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The Five Precepts ...


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I like to live by the five precepts, but my house is under siege from termites. I don't want to harm living beings, but my cupboards have been reduced to crumbs and the ceiling of my bathroom is riven with channels.

What to temples do when they're faced with the same problem?

And is there any sort of "get out" clause?


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You have to be practical - call in the pest control.

I agree. I don't think there is any other way when it comes to termites, it's not like you can trap them and set them free down the road. The kammic debt from killing them is probably small, the consequences of losing your house is probably bigger thing to you. Also consider if you let them consume your house then you are providing a lanching pad from which they can attack other houses.

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What to temples do when they're faced with the same problem?

And is there any sort of "get out" clause?

Monks have a "get out" clause in that they are allowed to hint to lay persons at the temple (temple boys etc) that there are a lot of ants, termites, or whatever. Then the lay persons do the dirty work and get rid of them. I don't think that is much different from you calling a pest control company.

I have a problem with ants in my kitchen. I spray Lemonene around the holes they come out of and they get the message and disappear for weeks at a time. AFAIK, it doesn't kill them. They just don't like it. With biting mosquitos, I catch them in a plastic box and set them free outside. If I can't catch them and it's near bedtime, so I know they'll wake me up, I might light an ARS mat. That doesn't seem to kill them either (usually), but it makes them easy to catch the next day. The number of mossies I "save" is much greater than the number I kill, so I don't feel bad about it. And all the running around catching and freeing the mossies makes me feel good.

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I like to live by the five precepts, but my house is under siege from termites. I don't want to harm living beings, but my cupboards have been reduced to crumbs and the ceiling of my bathroom is riven with channels.

What to temples do when they're faced with the same problem?

And is there any sort of "get out" clause?Help!

In my current state, I tend to agree with Bruce & the others. In my estimation, although I don't really know, I don't think killing termites and mosquitoes is a high level transgression.

The answer however lies on the path to enlightenment.

The further you travel down this path through regular practice of meditation and mindfulness, the more insightful you'll become.

Your answer will come from within.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Indeed, the action you take depends on your progress on the path.

I find it impossible not to kill animals. With walking meditation I kill animals, when driving I kill. When I boil the water I kill.

I think because we live in this world it is unavoidable to hurt or kill other beings. We need our food, clothes, medicines, housing. This has it's consequences. We can try to keep the consequences low but not avoid them.

I need to live, so if need be there ants get killed, termites get killed. I try to find solutions to avoid, but if there is no solution so be it.

By the way: If you have termites you can cut out the piece of wood and replace with other wood. Maybe treat the further "risky" wood with chemicals.

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