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Thai Wedding Stress


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You look beautiful, happy everything worked out.

We didnt have any cake or desert for the village wedding as that is not even a consideration, but for our Canadian wedding which has a bit of a Thai fusion flare we ordered a very sage colour with bamboo trim. The cake arrived the day of the wedding and was teenage mutant ninja turtle green with what looked like turds of poop as the bamboo! Luckily it was the only thing that went wrong!


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The latest craziness from my mil ....I'm starting to wonder about her sanity now.

Now, I'm not usually one to say "I told you so" buuuuttttt I so told you so!!!! :o Look back over the threads and I'm sure I said she'd wait to reveal her true self in time!

hahahahahahahahahaha. sorry for the big laugh but I recall earlier posts about how she seemed alright & that you must have dogded the nutty mil bullet. Sorry, you got one too :D Not as bad as someone who we know who's got a nightmare of an mil, but a mad one none the less, the kind but mad are much better though than the downright bitch ones though :D

Why, whoever are you talking about dear :( I'm laughing so much right now!

Huge congrats to Devona and GHS. Your photos are gorgeous (both of you :D ). Dev, definitely pass over the pink dress to Boo, I can so see her in that :D would perhaps have a bit of belly showing with the height difference though!

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  • 2 months later...

Well, one week away from our ceremony we have finally moved beyond the craziness into full-blown preparations. We gave up on trying to ensure set guest numbers but there will be limited food and when it runs out...it runs out. Hubby has been instructed to 'get home' ASAP to help with the spring cleaning and decorating. I'm staying well clear of that, besides I have to work up until the wedding. MIL helpfully chose cream as 'my' colour but after trying a few outfits hubby and I made an executive decision that we liked blue better. We haven't told MIL yet though, thought we would save that one for a surprise :o The food sagas continue and I imagine will be an issue right up until the event. I have done my bit by buying some nice champers for Mum and I and cases of red wine and whisky for everyone else. I'm surprisingly relaxed at this point, maybe because we have already done the legal marriage back home. I'm ready to enjoy a good party at this point.

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