandchildren in schools (mind you in a developed country) who arrive at school at around 08.30 and are going home no later than 15.30 AND they will be Nobel Laureate's before anyone from the realm receives one.

When you have 499 monks performing some hocus pocus (recently) to ensure that there would be no flooding what chance have you got of have an educated populace.

You might as well have a bunch of "witch doctors" running the education system as what you have now.

An education system which places higher regard on having everyone in a uniforn rather than proper teaching is doomed to failure. People attend Yale, Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge etc wearing jeans and a tee shirt. It doesn't stop them from being learned acedemics.

NUFF SAID (you can take it that I am not impressed) :o

Edited by john b good
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