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Novel Study: The Witch, The Lion And The Wardrobe


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I have just started a novel study with my year 4 class. So far its been great, the kids really enjoy reading something substantial and meaningful. I'm only a few chapters in, and so far we have done some character studies and chapter comprehension questions. I'm looking for some more ideas to maximize our time with this novel. Does anyone have any ideas, resources, websites that will enhance the overall experience for my students? I've come across some excellent websites but I'm still looking for more.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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Are you teaching the C. S. Lewis classic that's in your title? It's such an analogy! Or whatever the term is for "Pilgrim's Progress." Isn't that a bit deep? Would a simple plot with several set characters be better? Are you teaching at a Christian uni?

I suppose if they're fourth year Ph.D. candidates or if they're undergrad English language majors at a true university, sure. Give them any of the classics. But are they able to handle abstract concepts, layers of meaning, symbolism, etc.? Do they understand, for example, the social/cultural and socio-religious aspects of Christian and atheistic influence upon modern Western thought? Or would protagonist and antagonist be more their level? I don't know.

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This novel is standard curriculum for grades 4-6 around the world. I'm aware of the Christian allegory context, but there are many other excellent lessons to pull from this book. The human condition, temptation and addiction, greed and deceit, good and evil, all set in a fantasy setting...what else could one ask for?

I'm not sure of the point of your post. Thanks for the help? Rather not.

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  • 1 month later...
A book that has been turned into a movie as well would be good if you have movie facilities

one flew over the cuckoos nest

A great novel and movie no doubt but not really applicable to the age group of my class.

"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." was on BBC back in the late 1980's and should be available on video. Also, filming has wrapped, in NZ, on a major motion picture version due out in 2005. Eleven months of post-production means the film is slated to open in December, 2005!

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So its water under the bridge by now, since this is an old thread, but this is available:

A Guide for Using The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in the Classroom, by C.S. Lewis

The link is supposed to take you to Amazon.com. There's also another study guide written by Andrew Clausen. They're not expensive.

Edit: sorry I don't know why the link didn't come out right, you'll have to cut&paste or do a search if you're still interested.

Edited by jerry921
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standard all around the world?? then israel must be really behind...... my daughters 10 grade had to read 'The Hole" which i thought was the most boring thing ever....

also she thought the narnia group was boring,,, i think its a cultural thing.... she couldnt relate really....

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