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Thai Neigbor Kicked My Cat


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Something has happened to y'all from living here. You .....well you've become afraid, very afraid ... of what, a cop at that with everything to lose ??

I could see if I'd ripped him off for say a hundred baht....Yeah then I'd be afraid

Has nothing to do with fear, I fear very little. I do however want a quiet, safe life for myself and my family, and you will never have that in Thailand unless you accept that things are very different here than they are at home and therefor need to be handled differently, and more often than not it involves taking deep breaths and walking away from something you would normally deal with on the front foot. Do I hoot my horn when a tuk tuk driver cuts me up? Do I say 'Oi you piss off' when a drunk bloke pushes in front of me in the 7-11? No I don't, not because I'm scared of them, because I just want an easy life, and if you cause Thai people to loose face it will often escalate in to something much bigger. As for the cop having everything to loose, no chance. Cops have been known to rape and murder tourists and walk away scott free, to prosecute them would be bad publicity. Be brave if you must, but it's not the smart way to go if you want a nice peaceful life.

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the only thing that's not clear to me is the repeated claim "his house has no walls" :o

It's an old Thai proverb, the English equivalent of " People in glass house shouldn't throw stones".

No, if you re-read the posts clearly she states that his house has no walls. And that she can see everything they do. She mentions like a doll house where I envision one side of his house is open... Why? Maybe they are in the process of building and living in what is built as they build????

Dingdong, I'm only joking.

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Just let nature take its course. Soon the cat may not be around to kick and he may resort to kicking one of your horses. As horses are pretty competent in the kicking game this may indeed fix your problem.

A simple process of elimination really. :o

it looks to me like he has a hard on for the pussy :D

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My neighbor, who built his house AFTER I was already in my home , out of the blue walked up to me and my cat while standing on the public road between our properties and kicked my cat. As as she ran away he picked up a rock and threw it at her

( he throws like a "girl, " so I laughed...( Cat was OK ) .

I think he would have shot me then if he's been armed.

This is the police chief of Cherng Telay , whom I think feels frustrated I didn't obey his barked order one day order to remove my ugly barbed wire fence keeping neighborhood kids fond of terrorizing horses out of my stable- where they could get killed from panicked horses stomping them.

Or that I'm American and have little automatic respect for Police...

He has no walls on his house and I guess one of my many cats has gone over there and according to a friend who conversed with his wife, makes new baby sick in some way . ) Gee, maybe if he stopped picking his nose or burning plastic refuse, it might help with the family's ailments...

I have the other neighbor's ( Cops too, but neighborly, from Thalang Station ) dozen or so cock fighting roosters, chickens and dogs crapping all over my 2 rai property , that's the way it is here, you put up with sh8t..My Pen Rai.. The Cats aren't ...peeing or crapping in his house...a house with no walls .

His house ( again, that he built AFTER I moved in ) is but 20 meters from my house. He often to burns his garbage so the smoke enters my home . ( Isn't burning household garbage illegal yet in Thailand , not that having a law means anything... )

Really just want to publicly document this behavior of his...

You should apologise and don't upset him again if you want to live a long and happy life in that area!

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I had a similar problem with a Farang neighbour, he actually shot our cat with a crossbow. The arrow was still sticking in the cat when I got home at night. For more of that story check the Pattaya forum.

As also the law in Thailand forbids mishandling animals, this ended up at the police station. He had to come there, a protocol was made and we demanded that he pays 10,000 Baht to an animal shelter. He refused and we could now sue him. As he keeps quiet since we won't do it for the time being but keep it as an option.

Not sure what I would do if he was a cop...

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Can i be frank here ( although thats not my name :D ) i think most of us assumed the op was a man, well its not, and at the risk of sounding chauvenistic this explains the attitude problem, and yes, i do think she has one,.i think this could end in tears, and i dont need a wager on whos ! :D ,do you have a thai husband that can talk to him, or have i assumded wrong again :o

" Sounding..." chauvanistic??

So it's my attitude problem, (and it's a problem because I'm a woman , ) that a neighbor kicked my cat ?

I think you're going to have to eat me .

Ok... All is well in Happy-Ville I put up net sreening to keep the cats on the property and I got a half assed acknowledgement of the effort , though certainly not the apology I feel is deserved..

( And no I don't have a Thai husband -I like to have sex with men who have bigger penis' than me. )

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Something has happened to y'all from living here. You .....well you've become afraid, very afraid ... of what, a cop at that with everything to lose ??

Has nothing to do with fear, I fear very little. I do however want a quiet, safe life for myself and my family, and you will never have that in Thailand unless you accept that things are very different here than they are at home and therefor need to be handled differently, and more often than not it involves taking deep breaths and walking away from something you would normally deal with on the front foot. Do I hoot my horn when a tuk tuk driver cuts me up? Do I say 'Oi you piss off' when a drunk bloke pushes in front of me in the 7-11? No I don't, not because I'm scared of them, because I just want an easy life, and if you cause Thai people to loose face it will often escalate in to something much bigger. As for the cop having everything to loose, no chance. Cops have been known to rape and murder tourists and walk away scott free, to prosecute them would be bad publicity. Be brave if you must, but it's not the smart way to go if you want a nice peaceful life.

I know you're trying to be helpful but really , when has this happened?? From what I've observed , foreigners enjoy a certain immunity in matters of bad police behavior.

A friend mused why he hadn't just poisoned the cat as that seems to be perfectly acceptable behavior in this society.

Another friend who's Thai was asked whether he thought cops in USA were worse than Thai cops , he agreed . So do I .

I've been held and tortured by a US County Sherriff and I don't see that ever happening here..

I keep mentioning that he has no walls on the house as how can he expect animals, snakes, etc to not make themselves at home ? This is how it's designed , open to the elements essentially . Wait till the chickens start crapping all over it as I'm going to put up screening to keep them out so there won't be any other place for them to go..

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dont know how long you have lived there/or thailand but i do know that you cannot think of them as american coppers.you are in thailand and to piss of a thai,never mind a copper you could get into big trouble.that guy can do anything he wants to you and will get away with it.

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My neighbor, who built his house AFTER I was already in my home , out of the blue walked up to me and my cat while standing on the public road between our properties and kicked my cat.

Have you heard of a book called "Kicking dogs" by Colin Piprell?

The title comes from the habit of Thai's taking out their anger in a non-confrontational manner, basically substituting the nearest thing - usually a soi dog.

Be clear on this, its nothing to do with the cat, but this guy has a lot of anger directed against YOU.

Forget any notion of "fairness" "justice" or the like. The guy is as near to a law unto himself as makes no difference.

Your options are basically two - move if posible or if not find an intermediary who can determine what the real problem is so you can sort it out.

This is not something you should let fester - on his side, not yours.

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Can i be frank here ( although thats not my name :D ) i think most of us assumed the op was a man, well its not, and at the risk of sounding chauvenistic this explains the attitude problem, and yes, i do think she has one,.i think this could end in tears, and i dont need a wager on whos ! :D ,do you have a thai husband that can talk to him, or have i assumded wrong again :o

" Sounding..." chauvanistic??

So it's my attitude problem, (and it's a problem because I'm a woman , ) that a neighbor kicked my cat ?

I think you're going to have to eat me .

Ok... All is well in Happy-Ville I put up net sreening to keep the cats on the property and I got a half assed acknowledgement of the effort , though certainly not the apology I feel is deserved..

( And no I don't have a Thai husband -I like to have sex with men who have bigger penis' than me. )

" I think you're going to have to eat me ." REALLY ! :D
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What a load of old cobblers I've read.

I've got a long way by showing that I'll not be pushed around. The important thing is to stay polite. Be firm.

If you want to live in this country and act like a mouse, don't be surprised if you are stepped on.

Im curious as to how you would handle this old boy ?..pistols at dawn ? :o
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Something has happened to y'all from living here. You .....well you've become afraid, very afraid ... of what, a cop at that with everything to lose ??

Has nothing to do with fear, I fear very little. I do however want a quiet, safe life for myself and my family, and you will never have that in Thailand unless you accept that things are very different here than they are at home and therefor need to be handled differently, and more often than not it involves taking deep breaths and walking away from something you would normally deal with on the front foot. Do I hoot my horn when a tuk tuk driver cuts me up? Do I say 'Oi you piss off' when a drunk bloke pushes in front of me in the 7-11? No I don't, not because I'm scared of them, because I just want an easy life, and if you cause Thai people to loose face it will often escalate in to something much bigger. As for the cop having everything to loose, no chance. Cops have been known to rape and murder tourists and walk away scott free, to prosecute them would be bad publicity. Be brave if you must, but it's not the smart way to go if you want a nice peaceful life.

I know you're trying to be helpful but really , when has this happened?? From what I've observed , foreigners enjoy a certain immunity in matters of bad police behavior.

A friend mused why he hadn't just poisoned the cat as that seems to be perfectly acceptable behavior in this society.

Another friend who's Thai was asked whether he thought cops in USA were worse than Thai cops , he agreed . So do I .

I've been held and tortured by a US County Sherriff and I don't see that ever happening here..

I keep mentioning that he has no walls on the house as how can he expect animals, snakes, etc to not make themselves at home ? This is how it's designed , open to the elements essentially . Wait till the chickens start crapping all over it as I'm going to put up screening to keep them out so there won't be any other place for them to go..

" I've been held and tortured by a US County Sherriff and I don't see that ever happening here" ............. Its early days :o Edited by imaneggspurt
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I don't understand your relationship with this guy. How long have you lived there with him living next to you? This can't be your first encounter with him. He's single? If not, don't the wives talk (if your wife is Thai or not). I can't imagine my next door neighbor, "out of the blue," walking up to me and kicking my cat. You must have pissed him off before, or there's some bullshit being spread.

Also, if he was the COP, I would be looking to smoke the peace-pipe with him somehow. Don't make the mistake of being arrogant with him. You can't win, and you might get hurt. I'd be paranoid that he finds out about your post.

I wish I had a Thai wife to cook and clean for me...must be nice . Remember dear, half of us are female..

This guy should hang his head in shame.

Something has happened to y'all from living here. You .....well you've become afraid, very afraid ... of what, a cop at that with everything to lose ??

I could see if I'd ripped him off for say a hundred baht....Yeah then I'd be afraid

I plan on buying him a squirt gun, I bet I can coax a smile out of him - and today started putting up really ugly plastic mesh screening so as to be a good neighbor ..

Maybe He doesn't like me because I, a white potato, dared moved into his sphere and he's a nationalistic little runt who needs a gun to feel like a man ..Y' know a Typical PIG .

He never once said anything , just starts kicking a cat .....

Do fantasize ... Perhaps I'll let the giant T bred have a go at him , he wants to see kicking .....

"I wish I had a Thai wife to cook and clean for me...must be nice . Remember dear, half of us are female.." ( iss a geezer :o )
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My neighbor, who built his house AFTER I was already in my home , out of the blue walked up to me and my cat while standing on the public road between our properties and kicked my cat. As as she ran away he picked up a rock and threw it at her

( he throws like a "girl, " so I laughed...( Cat was OK ) .

I think he would have shot me then if he's been armed.

This is the police chief of Cherng Telay , whom I think feels frustrated I didn't obey his barked order one day order to remove my ugly barbed wire fence keeping neighborhood kids fond of terrorizing horses out of my stable- where they could get killed from panicked horses stomping them.

Or that I'm American and have little automatic respect for Police...

He has no walls on his house and I guess one of my many cats has gone over there and according to a friend who conversed with his wife, makes new baby sick in some way . ) Gee, maybe if he stopped picking his nose or burning plastic refuse, it might help with the family's ailments...

I have the other neighbor's ( Cops too, but neighborly, from Thalang Station ) dozen or so cock fighting roosters, chickens and dogs crapping all over my 2 rai property , that's the way it is here, you put up with sh8t..My Pen Rai.. The Cats aren't ...peeing or crapping in his house...a house with no walls .

His house ( again, that he built AFTER I moved in ) is but 20 meters from my house. He often to burns his garbage so the smoke enters my home . ( Isn't burning household garbage illegal yet in Thailand , not that having a law means anything... )

Really just want to publicly document this behavior of his...

You don't listen to any advice anyway so good luck to you,I think there is more to it then you tell us.

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Motive ? Kick the cat in front of you - get you to react against him - which would have been witnessed by a relative of his easily has his house has no walls (open plan is it?) you arrested and deported and he gets a bigger garden.

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This is the police chief of Cherng Telay

that means connected and you should be real careful..............

I appreciate your comment but fortunately he's not a drinker and I'm betting has a lot to lose with pettily motivated violence on a legally residing foreigner

Tomorrow when I have a helper, I'll try to remedy the cats getting off of my property .

I just want readers to know what kind of infants are in charge in this province.

you sound like someone with a sound head. Be careful...............bad things can happen :o

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He ain't gonna do squat... too vulnerable...


he has a baby , builds a second "weekend" home and furnishes it all in within the same year and drives 2 late model cars .

Lots to hide and I bet a lot of enemies too.

Like a cockroach, small and ugly but I bet more afraid of me...

I wouldn't take that bet at 100:1

btw I have little respect for police as I find most of them are bullies who want to Lord it over others- at least in US.

I don't particularly like many police in the US, but I don't let it color my judgement about police in Thailand

My other neigbors are cops too and are nice enough to me, of course their Cock fighting roosters love the worms in the horse shit compost .

One thing that might help if you decide whether or not you like cops.

What might help even more is if you realize that all the Chief has to do is tell his force to "pay special attention" to his farang neighbor .. and your life could rival a horror movie.

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Motive ? Kick the cat in front of you - get you to react against him - which would have been witnessed by a relative of his easily has his house has no walls (open plan is it?) you arrested and deported and he gets a bigger garden.

I don't know about Thai law, but in many states in the US, no one "owns" a cat .. nor are they responsible for a cat's behavior .. as they are considered wild animals. If Thailand has that same interpretation, the guy kicked a wild animal that had previously strayed onto his property. He didn't kick "your" cat.

But that doesn't really matter. The police chief is definitely one of the locals with whom you want to get along if you don't want to move away.

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Bloody cats, if one of them is a Tom of course he would have been over there marking out his territory. All cats are of course, by nature, bloody stickybeaks.

You did the right thing containing your animals to your own property, dont expect an apology from the guy but maybe he will make a mental note that you at least put in an effort to keep your nosey, pi$$ing cats out of his property.

I would have given it a toe up the bum as well.

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I know you're trying to be helpful but really , when has this happened?? From what I've observed , foreigners enjoy a certain immunity in matters of bad police behavior.

Maybe, but even if true, that only goes so far

A friend mused why he hadn't just poisoned the cat as that seems to be perfectly acceptable behavior in this society.

Because as others have told you, that kick was a virtual kick at you .. a warning.

I keep mentioning that he has no walls on the house as how can he expect animals, snakes, etc to not make themselves at home ? This is how it's designed , open to the elements essentially .

Almost impossible to keep cats and snakes out. And why should he? I never had a wall around my house because I enjoyed the view.

Wait till the chickens start crapping all over it as I'm going to put up screening to keep them out so there won't be any other place for them to go..

You're going to lose this war.

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HorseDoctor, this thread is unusual and interesting. Thanks. But be careful with your emotions and don't do anything provocative or stupid. As others have warned, he could very easily make your life living next to him difficult (or worse). Also, if you see him as being as ongoing disturbance I would suggest you find a more spacious and private location to live with your animals. Even if this involved swallowing a loss (hopefully not) you would be better off and presumably much happier. Bottom line, you just had some lousy luck when he built next to you. I'd accept that fact and move on.

Edited by Lopburi99
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and if you're not married here and have no kids then why raise horses here? surely the US is better, no?

That statement makes zero sense to me ...... :o

cos thai's are not known for taking care of animals very well(visit any zoo or wild life park here)and obviosly the OP is an animal lover why not go back to grass roots and take care of animals back in the USA.Maybe the OP is here for other reasons too,but antagonising local thai's especially local police is a recipe for disaster IMHO.

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