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then I will be looking out for full-page advertisements taken out by governments that have shaky currencies

in case they give notice of default :rolleyes: how many days notice to the have to give? Is it 7 or 14 days? :ph34r:

look at the link you posted and you find the answer to your question. i consider it as ignorant to mention "7 or 14days", but it is in line what the usual suspects and gold promoters write in their blogs.

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yes but today she uses baht to buy something and then in the not to far future shell probably be paying 2x baht

not so far future = unspecified time frame; 100 inflation = unsubstantiated assumption.

interesting is that the "Bernankes" of various countries would like to see inflation. what they fear and try to fight is a deflationary scenario.

gold and silver for me is not an investment or to make a profit its an insurance policy in these mad times

agreed. but the premium one pays for that insurance should equate the result when a pay-out is due. on this the jury is still out and deliberating.

myself id rather risk gold or silver than almost any fiat currency except maybe swiss franc

looking at the last 20 (twenty) years performance of CHF vs. major currencies shows clearly that holding Swiss Francs was a zero sum game and the result was a loss considering that CHF investments provided tiny yields compared to investments denominated in other currencies.

the picture changes in favour of the Swiss Franc when looking at its rapid appreciation starting in 2007. but that appreciation is now capped by the recent peg to the €UR.


hey Naam .....

Es gibt kein Zurück zur D-Mark! :blink:

that is unfortunately the case no matter how much i'd like a "zurück". but then i follow an age old German saying "there are lots of other mothers who have goodlooking daughters with big tits."

yes but today she uses baht to buy something and then in the not to far future shell probably be paying 2x baht

not so far future = unspecified time frame; 100 inflation = unsubstantiated assumption.

interesting is that the "Bernankes" of various countries would like to see inflation. what they fear and try to fight is a deflationary scenario.

Ok whenever but my point is valid and if your talking gold today she might be paying 1 baht for that handbag and sometime in future probably only 1/2 baht or less of gold until world stops printing money of course in Baht as in baht notes not currency she might well be paying 10,000 baht today and soon 100,000 baht notes for same item. On other hand if she bought that handbag in 1980 she might have had to pay 1 baht gold and by 2000 10 baht gold since people forget form 1980 to around 2000 gold was the absolute worst place to put your paper money and property was Now and for a few years I am betting gold will be best place and property not good but if like us you bought your property or most of it from 1975-1985 no problem and well keep most of our stuff in property and of course the handbags shoes and other bits most women cant seem to live without but then some men cant live without their techie toys. So question is would your wife prefer to have say 500k baht or say 25 baht of gold over next few months and simply sell it baht at a time to get that wonderful cash money ? Being a woman shell probably cleverly answer both please dear. rolleyes.gif

gold and silver for me is not an investment or to make a profit its an insurance policy in these mad times

agreed. but the premium one pays for that insurance should equate the result when a pay-out is due. on this the jury is still out and deliberating.

agreed but id still like to keep the insurance and i reckon theirs a very good chance pay out when it comes will be very high as long of course as one is fairly quick to make the claim

myself id rather risk gold or silver than almost any fiat currency except maybe swiss franc

looking at the last 20 (twenty) years performance of CHF vs. major currencies shows clearly that holding Swiss Francs was a zero sum game and the result was a loss considering that CHF investments provided tiny yields compared to investments denominated in other currencies.

the picture changes in favour of the Swiss Franc when looking at its rapid appreciation starting in 2007. but that appreciation is now capped by the recent peg to the €UR.

pegged for moment but maybe like Hong Kong $ not for long but generally I agree however I remember when you got 8 swiss francs to GBP and what is it today around 1.5 Ive got no swiss francs but maybe I should since its probably not going to sink like likely for US$ GBP and Euro If we lived in europe i almost certainly would keep say 10-20,000 swiss francs for day to day use if/when euro crashes and GBP crashes. Here gold is better particularly in small bits. You can now get 1/4 baht gold coins here which although they have a premium of around 400 baht a baht over normal 5 or 10 baht bars we have a small stack of just in case for necessities. We also have a collection of 1/8th baht pieces which are fantastic works of art in themselves but have around 800 baht a baht premium. These are an absolute bargain IMO for workmanship as is gold here at only around 1/2 % buy/sell spread as long as you dont buy jewelry (100 baht a baht)

the picture changes in favour of the Swiss Franc when looking at its rapid appreciation starting in 2007. but that appreciation is now capped by the recent peg to the €UR.
pegged for moment but maybe like Hong Kong $ not for long

the peg of the Hong Kong Dollar to the US-Dollar exists since more than 28 years (only ±1% fluctuation allowed) and is still in place.

that does of course not necessarily apply to the Swiss Franc. inspite of the threats by the Swiss National Bank to defend the peg to the €UR with all available means there is no way to avoid appreciation if the currency markets decide to go for it.

the picture changes in favour of the Swiss Franc when looking at its rapid appreciation starting in 2007. but that appreciation is now capped by the recent peg to the €UR.
pegged for moment but maybe like Hong Kong $ not for long

the peg of the Hong Kong Dollar to the US-Dollar exists since more than 28 years (only ±1% fluctuation allowed) and is still in place.

that does of course not necessarily apply to the Swiss Franc. inspite of the threats by the Swiss National Bank to defend the peg to the €UR with all available means there is no way to avoid appreciation if the currency markets decide to go for it.

Could the HKD or any other currency (say the CNY) defend a peg if the market decides to go for it?

the picture changes in favour of the Swiss Franc when looking at its rapid appreciation starting in 2007. but that appreciation is now capped by the recent peg to the €UR.
pegged for moment but maybe like Hong Kong $ not for long

the peg of the Hong Kong Dollar to the US-Dollar exists since more than 28 years (only ±1% fluctuation allowed) and is still in place.

that does of course not necessarily apply to the Swiss Franc. inspite of the threats by the Swiss National Bank to defend the peg to the €UR with all available means there is no way to avoid appreciation if the currency markets decide to go for it.

Could the HKD or any other currency (say the CNY) defend a peg if the market decides to go for it?

HKD no, CNY definitely yes for two reasons, only tradeable with huge restrictions nd hurdles plus a potential unlimited supply by the Chinese printing presses. the latter would not make a big impact on the Chinese money supply as opposed what the impact would be on the (in comparison) Swiss dwarf country.


hey Naam .....

Es gibt kein Zurück zur D-Mark! :blink:

that is unfortunately the case no matter how much i'd like a "zurück". but then i follow an age old German saying "there are lots of other mothers who have goodlooking daughters with big tits."

We are all living and some working in a never changing world, the truth is Banks have borrowed far far to much and are vastly over leveraged, this was in part achieved by Europe, by borrow in the hope there was no tomorrow kick the can further down the slipper'ee road.

Going down the USA ROUTE BORROW, Borrow, pay back later.

Do we in Europe print more. "Ask Germany" The French are Fuc*** They leant all there hard earned money to Greece.

The Italians well look at 123% GDP.

The 400 or so Billion that is there is not even enough to bail out Greece which will eventually need €480 bil.

Then there is us the Irish well we got 1.6% growth this year no half measure when Greece was -5.3 Italy .06 France 1.1% Spain at .04%.

We got Google me and Twitter and Facebook headquarters set up in Ireland, What worries me is what if just what if the Internet stops ye

unthinkable but well then we allways got Veagra to fall back on. Oh GUINNESS .

Kick the can down the road a little more. Now the UK Wants out of the Euro.

For me gold is a stable pocket money buy. Silver i have been buying for 25 years, tea sets, bullion, knives, forks, spoons, it was a fascination when i was younger now i am happily sitting on a large amount of silver i bought scrap at times at car boot sales.

I think i was buying silver when i was $4 a once.


a nice lil 750 jump this morning..

is this in preparation for the 'options thing' again??

feeling i should maybe sell a bit again..


Today I think was just EURO fears again as you notice the dollar was slightly up today not down.

Yes I believe tomorrow Oct 26th is options expiration day & again on Nov 22nd

May not be so bad this time (Like Sept. 27th was)but we will see.

As for selling I am not a in & out kind of guy & have been long since Oct 2008

I have not seen one reason to sell since.


Worried About Silver? Listen to Eric Sprott’s Stump Speech

Hedge fund manager Eric Sprott’s speech at this week’s Silver Summit turned a room full of nervous precious metals owners into pumped-up silver buyers. Some of the highlights are posted below, and here’s a link to a recent Financial Sense interview where he makes many of the same points.

* The US Mint sells about the same dollar amount of gold and silver coins, which means it sells 50 ounces of silver for every ounce of gold. It’s more or less the same story at GoldMoney and Sprott Money.

* Ten times more silver than gold is produced each year, and the ratio in the earth’s crust is 15:1, so how can the price be 50:1? Expect a return to the historical norm of 15:1, which implies that silver will outperform gold.

* The demand/supply picture has seen a 380 million ounce per year positive swing — in a 900 million ounce market. Where is the silver coming from?

* The paper silver markets trade a billion ounces a day and the world only produces 900 million in a year. The amount available for settlement of these futures contracts is something like 1.5 million ounces, ludicrously little compared to the amount of paper.

* “On the physical side I’m seeing only buyers.”

* “There are a lot more people who can afford a one-ounce silver coin than an ounce of gold.”

* Gold will be a reserve currency and silver will also play a role.

* “We tried to buy 15 million ounces of silver and had to wait three months — and some of the silver we got was manufactured after we ordered. So there’s not a lot of silver sitting on shelves waiting for people to buy it.”

* “Somewhere along the line some manufacturer will say ‘I can’t get the silver I want’ and the jig’s up.”

* People will prefer gold and silver to having money in a bank where there’s tremendous counterparty risk. Three months ago Dexia was considered to be the best capitalized European bank and now they’ve been nationalized.

* “You go to some of the biggest names who own gold and ask them about silver and a lot of them haven’t even looked at it.”

* Central banks are selling gold surreptitiously.

* “It’s shocking how undervalued the junior miners are…Gold and silver stocks are growth stocks. They all have a plan to increase production dramatically. Small miners can start a new mine and double in size…The relative value of gold stocks will become apparent with time…The breakout, when it comes, will be very sudden.”


* "On the physical side I'm seeing only buyers."

Obvious nonsense from Sprott

Please tell me where anywhere in world I can walk into a dealer or mint and get off shelf say 5000 silver 1 onz coins immediately without paying a premium of 10% or so and no vat is payable preferably as close to Thailand as possible and ill book my flight later. Ive searched internet for days and its all can order and noone in Hong Kong seems to sell for walk in customers anywhere please you will be my hero. Of course their are some sellers but buyers far far exceed sellers


* "On the physical side I'm seeing only buyers."

Obvious nonsense from Sprott

The explanation for that phenomenon is quite simple. The silver is sold by "Species 8089", non-humanoid beings who are invisible. They dwell in the Omega quadrant where they occupy a solar system which has two planets consisting of highest purity silver, rotating in sinus wave pattern around a golden sun at a ratio of 15:1 per Baht weight during 1 kilopond-hour.

source: http://www.naams_büllshàt.com

p.s. "8089" silver traders become visible to earthlings after the latter consumed 2 bottles of old good Port.


* "On the physical side I'm seeing only buyers."

Obvious nonsense from Sprott

Please tell me where anywhere in world I can walk into a dealer or mint and get off shelf say 5000 silver 1 onz coins immediately without paying a premium of 10% or so and no vat is payable preferably as close to Thailand as possible and ill book my flight later. Ive searched internet for days and its all can order and noone in Hong Kong seems to sell for walk in customers anywhere please you will be my hero. Of course their are some sellers but buyers far far exceed sellers

no seller = no buyer. that applies to anything which can be bought and sold... period!


i wish i could short sprotts silver fund

lol at trading at a 20% premium u have got to be kidding.

15% tax rate aside L O L ?

CEF is 50% silver and it has a premium of 3% last i checked.

i guess that means Gold is over priced by 17% over spot ?

something not adding up here.


Hey Naam

when I went back to Australia a few weeks ago I purchased a gold coin while I was there.

They made it especially for me !

I didn't bring it back to Thailand with me but you can see a picture of it in this video and how it was made for me

Do you like my new Gold coin? much better than carpets Naam :lol:


Hey Naam

when I went back to Australia a few weeks ago I purchased a gold coin while I was there.

They made it especially for me !

I didn't bring it back to Thailand with me but you can see a picture of it in this video and how it was made for me

Do you like my new Gold coin? much better than carpets Naam :lol:

keep on dreaming Midas :lol:


a nice lil 750 jump this morning..

is this in preparatikon for the 'options thing' again??

feeling i should maybe sell a bit again..


Robin Griffiths of Cazenove out of London. Cazenove Capital is the appointed stockbroker to Her Majesty The Queen.

The rise in the last 24 hours is Diwali, it’s the Indians doing it.”



I had been waiting for the 60/1 GSR & while we did hit it one night briefly a few weeks back...Although at night so I could do nothing about it physically....

I am starting to think I missed my chance as we now dip below 50/1


Robin Griffiths of Cazenove out of London. Cazenove Capital is the appointed stockbroker to Her Majesty The Queen.

The rise in the last 24 hours is Diwali, it’s the Indians doing it.”


the Indians were involved but the US-Dollar fell against most currencies in the last few days causing most of the "spike".


Another reason...If you dont hold it you dont own it....

‘D-Day’ Near For GLD

On the 11th day, of the 11th month, of the 11th year (November 11, 2011) the self-imposed cap on the rate of dilution for this fund expires. From this point onward, the fund will be diluted by any/all “expenses” incurred while administering the fund. This becomes especially important at this point in time, given one of the specific risks of dilution which the fund warns of in its prospectus:

“The Trust may be required to terminate and liquidate at a time which is disadvantageous to Shareholders.”

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