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Cost Of Sex


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(ProfessorFart @ 2004-12-01 19:55:42)

Backpack Thailand,

You obviously haven't ever had an Asian girlfriend...........

And what brings you to this conclusion my learned friend...???

Option 1:

Sex with a European sort would cost a lifetime of nagging, of watching her get fatter every year and never knowing if she's "up for it!"

Option 2:

Sex with an Asian girl/woman will cost a lifetime of being pampered, respected as a man & breadwinner and generally being well cared for!

Thats what brings me to that conclusion Backpack!!! Never heard so much dross in all my days!! Either you've never had an Asian girl or maybe never had a Western one........?

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Joe strummer your a complete moron who can't count.

bugger off to another (christian probably) forum.

It's not my fault if the truth hurts Mr Dicknight. That is one of the problems with Thailand, they have a tradition of sticking theirs heads in the sand & hoping the problem will go away. I suggest it is you who 'buggers' off (must be some kind of reference to homosexuality, you disgusting pervert!) back to your home country & stop 'encouraging' poor Issan girls to work in the sex business by your presence here!

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Joe strummer your a complete moron who can't count.

bugger off to another (christian probably) forum.

It's not my fault if the truth hurts Mr Dicknight. That is one of the problems with Thailand, they have a tradition of sticking theirs heads in the sand & hoping the problem will go away. I suggest it is you who 'buggers' off (must be some kind of reference to homosexuality, you disgusting pervert!) back to your home country & stop 'encouraging' poor Issan girls to work in the sex business by your presence here!

Without putting a too finer point on it, you're a vacuous piece of <deleted>...go away little fella. :o

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Joe strummer your a complete moron who can't count.

bugger off to another (christian probably) forum.

It's not my fault if the truth hurts Mr Dicknight. That is one of the problems with Thailand, they have a tradition of sticking theirs heads in the sand & hoping the problem will go away. I suggest it is you who 'buggers' off (must be some kind of reference to homosexuality, you disgusting pervert!) back to your home country & stop 'encouraging' poor Issan girls to work in the sex business by your presence here!


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It is a well know fact that farangs who can't keep their zippers closed are a major cause of the HIV/Aids epidemic that has been sweeping Thailand during the last 10 years or more.

What an absolute load of <deleted>. It's not that easy for a bloke to catch the virus off a woman through normal sex, unless she and he are bleeding, or he's venturing up the bottom bare-back style to cause the bleeding. Suggest the high rate of HIV in this country is primarily caused by Mr average and effeminate Joe Bloggs (or Somchai Bloggs)- ie, katoeys, lady boys and general poofters, shafting each other up the bottom.

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It's not that easy for a bloke to catch the virus off a woman through normal sex, unless she and he are bleeding, or he's venturing up the bottom bare-back style to cause the bleeding.

Your ignorance is truly astounding... perhaps you need a little sex education?

If either partner is HIV-positive, then unprotected intercourse at any time may lead to the transmission of HIV to the uninfected partner. If either partner is HIV-positive, the best way to prevent the uninfected partner from contracting HIV is to NEVER, EVER have intercourse without using a latex condom. Even a condom is not 100 percent protection against infection. For your best odds, use both a male and a female condom, and avoid intercourse completely if either partner is bleeding or has open sores.
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It's not that easy for a bloke to catch the virus off a woman through normal sex, unless she and he are bleeding, or he's venturing up the bottom bare-back style to cause the bleeding.

Your ignorance is truly astounding... perhaps you need a little sex education?

If either partner is HIV-positive, then unprotected intercourse at any time may lead to the transmission of HIV to the uninfected partner. If either partner is HIV-positive, the best way to prevent the uninfected partner from contracting HIV is to NEVER, EVER have intercourse without using a latex condom. Even a condom is not 100 percent protection against infection. For your best odds, use both a male and a female condom, and avoid intercourse completely if either partner is bleeding or has open sores.

I'd love to educate u sonny. Go away TROLL.

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What an absolute load of <deleted>. It's not that easy for a bloke to catch the virus off a woman through normal sex, unless she and he are bleeding, or he's venturing up the bottom bare-back style to cause the bleeding. Suggest the high rate of HIV in this country is primarily caused by Mr average and effeminate Joe Bloggs (or Somchai Bloggs)- ie, katoeys, lady boys and general poofters, shafting each other up the bottom.

Errrmm... the first sentance should be at the End. People who think like this are very likely to become very early victims of HIV.

I was retorting to the guy's idea that the spread of HIV is primarily farangs in los which is crap. I don't go around shagging loads of bar girls and if I did, I certainly wouldn't without a condom.

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It's not that easy for a bloke to catch the virus off a woman through normal sex, unless she and he are bleeding, or he's venturing up the bottom bare-back style to cause the bleeding.

Your ignorance is truly astounding... perhaps you need a little sex education?

I was actually told that by the doctor who gave me an HIV test who, of course, didn't condone not using a condom.

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As Rod Stewart once said .............

"The next time I get the urge to get married (in Europe or the US)

I will go out and find a woman I don't like and just buy her a house"

thanks for stayin' on the subject :o

i love the man rs, don't understand why he get married in the first place!

he'd be a $20m+ better off, by the way if you divide by the numbers of <deleted>'s must have been bloody expensive..lol :D

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(ProfessorFart @ 2004-12-01 19:55:42)

Backpack Thailand,

You obviously haven't ever had an Asian girlfriend...........

And what brings you to this conclusion my learned friend...???

Option 1:

Sex with a European sort would cost a lifetime of nagging, of watching her get fatter every year and never knowing if she's "up for it!"

Option 2:

Sex with an Asian girl/woman will cost a lifetime of being pampered, respected as a man & breadwinner and generally being well cared for!

Thats what brings me to that conclusion Backpack!!! Never heard so much dross in all my days!! Either you've never had an Asian girl or maybe never had a Western one........?


Have just explained this to my Thai wife of 6 years and my beautiful "look-kroong" son Jack. They think it's all highly amusing.

Geez, I wish I was such an expert at defining people from an internet forum. That's quite a talent you've got there Prof...


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Let me ask you a question or two Mr. joe strummer.

1) Do you have a girlfriend or wife?

2) If yes, is she a normal girl or was she a prostitute b/g?

3) Please define 'normal' girl?

I can assure you that I am & have been happily married for the past 10 years, to a lady of some culture, refinement & social standing in Thialand (a normal female). I assume you are the sort who probably consorts with bar girl trash, am I correct?

My wife does a great deal of voluntary work with the less fortunate of her fellow countrymen in her capacity with th UN. I have know her to cry after visiting hospital wards full of thai girls/ ladies who have contracted HIV/Aids, following 'encounters' with farangs of a sexual nature.

I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat.

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My wife does a great deal of voluntary work with the less fortunate of her fellow countrymen in her capacity with th UN. I have know her to cry after visiting hospital wards full of thai girls/ ladies who have contracted HIV/Aids, following 'encounters' with farangs of a sexual nature.

Getting more and more absurd, Joe... :o

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Let me ask you a question or two Mr. joe strummer.

1) Do you have a girlfriend or wife?

2) If yes, is she a normal girl or was she a prostitute b/g?

3) Please define 'normal' girl?

I can assure you that I am & have been happily married for the past 10 years, to a lady of some culture, refinement & social standing in Thialand (a normal female). I assume you are the sort who probably consorts with bar girl trash, am I correct?

My wife does a great deal of voluntary work with the less fortunate of her fellow countrymen in her capacity with th UN. I have know her to cry after visiting hospital wards full of thai girls/ ladies who have contracted HIV/Aids, following 'encounters' with farangs of a sexual nature.

I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat.

Define culture and social standing Joe? Define normal Joe?

I think I know what that lump is in your throat. :o

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I can assure you that I am & have been happily married for the past 10 years, to a lady of some culture, refinement & social standing in Thialand (a normal female). I assume you are the sort who probably consorts with bar girl trash, am I correct?

My wife does a great deal of voluntary work with the less fortunate of her fellow countrymen in her capacity with th UN. I have know her to cry after visiting hospital wards full of thai girls/ ladies who have contracted HIV/Aids, following 'encounters' with farangs of a sexual nature.

I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat.

While I can sympathise with the feelings of those who find themselves at the coalface, so to speak, I still hotly dispute your findings and opinions of the farang influence in the AIDS issue in Thailand.

The thought of an AIDS ward in any country is indeed terrible and undoubtably an emotionally testing experience and I commend your good wife for her efforts. It's not often that those of higher standing are all that willing to approach the lower and less fortunate members of her society.

Nevertheless, the dire situation these poor girls from Issan, Chiang Mai and the south find themselves in regading poverty and education could perhaps be better served if good natured souls, such as your wife, were to press for true social change in Thailand. Better education and employment opportunities is the only way to combat the lure of the dollar of prostitution.

In my opinion it is a tiny minority of thoughtless farang who insist on bedding bgs without condoms and even less who are actually spreading the AIDs virus.

I feel your wife has been mislead as to the statistics and would encourage you to dig a little deeper to find the truth.

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"The Cost  Of Sex...?"

Option 1:

Sex with a European sort would cost a lifetime of nagging, of watching her get fatter every year and never knowing if she's "up for it!"

Option 2:

Sex with an Asian girl/woman will cost a lifetime of being pampered, respected as a man & breadwinner and generally being well cared for!

Option 3:

Sex with a beautiful, if somewhat slutty looking bar bird (yummy!) would cost you  about a tenner!

Take your pick..... :o

My wife is Thai and she falls into the option 1 catagry, where have i gone wrong?? :D

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It's not as easy for men to contract AIDS from sex and here's one article that back up this assertion. Here's another and yet another, so why was the statement ridiculed?

Dickie... all depends on 'what' we read and 'what' we 'believe' to be the Truth. I think the latest studies show that, of the total people who are living with AIDS, approximatley 58% are women and 42% of them are men. I also read that pproximately 20,000,000 people have died from AIDS since 1981. That means that about 8,400,000 were men and 11,600,000 were women. That is IF we believe the statistics I just read? Come to think of it, I think that was at end 2003. It is also on the increase..... One of the reasons that more women have aids is that more of them start sex at a younger age.

I suggest you ask the men int 42% who have it... if it is easy to catch AIDS ... or not?

Statistics on AIDS cases and the like show that men still outnumber the women, both in current and new infections, though the women have nearly caught up in the latter.

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"I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat."

The only thing worse than a fool is a sentimental fool.

just read your Topic "Thai Women Are Evil, a joe strummer expose"

Considering the trash you posted in your "expose" I'll concur with the earlier conclusions.

But find another venue to promote your hate please.


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"I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat."

The only thing worse than a fool is a sentimental fool.

just read your Topic "Thai Women Are Evil, a joe strummer expose"

Considering the trash you posted in your "expose" I'll concur with the earlier conclusions.

But find another venue to promote your hate please.


Where is it? I wanna read this pinnacle of intellectual discussion and enlightenment. :o

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"The Cost  Of Sex...?"

Option 1:

Sex with a European sort would cost a lifetime of nagging, of watching her get fatter every year and never knowing if she's "up for it!"

Option 2:

Sex with an Asian girl/woman will cost a lifetime of being pampered, respected as a man & breadwinner and generally being well cared for!

Option 3:

Sex with a beautiful, if somewhat slutty looking bar bird (yummy!) would cost you  about a tenner!

Take your pick..... :D

My wife is Thai and she falls into the option 1 catagry, where have i gone wrong?? :D



Just lucky I guess Wanderer...!!!

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Let me ask you a question or two Mr. joe strummer.

1) Do you have a girlfriend or wife?

2) If yes, is she a normal girl or was she a prostitute b/g?

3) Please define 'normal' girl?

I can assure you that I am & have been happily married for the past 10 years, to a lady of some culture, refinement & social standing in Thialand (a normal female). I assume you are the sort who probably consorts with bar girl trash, am I correct?

My wife does a great deal of voluntary work with the less fortunate of her fellow countrymen in her capacity with th UN. I have know her to cry after visiting hospital wards full of thai girls/ ladies who have contracted HIV/Aids, following 'encounters' with farangs of a sexual nature.

I can't type anymore as my eyes are watering and a lump has developed in my throat.

maybe that's because somebody just kicked you in the balls and they are hanging in your throat :D:D

Catholic prick... bugger off..... stick your .... in your wifes .... high so.... troll :o

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