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Chamlong Srimuang Arrested


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Isn't it strange how all these PAD sheep support a Charter that was written by a illegal military government and forced on to the people without any debate. Hmmm I guess not. Ops I forgot PAD sheep dont believe in elected governments....

Is it not possible to debate, without calling other members "PAD sheep", are your arguements really so weak that you can only resort to personal insults ?

And you forget that the junta-appointed government was indeed legitimised, by the Head-Of-State, much as Thaksin's caretaker-PM role had been, following the annulment of the rigged-election.

So Yah Sucks Boo etc. ! :o

Sorry to offend you. But sheep is not a bad word or insult. Sheep follow other sheep and its just the same as the yellow mob. PAD go to one place and follow each other like sheep. Baaa Baaaa. I mean the rest of Thai society even though they dont support the government respect the democratic system and dont become sheep. But a few become sheep either they are grandmas with no work to do or are fanatics brainwashed by nationalistic propaganda. I support elected governments even if I dont agree with everything they do. Thats the difference. Im member of society and respect the rule of law. The question is do you?

and so should the government, but they don't, they want to change the laws till they fit

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Now there's a great senseless post LOS ... elected governments are OK no matter what? That is being a sheep! Thais don't often act out etc, those people are the opposite of sheep, They are willing to make a stand for things that are right instead of following a corrupt government without thinking and acting out!

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Sorry to offend you. But sheep is not a bad word or insult. Sheep follow other sheep and its just the same as the yellow mob. PAD go to one place and follow each other like sheep. Baaa Baaaa. I mean the rest of Thai society even though they dont support the government respect the democratic system and dont become sheep. But a few become sheep either they are grandmas with no work to do or are fanatics brainwashed by nationalistic propaganda. I support elected governments even if I dont agree with everything they do. Thats the difference. Im member of society and respect the rule of law. The question is do you?

# Group 1

Following the all so almighty Laws without doubts created by the so imperfect human.

# Group 2

Questioning the all so almighty Laws created by the so imperfect human.

Which group is the sheep?

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Now there's a great senseless post LOS ... elected governments are OK no matter what? That is being a sheep! Thais don't often act out etc, those people are the opposite of sheep, They are willing to make a stand for things that are right instead of following a corrupt government without thinking and acting out!

Sounds more like they are just following a corrupt government around in circles between government buildings. They are just getting dizzy.

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In one of my recent posts in this thread I suggested reading Shakespeare's tragedies to better understand Thai politics. I still think there is much to be learned and applied from Hamlet and Lear et al, but after reading the past day's post methinks it better to forego the iambic pentameter to something simpler in line with the simplified political analysis seen here which, by default, must skirt some of the primary issues of the day.

All around the mulberry bush

The monkey chased the weasel.

The monkey thought 'twas all in fun.

Pop! goes the weasel.

A penny for a spool of thread,

A penny for a needle.

That's the way the money goes.

Pop! goes the weasel.

Up and down the City Road,

In and out of the Eagle,

That's the way the money goes.

Pop! goes the weasel.

Half a pound of tuppenney rice,

Half a pound of treacle,

Mix it up and make it nice,

Pop! goes the weasel

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Now there's a great senseless post LOS ... elected governments are OK no matter what? That is being a sheep! Thais don't often act out etc, those people are the opposite of sheep, They are willing to make a stand for things that are right instead of following a corrupt government without thinking and acting out!

Your point being???? What because I am a member of society, work, have children, vote!, respect my fellow man even if he likes another party I am a sheep? hmmm I dont think so. I respect the rule of law, freedom, etc and not Junta coups bringing a country down and spreading lies and hatred. The coup failed and this nationalistic fanatics want some kind of facist state. Remember the majority of the country disagree with what the PAD are doing no matter what spin you put on it. The north and north east will never fall for the propaganda and lies of ASS-TV and Sondhi hatred of the past. Despite the south and some of Bangkok everyone wants peace and the rule of law to be respected. Standing for things that are right is very and wishful thinking but have you ever considered what PAD are proposing? It is far from right and a lot more people will fight even harder then falling for appointed governments and a kind of Elite facism that this group wants.

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you keep throwing out these statistics and statement of facts with nothing backing them up. I am still waiting on an answer from your last preposterous statement.

yes if you will sit and let a corrupt government steal your country blind and do nothing about it, you are a sheep

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Why not calling them sheeps. I am a happy sheep :D Proud to be a sheep :D

Sheeps are lovely, honest, non violent animals and even smarter than some people who are allowed to post here every day the same things.

Might I recommend, for your viewing-delectation, an excellent Kiwi film called "Black Sheep", currently available in Chiang Mai Night bazaar for 80 Baht, about these bloodthirsty genetically-engineered sheep on-the-rampage, it is especially appropriate with Halloween coming up ! :D

Isn't it strange how all these PAD sheep support a Charter that was written by a illegal military government and forced on to the people without any debate. Hmmm I guess not. Ops I forgot PAD sheep dont believe in elected governments....

Is it not possible to debate, without calling other members "PAD sheep", are your arguements really so weak that you can only resort to personal insults ?

And you forget that the junta-appointed government was indeed legitimised, by the Head-Of-State, much as Thaksin's caretaker-PM role had been, following the annulment of the rigged-election.

So Yah Sucks Boo etc. ! :o

Sorry to offend you. Sorry - I took it as referring to TV-posters, not Thai citizens. I stand corrected. But sheep is not a bad word or insult. Sheep follow other sheep and its just the same as the yellow mob. PAD go to one place and follow each other like sheep. Baaa Baaaa. I mean the rest of Thai society even though they dont support the government respect the democratic system and dont become sheep. But a few become sheep either they are grandmas with no work to do or are fanatics brainwashed by nationalistic propaganda. I support elected governments even if I dont agree with everything they do. Thats the difference. Im member of society and respect the rule of law. The question is do you?

Certainly do ... although I wonder whether this will apply to PPP-members, if the courts were to wind their party up. I fear that we may shortly find out. I didn't agree with the PAD-leadership's decision, to move from a peaceful on-going demonstration, to actually occupying Government House, for example.

My wife recently spent a few days at the PAD-rally, unfortunately she couldn't seem to find the mythical (?) paymasters who were supposed to be funding everyone's travel/attendance-fees, but she isn't yet a grandmother, nor a 'fanatic brainwashed by nationalistic propaganda', and I'm sure that I'd have noticed if she were 'baaaarmy'. She just cares about her country, and she tells me she found many like-minded people there, perhaps this is a welcome sign of increased democratic awareness amongst the well-travelled or educated ?

That also explains why I was slightly worried, some weeks ago during the SoE, when there was a wave of 'send-in-the-tanks-to crush-them' posts (not meaning yourself), it still seems to me to be remarkably wrong to forget that these are real people involved here. The resulting deaths would have been just as illegal, to me, as the unpunished drug-war murders, or the death of that loony who tried to take a gun through the PAD-lines, he should have been disarmed or handed-over to the BiBs.

I wish I could see a nice peaceful route, to national reconciliation & an improved democracy, I can't but I am certain that it will have to include a more respect for differing views, and hopefully less name-calling.

Peace. :D

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If it has not been proved to PAD supporters on this forum before the PAD are not peaceful in any way. The group is filled with hired ex-military that are paid (proven) and have a stash of weaponary including guns, which has been proved countless times on various independant media. PAD beat a government supporter to death. (Well documented) How quickly all you peace lovers forget that. It was not in defence but in intent to kill if you havnt seen the media of that night just you tube it. Im sure you will agree that it wasnt in self defence. Its all out there if you open your eyes to the reality of your mob. How all you claim it is a peaceful movement amazes me. Open your eyes a little more and maybe some of you can relise a few things about the movement you support.

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Again you duck responding to direct answers and direct questions Los78 and obfuscate instead :o Quick ... the sheep thing was proven as faulty thinking so shift to peace being the issue! There has been very few incidences of violence in the last 3 years of PAD activities and that is pretty remarkable!

but remember this one?

A UDD attack on PAD supporters triggered overnight violence that killed one PAD protestor, wounded more than 30 members of the two groups, and led to the State of Emergency declaration.


remember who triggered the state of emergency? etc etc etc

No the PAD has never been a true pacifist movement but it is a peaceful movement

and yes I concur that I would rather that they had not damaged property at GH and the TV station ... but they are doing a great job so far of being non-violent for the most part. I hope it continues this way but I think things may get worse very quickly.

edit ------

BTW did you mean to imply that you VOTE here in Thai government elections?

Were the anti war demonstrators of the 70's bad?

What about the students in China?

etc etc

These are groups willing to stand up to overwhelming odds and say that things are wrong ... and you call them sheep ... pathetic!

Edited by jdinasia
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If it has not been proved to PAD supporters on this forum before the PAD are not peaceful in any way. The group is filled with hired ex-military that are paid (proven) and have a stash of weaponary including guns, which has been proved countless times on various independant media. PAD beat a government supporter to death. (Well documented) How quickly all you peace lovers forget that. It was not in defence but in intent to kill if you havnt seen the media of that night just you tube it. Im sure you will agree that it wasnt in self defence. Its all out there if you open your eyes to the reality of your mob. How all you claim it is a peaceful movement amazes me. Open your eyes a little more and maybe some of you can relise a few things about the movement you support.

dreaming?, drunk?, living in a parallel world? where are the proves for the paid ex-military. Where are the guns (don't come with the NBT nonsense). Where are independent media? For the PAID government supporters....search internet, read, you find nice speeches (we pay 10.000 Baht for a dead PAD.....)

You are neither thinking nor opening your eyes. As I don't think that you are silly I think you have other reasons to post such obvious nonsense.

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inconsequential meanderings and musings about Plato etc .....


plato wrote an 101 of political theory: Politeia.

Plato looks for an answer what kind of government or what kind of politics will ensure justice in society. his solution is the philosopher kings as the rulers. the smartest and the brightest people, the one who have achieved the greatest wisdom and knowledge, with a passion for truth.a political and moral authority. they play the role of the military, the civil service, and the government, wise and gentle to its citizens, harsh against the enemies of the state. a government of really educated and wise rulers, only them will do the good and the best for the people. they are not self-centered but dedicated to the good of the state and the community.

^that is just the short version, Politeia is a long read, not written in an easy language.

plato is still present in political discussions, no surprise he wrote the 101 of political theory. some people argue* that is a good idea. thinker of a buddhist, a dhammic third way fancy with his rule of philosopher (to bring the missed eastern context)

not only me brings the PAD concept of "New Politics" in relation to platos ideal state. PAD says: Support for good people to manage the country and blocking of evil people from coming to power so all sectors of society are ensured justice.(scroll down)

platos state got often droped into the discussion about PAD. here just one example:

Thammasat economist Apichat Satitniramai said the PAD leadership and the academics who supported them could no longer claim to be representing democracy, because their ideology and goals were to establish rule by the privileged and philosopher kings. (source) a nice read in The Nation.

in todays enlightened post modern world is platos term of philosopher kings nothing more than an euphemism, a polite term to call someone backward and reactionary*, a semi-fascist farce*, ultra-nationalist right- wing*, Fascist Party*. a little bit of a joke*.

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The 'philosopher king' of Plato would be called a Dhammaraja in Thailand and leads us into an area that CANNOT be discussed on ThaiVisa

your conclusion to your inane off-topic rant above is specious at best.

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Isn't it strange how all these PAD sheep support a Charter that was written by a illegal military government and forced on to the people without any debate. Hmmm I guess not. Ops I forgot PAD sheep dont believe in elected governments....

Is it not possible to debate, without calling other members "PAD sheep", are your arguements really so weak that you can only resort to personal insults ?

And you forget that the junta-appointed government was indeed legitimised, by the Head-Of-State, much as Thaksin's caretaker-PM role had been, following the annulment of the rigged-election.

So Yah Sucks Boo etc. ! :o

Sorry to offend you. But sheep is not a bad word or insult. Sheep follow other sheep and its just the same as the yellow mob. PAD go to one place and follow each other like sheep. Baaa Baaaa. I mean the rest of Thai society even though they dont support the government respect the democratic system and dont become sheep. But a few become sheep either they are grandmas with no work to do or are fanatics brainwashed by nationalistic propaganda. I support elected governments even if I dont agree with everything they do. Thats the difference. Im member of society and respect the rule of law. The question is do you?

Wow. I had absolutely no idea the PPP were independent thinkers! :D

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dreaming?, drunk?, living in a parallel world? where are the proves for the paid ex-military. Where are the guns (don't come with the NBT nonsense). Where are independent media? For the PAID government supporters....search internet, read, you find nice speeches (we pay 10.000 Baht for a dead PAD.....)

You are neither thinking nor opening your eyes. As I don't think that you are silly I think you have other reasons to post such obvious nonsense.

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)


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If it has not been proved to PAD supporters on this forum before the PAD are not peaceful in any way. The group is filled with hired ex-military that are paid (proven) and have a stash of weaponary including guns, which has been proved countless times on various independant media. PAD beat a government supporter to death. (Well documented) How quickly all you peace lovers forget that. It was not in defence but in intent to kill if you havnt seen the media of that night just you tube it. Im sure you will agree that it wasnt in self defence. Its all out there if you open your eyes to the reality of your mob. How all you claim it is a peaceful movement amazes me. Open your eyes a little more and maybe some of you can relise a few things about the movement you support.

Oh well. There we are then. Must be true :o Are you able to enlighten us as to which 'independent media' (note the spelling of the word independent) Fox News? Always fascinates me the way some people think they can get away with spurious claims to 'truth' by citing undisclosed sources/statistics. Well, what are they then?

Edited by jackyseymour
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dreaming?, drunk?, living in a parallel world? where are the proves for the paid ex-military. Where are the guns (don't come with the NBT nonsense). Where are independent media? For the PAID government supporters....search internet, read, you find nice speeches (we pay 10.000 Baht for a dead PAD.....)

You are neither thinking nor opening your eyes. As I don't think that you are silly I think you have other reasons to post such obvious nonsense.

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)


And the point of your posting this photo sans 'paid military and police' is ...?

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inconsequential meanderings and musings about Plato etc .....


plato wrote an 101 of political theory: Politeia.

Plato looks for an answer what kind of government or what kind of politics will ensure justice in society. his solution is the philosopher kings as the rulers. the smartest and the brightest people, the one who have achieved the greatest wisdom and knowledge, with a passion for truth.a political and moral authority. they play the role of the military, the civil service, and the government, wise and gentle to its citizens, harsh against the enemies of the state. a government of really educated and wise rulers, only them will do the good and the best for the people. they are not self-centered but dedicated to the good of the state and the community.

^that is just the short version, Politeia is a long read, not written in an easy language.

plato is still present in political discussions, no surprise he wrote the 101 of political theory. some people argue* that is a good idea. thinker of a buddhist, a dhammic third way fancy with his rule of philosopher (to bring the missed eastern context)

not only me brings the PAD concept of "New Politics" in relation to platos ideal state. PAD says: Support for good people to manage the country and blocking of evil people from coming to power so all sectors of society are ensured justice.(scroll down)

platos state got often droped into the discussion about PAD. here just one example:

Thammasat economist Apichat Satitniramai said the PAD leadership and the academics who supported them could no longer claim to be representing democracy, because their ideology and goals were to establish rule by the privileged and philosopher kings. (source) a nice read in The Nation.

in todays enlightened post modern world is platos term of philosopher kings nothing more than an euphemism, a polite term to call someone backward and reactionary*, a semi-fascist farce*, ultra-nationalist right- wing*, Fascist Party*. a little bit of a joke*.


All that Plato pretty much summed up PAD's aims for Thailand,

and the reasons why TRT / PPP/ Puppets of Thaksin should NOT be running a government.

The Thamasat guy gets paid to be an anti-commie philosopher, and so pro democracy.

I don't see him coming up with a WORKING solution though.

So much for that academic in his ivory tower.

Then you had to ruin it with that last line of utter bile.

And partial misunderstanding of Plato.

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Sorry to quote this whole post but again Perm_dis was being disingenuous with his quotes and quoting out of context ... from the same source he cited ----

Sondhi: We have two types of security: one is the type we set up ourselves and the other is volunteer security. The volunteer security is the guys who are blocking the [Government House] gates. The personal security for each PAD leader has been arranged by themselves.


Sondhi: The volunteers don't get paid. Some of the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

Tacky to misquote or quote out of context like that

note, nowhere do we see any big stories about arms caches ......

but yet again this isn't about Chamlong's arrest, though there was mention in there of Panlop's stepping in if Chamlong were arrested ...

dreaming?, drunk?, living in a parallel world? where are the proves for the paid ex-military. Where are the guns (don't come with the NBT nonsense). Where are independent media? For the PAID government supporters....search internet, read, you find nice speeches (we pay 10.000 Baht for a dead PAD.....)

You are neither thinking nor opening your eyes. As I don't think that you are silly I think you have other reasons to post such obvious nonsense.

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)


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Guest Reimar

How many Ex Military would be there?

Maybe about 50% of the male protesters pp.?!

Chamlong Srimuang is an Ex-Military too! Just 73 years old! And all of the former Soldiers pp are Ex-Military, which just means all male who was serving the Country for some period of their live in the Military!

And there even a lot Ex-Policemen around!

I really suggest that you guy's stopping to "show off" with you negative posting behavior on this forum. Most of the posters here Foreigner and NOT Thai and so you are guest's in this country. Don't forget that!

With your kind of "declaration" of yourself, you do nothing good! And that proclamations also didn't do anything good for the foreign community in Thailand.


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What I found most interesting today was how the Bangkok Post's edition today raised the question about whether Chamlong was trying to scupper the Chavalit mediation by purposely getting arrested. Animatic (inadvertently?) pointed out near the top of this thread, that here's a guy advocating for an end to one-person-one-vote, yet there he is 'insisting' on his right to vote for Governor of Bangkok.

The Post report suggested that he told his supprters not to continue negotiations if he was arrested. It also reported on this guy's murky history - not so 'middle path way' at all - referring to how he led young people into a slaughter in 1992 despite warnings from his own party that it would lead to carnage. But how he does 'what he wants'..funny how he didn't catch a bullet, no? Teflon Chamlong?

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dreaming?, drunk?, living in a parallel world? where are the proves for the paid ex-military. Where are the guns (don't come with the NBT nonsense). Where are independent media? For the PAID government supporters....search internet, read, you find nice speeches (we pay 10.000 Baht for a dead PAD.....)

You are neither thinking nor opening your eyes. As I don't think that you are silly I think you have other reasons to post such obvious nonsense.

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)


And the point of your posting this photo sans 'paid military and police' is ...?

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)

better so?

in the middle of the photo: sondhi, core leader of the PAD mob.

see, he admit the paid people by himself. of course he understates.

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Guest Reimar

So, except Sondhi all other people in that photo are Ex-Military and Ex-Policemen?!

And: see, he admit the paid people by himself. as you seems to understand what he tell's there!!

I think, it's enough now.


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dreaming?, drunk?, living in a parallel world? where are the proves for the paid ex-military. Where are the guns (don't come with the NBT nonsense). Where are independent media? For the PAID government supporters....search internet, read, you find nice speeches (we pay 10.000 Baht for a dead PAD.....)

You are neither thinking nor opening your eyes. As I don't think that you are silly I think you have other reasons to post such obvious nonsense.

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)


And the point of your posting this photo sans 'paid military and police' is ...?

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)

better so?

in the middle of the photo: sondhi, core leader of the PAD mob.

see, he admit the paid people by himself. of course he understates.

Perm_dis ... again you are misquoting him. Shame! But then again you do it even after you are CAUGHT doing it ... your agenda is obvious. What is not obvious is why you think it would be bad to have professional body-guards ....

But THIS thread is about Chamlong's arrest

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Isn't EVERYONE in Thailand in the Military at one point or another?

Most all government functionaries have a military uniform for pictures.

It's like the next stop after scouting.

A bit of university then the military for a tour,

or direct to the military, and then get a job.

It's harder to find NON military people here.

hel_l you practically trip over Hi So Generals on a daily basis.

Edited by animatic
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dreaming?, drunk?, living in a parallel world? where are the proves for the paid ex-military. Where are the guns (don't come with the NBT nonsense). Where are independent media? For the PAID government supporters....search internet, read, you find nice speeches (we pay 10.000 Baht for a dead PAD.....)

You are neither thinking nor opening your eyes. As I don't think that you are silly I think you have other reasons to post such obvious nonsense.

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)


And the point of your posting this photo sans 'paid military and police' is ...?

Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

(source: Asia Times Online)

better so?

in the middle of the photo: sondhi, core leader of the PAD mob.

see, he admit the paid people by himself. of course he understates.

And your point is......................................

Oooh, actually I think that the image you posted is a fake and has been doctored using photoshop.

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So, except Sondhi all other people in that photo are Ex-Military and Ex-Policemen?!

And: see, he admit the paid people by himself. as you seems to understand what he tell's there!!

I think, it's enough now.


Yes look at the pic, they look d@mn dangerous.

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From TOC:

BREAKING NEWS: Police Use Tear Gas to Disperse Rally at Parliament

UPDATE : 7 October 2008

Police have fired tear gas into the PAD protestors gathered at Parliament, resulting in countless injuries. Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat has been adamant that today's planned policy declaration of his administration before Parliament must go ahead.

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seems as if the government / police under direction from the king of cowards is escalating the problem - nearly time for those standing by in the wings to step in and put a stop to it once and for all.

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