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anybody knows anything ?


Please check the forum guidelines, particularly point 5.

5) We ask you use discretion when using blind references in any post or signature. Not all users of thaivisa.com are experienced enough to understand where these links may point.

Forum Guidelines can be found at the top of each page, or here Forum Guidelines

What I am trying to say is that you should include more information in your thread, not just two links that many people will not click as they are unsure of where it goes or what it is about.


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5) We ask you use discretion when using blind references in any post or signature. Not all users of thaivisa.com are experienced enough to understand where these links may point.

What I am trying to say is that you should include more information in your thread, not just two links that many people will not click as they are unsure of where it goes or what it is about.


I have zero idea what descretion should mean regarding links.

how would u make a dangerous or harmful link less dangerous and harmfull by what information ?

the links are to google newsgroups archive.

newsgroups are something like e-mail groups, older than the www.

a bit out of fashion, not many ppl read news and use newsservers nowadays.

a real link to that tread on usenet would scare ur endangered new users,

but would not be harmful too.

it would open usually ur outlook express and ask u what newsservers u wanna use.

but my links are just links too an archive on google.

it helps ?

IΒ΄m not sure, really.


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I have sent a PM to mai_chop_gohok asking him/her to post some more info. I think it is forth coming. I know more about it but will not post without his/her permission. I hope mai_chop_gohok posts again soon.

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I have sent a PM to mai_chop_gohok asking him/her to post some more info. I think it is forth coming. I know more about it but will not post without his/her permission. I hope mai_chop_gohok posts again soon.

> Does anybody know organisations online who visit and support

> ppl in jail in thailand ?


> I know that there are such organisations, but afaik they mainly

> visit and support foreigners in jail there.


> I look for help for a thai person.


> Thanks,


> Karl

thatΒ΄s my topic and thanks for ur really sensitive moderation and pms :o

this link is to a thread on social.culture.thai with the sad but logical solution that there are no such organisations.

IΒ΄m just asking around if anybody knows anything about this topic.


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Why would you want to help anyone in jail? Surely they are there for a reason?

I find it hard to understand this backpacker need to go and mollycoddle a criminal. They don't do it at home. Why in Thailand?

Well, besides the simple fact that many in Thai prisons aren't even guilty, there's also the issue of Humanity to fellow humans. I'm a firm believer in people paying the price for their actions, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to receive some humanity, too.

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What kind of help do you want for this Thai person - who are they? What is their sentance? Or are you looking for an organisation to volunteer your help?

Which prison?? Connection to you??

Read the link Pand and all will be revealed,

To be honest i can't see why he is getting involved,His story i suppose :o

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Ajarn, My point is that visiting a prisoner has become another stop on the backpacker circuit.

If these people are regular prison visitors in their own contries then fine but then they'd be party to the correct information already.

The last thing Thailand needs is more freelance do gooders.

Prof, I normally agree with you, but I can't this time. I think this world needs more do-gooders and fewer do-baders- no matter how trite or silly that may sound. Maybe some do-gooder can contribute to some do-bader becoming a do-gooder, na'? Faith and Hope, my friend. Stranger things have happened :D

But, I know what you mean about prisoners being on the tourist circuit... Like that in Chiang Mai, too. I once took an Italian lady to the prison at her request, where she proceeded to ask a convicted farang for advice on how to best smuggle heroin... If I wasn't so shocked at that moment, I would have burst out laughing! Dumped her like a hot potato! :o

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I too see what you are saying Ajarn.

However I have to question the motive. If they were there looking for cases of wrongful imprisonment and looking to fight their case then fine. If it's just for self promotion and bragging rights which most people wanting to visit a Thai gaol are seeking, then its very wrong.

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I too see what you are saying Ajarn.

However I have to question the motive. If they were there looking for cases of wrongful imprisonment and looking to fight their case then fine. If it's just for self promotion and bragging rights which most people wanting to visit a Thai gaol are seeking, then its very wrong.

Anyone with such motives is suspect in my book, too. Not condemnation at the outset, perhaps, but worth a suspicious lookover, for sure :o

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The expat prisoners have worked hard to make prison visiting a part of the tourist backpack trail. If they are happy with that, and many tourists are - what is the problem. It is a good thing to do and can be an eye opener. So what if those ppl do not visit prisons in the UK - that is a totally different thing altogether.

The point is that many prisoners here are a long way from their family, if they have family at all. They do receive extrememly long sentances, and suffer from acute boredom as the prisons do not provide books, work, or anything to occupy their time. Especially the food is almost inedible and they lack many basic necessities as Thai prisoners usually have family to provide for them. Visitors can and do offer many of these things - new books and magazines, some decent food, razor blades for shaving, soap etc... As well as a break from the monotony and boredom.

Many of the prisoners in Bangkwang do not want visitors, and the guards at the gate provide a list of inmates who desire contact. So there is no harm done anyone.

The linked web site is not working at the moment so I still do not know what this whole thread is about. But anyway - Prisoners Abroad provide a lot of services for Expat prisoners - and much of their activity is helping the family in other countries. So that should include you even if your ex wife is Thai.

I don't suppose you could make it easier and just paste the article in to this thread. I may very well be able to offer some help through the Buddhist charity I am part of. And I am not a backpacker :o

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The linked web site is not working at the moment so I still do not know what this whole thread is about. But anyway - Prisoners Abroad provide a lot of services for Expat prisoners - and much of their activity is helping the family in other countries. So that should include you even if your ex wife is Thai.

I have zero problems with backpackers, I was backpacking for many years.

Thanks for mentioning "Prisoners Abroad", cause thatΒ΄s an organisation I was lookin for but forgot the name of it.

A while ago did read a book of an english girl in bkk jail who got a lot of support of them about 25 years ago.

Remembering that story brought me the idea to start this search for NGOs that could help.

According to that book Prisoners Abroad is in many countries and was founded in US,

but I find no websites or adresses from US or thailand.

But maybe I still mix their name up, I donΒ΄t know.

I wrote them an e-mail right now as I did to many NGOs allready without any answer ever yet.

What group do u work for if I may ask ?

Here are some links again to archives with the discussion on SCT,

a newsgroup called social.culture.thai,

actually this groups (the so called "usenet") are older than the www,

itΒ΄s a technic simular to e-mail, out of fashion,

in case u use any newsserver just search for a thread "jail" in "social.culture.thai :

google newgroups archive

u need to browse for "soc." there, then for "soc.culture.thai", then for the thread "jail"

soc.culture.thai on google newsgroups archive

u need to browse for the thread "jail"

thread "jail" on google

thread "jail" on google without frames

first posting in the thread on google

a faq about the usenet

another usenet faq

google usenet faq

no clue whatΒ΄s wrong on google,

right now every link I posted in this thread works.



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A few years ago I read the book 4000 days by Warren Fellows, or something like that. My 16 year ol daughter read it also. It was quite disturbing first hand account of 10 years spent in a bangkok prison. After doing a seach on the internet (4 years ago) and seeing the prisoners wanted visitors, we did after that go visit two prisoners there. The ones wanting visitors sign up and you can get the names from your embassy.

Whether or not it is on the backpacker circuit, if the people in there want visitors -- by all means go and visit. There are also groups of missionaries that go daily and hold prayer sessions. I think it would be nice if the visitors had read about the prison before so they have a little empathy and don't start out by grilling the prisoner as to if they did it or not.

You have to understand that in the case of many of the drug smugglers, and I'm talking about he ones who did it, they were set up. It is basically a 'tax' that the money men give up these carriers to the police/ so many a year. The police aren't doing brilliant investigation to ferret out these people, a phone call is made to the right person and that is how it goes down. The biggies are fat dumb and happy. Drug smuggling is wrong, the point is that a lot of time the small fries end up doing the most time and the biggies go laregly unscathed.

The prison my daughter visited had been in since he was 20 and he was almost 30. The prisoner I visited had been in about 7 years.


My Webpage

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Thanks for mentioning "Prisoners Abroad", cause thatΒ΄s an organisation I was lookin for but forgot the name of it.

A while ago did read a book of an english girl in bkk jail who got a lot of support of them about 25 years ago.

Remembering that story brought me the idea to start this search for NGOs that could help.

According to that book Prisoners Abroad is in many countries and was founded in US,

but I find no websites or adresses from US or thailand.

But maybe I still mix their name up, I donΒ΄t know.

I wrote them an e-mail right now as I did to many NGOs allready without any answer ever yet.

well, I got my first answer ever from any NGO I ever asked :

> u donΒ΄t know any organisations that could care for a thai prisoner ?


> sorry to bother u, but after many tries this was the first answer ever

> to me from any NGO I asked.


> Karl Jacob


> Alan Hooker wrote:

>> Thank you for your e mail. We only offer services to British

>> prisoners.


>> Alan Hooker

>> Casework Manager

>> 020 7561 6862

>> Prisoners Abroad, 89-93 Fonthill Road, London, N4 3JH

>> www.prisonersabroad.org.uk

>> Charity No: 1093710




>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: Karl Jacob [mailto:[email protected]]

>> Sent: 05 December 2004 17:13

>> To: [email protected]

>> Subject: hello



>> I look for help for my thai ex wife.


>> She is in jail in phuket/thailand for murder.


>> Her name is Nattiya Mapiam.


>> Do u help thai prisoners or know wny organisation that could help ?


>> Thanks,


>> Karl Jacob,


>> munich, germany

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Ajarn, My point is that visiting a prisoner has become another stop on the backpacker circuit.

If these people are regular prison visitors in their own contries then fine but then they'd be party to the correct information already.

The last thing Thailand needs is more freelance do gooders.

Prof, I normally agree with you, but I can't this time. I think this world needs more do-gooders and fewer do-baders- no matter how trite or silly that may sound. Maybe some do-gooder can contribute to some do-bader becoming a do-gooder, na'? Faith and Hope, my friend. Stranger things have happened :D

But, I know what you mean about prisoners being on the tourist circuit... Like that in Chiang Mai, too. I once took an Italian lady to the prison at her request, where she proceeded to ask a convicted farang for advice on how to best smuggle heroin... If I wasn't so shocked at that moment, I would have burst out laughing! Dumped her like a hot potato! :o

I'd be more inclined to ask someone who got away with it. Someone banged up is not likely to be a font of knowlege :D

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I'd be more inclined to ask someone who got away with it. Someone banged up is not likely to be a font of knowlege
How many such people do you know? From someone who got caught you can find out how not to do it, this also is valuable info. :o:D
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I don't suppose you could just cut and paste an article about her, and contact infomation instead of a load of links that don't work in my browser, or links to other threads that also do not just openly state who and where she is and how you would like someone to help. Several people here have posted with the same feeling. At the moment you have only posted sometimes working links to ittty bitty paper trails that give bits and bobs of info.

Just paste the darn story, and contact info for her, your relationship to her, and PM an email for you. Then maybe one of us can consider offering some help. As for usenet - never heard of it and never used it. You are making this whole thing difficult for anyone to help.

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What is Usenet?

Usenet is a world-wide distributed discussion system. It consists of a set of "newsgroups" with names that are classified hierarchically by subject. "Articles" or "messages" are "posted" to these newsgroups by people on computers with the appropriate software -- these articles are then broadcast to other interconnected computer systems via a wide variety of networks.

it is old..

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Ajarn, My point is that visiting a prisoner has become another stop on the backpacker circuit.

If these people are regular prison visitors in their own contries then fine but then they'd be party to the correct information already.

The last thing Thailand needs is more freelance do gooders.

Prof, I normally agree with you, but I can't this time. I think this world needs more do-gooders and fewer do-baders- no matter how trite or silly that may sound. Maybe some do-gooder can contribute to some do-bader becoming a do-gooder, na'? Faith and Hope, my friend. Stranger things have happened :D

But, I know what you mean about prisoners being on the tourist circuit... Like that in Chiang Mai, too. I once took an Italian lady to the prison at her request, where she proceeded to ask a convicted farang for advice on how to best smuggle heroin... If I wasn't so shocked at that moment, I would have burst out laughing! Dumped her like a hot potato! :D

I'd be more inclined to ask someone who got away with it. Someone banged up is not likely to be a font of knowlege :D

Exactly! That kind of piss-poor judgement coming from some crazy (albeit very sexy) Italian broad with three kinds of drugs up here c*nt is why I steared clear after that. Oh... the advice was to put it in a glass tube... :o

She later wrote me a postcard (do people do that anymore?) telling me she passed customs in 3 European countries on her way back to Italy...

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