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Buying Whey Protein 15kgs


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Hi everyone!

I looking for anyone interested in splitting on a bulk order of Whey Protein Isolate

from Thai Sports Supplements.

The bulk order is for 15kg at 13,000 Baht.

This is too much protien for me but I do really need some good Whey Protein Isolate

without any added artifical sweeteners or chemicals and this is the only product available

in Thailand.

I have emailed the company and they have it in stock with 2008 production dates.

I hope to find 3 or 4 other people who would be willing to buy into this with me and split

the protein and cost 3 or 4 ways.

We can have it delivered anywhere and I was thinking about getting it sent to my home in

Bangkok and then we could meet there and split it up etc...or whatever arrangement is good

for everyone.

Anyone interested please reply or pm me to get the ball rolling on this, because I don't

want to be without protein too long.


Oh here is the link for the product if you want to check it out:


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Bt 866.66 per kilo.

Thai Body Building website has 1.2kg of unflavoured Whey Protein Concentrate (not Isolate) for Bt 700. Its an option if no-one takes you up on your offer and 15kg is too much, although I've never ordered from or tried it.

The website is http://www.thaibodybuilding.net/index.php?...o&right=yes and product info can be found at http://www.allthewhey.com/awpc05rf.html

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Isolate is purer than concentrate with 90+% of protein compared to 70-85% in concentrate. Isolate therefore has less fat and lactose also. I've read that Isolate isn't necessarily better than concentrate and that both have advantages and disadvantages, cost being one of them.

Anyway, the link below is a cheaper source of protein than I've seen anywhere else in Thailand.


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Thanks for Info and Interest guys!

About the Whey Concentrate, they had emailed me about that too; but I have a feeling it is from an older lot and getting close expiry date; plus I only want Isolate because I don't want the lactose. Whey Protein Isolate is the best stuff, usually between 90-93% protein.

Ultimately I think If I could find 2 other people and then split 3 ways that would be awesome!

15kg divided by 3 people = 5kg each

13,000bht divided by 3 people = 4330 bht each

This doesn't seem too expensive and thats just about the right amount of 'bulk' protein for one guy(5kg).

I have bought this company's Whey Isolate product before called Protien Plus or something like that from GNC but it is expensive to buy it by the 1kg and I'm turned off of artificial sweeteners/flavors these days... It was a really good product though.

So again if 2 or 3 other guys are out there and want to buy into this with me let me know (reply or pm etc.) But I am really hoping to try to get some protein within the next couple of weeks...I don't eat much meat and I am already loosing tons of weight, which is not good!



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I'm interested in that deal, Fanta.

But the link says 20kg for 13,000 Baht. Did you make a typo or have they changed the specs?

I've been aware of Thaisupplements for a couple of years now but never interested enough to organize a buying group.

My concern is finding the proper food-grade storage containers for the divided-up protein. It will go "off" if stored too long even in the original container. Happened to me when I left a 5kg. tub (half full) for 13 mos. when I had to go back to Canada.

If 20 kg., then 5kg. each for 4 people or 6.67kg. :o for 3 people.

Do you have good scales or do we have to go to the bulk rice dealers?

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Great to see the continued interest!

To clarify for everyone this is the link for the 15kg Whey Isolate that TSS is offering for 13,000bht:


It looks like myself and bobbin are on board.

So we are still looking for another person (perhaps two).

Splitting the protein should be fairly easy; putting the protein into individual extra large ziplock bags

with a measuring cup should be a simple way to do it.

Again anyone interested feel free to reply to the post or pm me...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Fanta,

I just read this string today. Did you buy yet?

I bought 20kg of WPC from Thaisupplements.com earlier this year. I was worried about it going off too but they put it into 1kg ziplock bags for free and send half to me and half to my mate.

I just open up a new bag every month or so and so far no moisture has gotten in.

Best of luck.


Great to see the continued interest!

To clarify for everyone this is the link for the 15kg Whey Isolate that TSS is offering for 13,000bht:


It looks like myself and bobbin are on board.

So we are still looking for another person (perhaps two).

Splitting the protein should be fairly easy; putting the protein into individual extra large ziplock bags

with a measuring cup should be a simple way to do it.

Again anyone interested feel free to reply to the post or pm me...



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Thanks for the info PJ11!

So it would be ideal if myself plus two others buy 5kgs each (15kg / 3 people) and then have them ship it out to us individually at our own homes. This would make things much easier so we wouldn't have to split it ourselves.

So I am still waiting for more interest and for two people to confirm that they want in on this deal.

I'm gonna assume that bobbin is still in; so we are waiting on finding that 3rd person.

I will also contact TSS and see if we each can pay our respective 4333 BHT to them individually on their website through paypal or credit card or whatever too.. that would make the deal that much more simple as well so I wouldn't have to collect the funds from everyone.

Hopefully this bump to the thread will spark more interest.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi Fanta,

Just read this thread. Maybe I'm too late but have you already bought the bulk?

I'm interested.

I went the other day to sports shop at Robinson's. 1lbs, 453grams of soy protein isolate costs 1500baht!! I could't believe it.


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Hi Fanta,

Just read this thread. Maybe I'm too late but have you already bought the bulk?

I'm interested.

I went the other day to sports shop at Robinson's. 1lbs, 453grams of soy protein isolate costs 1500baht!! I could't believe it.


Or maybe I just order from thaibodybuilding.net

1.2kg of whay consentrate 800 Baht. The problem is that the page is all Thai language. Have anyone ordered from there? Do they have a shop somewhere?

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  • 7 months later...

Tired of the bad whey protein sold in BKK, optimum and GNC brands, I imported some high quality protein. 4 pounds of Nitrotech Hardcore, 64 servings per container, 3600 baht. Its expensive, but still cheaper than GNC. Its more expensive than Optimum Nutrition, but you get what you pay for.

Send a reply if you want to buy. 3600 baht

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